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defford road


Staff member
hi all. just aquired these 6 photos of defford road which was alongside burbury st park. apart from keith acton i hope they may bring back some memories for some of you. wales. ps hope your house is here keith.
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Hi Wales - great photos, thanks for posting them. I have an interest in Defford Road, my nan, great grandparents and family were living there in 1913 at No. 3 Defford Road.

If there any way of knowing if these pictures show No. 3?

hi jules. glad you like them. its a pity that on all 6 we cant see the numbers on doors. ive zoomed in a far as i can but no good. if you wait till keith acton sees them he may have an idea as he lived at 26 i beleive. lyn
Lyn - I am so thankful to you for posting these photographs. Memories have flooded back.

The tree that I mentioned is shown on the photograph of Severn Grove - also my grans house.

I will post a little explanitory note relating to each photograph for you. Once again Lyn, thank you so, so much... my eyes are filling at the moment.........

hi all. just aquired these 6 photos of defford road which was alongside burbury st park. apart from keith acton i hope they may bring back some memories for some of you. wales. ps hope your house is here keith.

Map of Defford Road showing photograph positions and angles;

Photograph No 1
Looking up from the barber shop (previously posted) on the corner of Burbury street/Defford Road

Photograph 2
Shows the Payne's house No 28 (my house just visible to the left No 26). The tree was on the border of the Payne's and my nan's house (she lived next door to the Payne's in Severn Grove.

Photograph 3
The corner shop on the bend in the street - photograph taken from outside my house (directly opposite)

Photograph 4
Taken just below photograph 2 looking towards Burbury Street. Notice high chimney in the distance - believed to be Lucas'?

Photograph 5
Shows corner shop Guthrie Street/Defford Road. Taken from Guthrie Street looking down towards the bend.

Photograph 6
Shows the fruit and veg shop corner of Guthrie Street/Defford Road (opposite photo 5). Taken from Guthrie Street looking down towards the bend. My house in the distance behing Mini.

Here is a photograph previously posted by wales under Burbury Street that shows the barber shop on the corner of Burbury Street and Defford Road.

keith. heres an 1864 map. its a bit hazy so you will have to fiddle about with it. i can make out farm st villa st and im sure it says burbury road not street. looking at where farm st is and friends hall behind there should be defford road. cant see it but there is an area where the park is now. see what you think lyn
Thanks lyn. I have checked on a 1890 map but can not find Defford Road. Burbury Street is there...

Therefore, if Defford Road was built around the turn of the century, the houses were only approximately 60 years old when they were demolished? Raising the question, why demolish the 'newer' lower end of Burbury Street by the park and preserve the 'older' houses situated at the upper end?

agreed keith. on looking again there is no nursery road marked or the streets church anglesly carpenters. brougham st and villa st are there which backs up my theory that they were the two oldest streets cominging off nursery road and thats why they were demolished and the others left in tact. looking at the map again would you say that burbury st used to be call burbury road as thats what is written. lyn
Lyn, in 1890 it is Burbury Street. Map shows park and barron land where Defford Road is later situated.

hi keith. think ive got defford road on this 1840 map. i did always think the lower half was older than the top. see what you think. lyn
keith cancel the last mess. my mistake its a 1940s map. will have a lie down i think lol lyn
Have been reading both Keith and Lyn's posts with great interest. That is a fantastic map Lyn. I too have often wondered which parts of these streets were built first and how did the Council decide which ones to demolish.

Keith, my house in the top end of Burbury I was always told built for the Master Jewellers of Hockley. Having now seen census for this address in 1901 it does not ever seemed to have been the home of a master jeweller, though there are still bell fittings in the hall for summoning the servant or servants.

Can I ask Keith please that you describe the layout of your house in Defford Road - if you can remember. Did it for instance have a bay window at the front? As I think I have said before my family lived at 3 Defford Road in 1913 and for sometime before that. They moved from there to 255 Burbury Street and then further up into 282 and 280. So I would have thought that the houses in the top half of Burbury Street although possible older may have been larger?

Do any of Lyn's photo's show No. 3 Defford Road by any chance.

Thanks to both of you for your help and the wonderful pictures and maps.

seems you could be right keith. but it does seem strange demolishing houses not that old. i will be going to the central library soon so if you like i will put it down on my list of things to find out and have an delve in the maps section. lyn
Have been reading both Keith and Lyn's posts with great interest. That is a fantastic map Lyn. I too have often wondered which parts of these streets were built first and how did the Council decide which ones to demolish.

Keith, my house in the top end of Burbury I was always told built for the Master Jewellers of Hockley. Having now seen census for this address in 1901 it does not ever seemed to have been the home of a master jeweller, though there are still bell fittings in the hall for summoning the servant or servants.

Can I ask Keith please that you describe the layout of your house in Defford Road - if you can remember. Did it for instance have a bay window at the front? As I think I have said before my family lived at 3 Defford Road in 1913 and for sometime before that. They moved from there to 255 Burbury Street and then further up into 282 and 280. So I would have thought that the houses in the top half of Burbury Street although possible older may have been larger?

Do any of Lyn's photo's show No. 3 Defford Road by any chance.

Thanks to both of you for your help and the wonderful pictures and maps.


Jules - the road consisted of houses with bay windows and those without. My house didn't have such a window, however next doors did.

No 3 Defford Road is visible on photograph One. (first house up from Barber Shop) I am 99.9% sure that it is the first house on the right. When did your relatives leave that house?

Jules - the road consisted of houses with bay windows and those without. My house didn't have such a window, however next doors did.

No 3 Defford Road is visible on photograph One. (first house up from Barber Shop) I am 99.9% sure that it is the first house on the right. When did your relatives leave that house?


Thank you Keith. It seems that No. 3 then would have had a bay window.

I don't know when they left Defford Road. They were there in 1913 as i have postcards sent to the family there postmarked. In 1918 in the absent voters records they are now at 255 Burbury Street.

There was talk of my family owning or running a shop by Burbury Park. Trouble is don't know if its on my mother's side of the family or my dads. Also don't know what this shop sold though may have been a greengrocers or a sweet shop (not much difference between the two - lol) . When you talk about the Barbers Shop on the cornor of Defford Road, Burbury Street I am wondering whether it was always a Barbers. As it would seem to me that it would have been around the early 1900's.

Sorry to keep "picking" your brains!!

Thank you Keith. It seems that No. 3 then would have had a bay window.

I don't know when they left Defford Road. They were there in 1913 as i have postcards sent to the family there postmarked. In 1918 in the absent voters records they are now at 255 Burbury Street.

There was talk of my family owning or running a shop by Burbury Park. Trouble is don't know if its on my mother's side of the family or my dads. Also don't know what this shop sold though may have been a greengrocers or a sweet shop (not much difference between the two - lol) . When you talk about the Barbers Shop on the cornor of Defford Road, Burbury Street I am wondering whether it was always a Barbers. As it would seem to me that it would have been around the early 1900's.

Sorry to keep "picking" your brains!!


My pleasure Jules. In those days, almost every corner building was a shop?

For instance opposite the main entrance to Burbury Park (Burbury Street) there was four shops; a tobacconists (run by two lovely old spinster sisters), a sweet shop (Adam's ?), a wool shop (corner of Defford Road/Burbury Street and the the Barber shop (opposite corner.

seems you could be right keith. but it does seem strange demolishing houses not that old. i will be going to the central library soon so if you like i will put it down on my list of things to find out and have an delve in the maps section. lyn

Lyn - Jules has evidence that the road existed in 1913, therefore they must have been built between 1890 and 1913?

hi jules. glad you are enjoying this thread. even ive got involved in defford and burbury now and they are not of such interest to me except that i did have an ancester living at no 5 court 6 house burbury st. in 1881. now its got me wondering whether that was the top or bottom. i have a feeling it was the bottom. must try and find out. about you wondering why the bottom end was demolished and not the top. my self and keith hve been down a couple of times now and if you look you will see that all the new estate was built from nursery road down. all the houses as far as the city centre were flattened for redevelopement. and not just houses. pubs schools churches they all went in the name of progress and do you know what i find most annoying is the fact that not much more than 40 years on since the redevelopemnt the council are now demolishing those new houses again. so much for progress and better building materials. lyn
hi jules. glad you are enjoying this thread. even ive got involved in defford and burbury now and they are not of such interest to me except that i did have an ancester living at no 5 court 6 house burbury st. in 1881. now its got me wondering whether that was the top or bottom. i have a feeling it was the bottom. must try and find out. about you wondering why the bottom end was demolished and not the top. my self and keith hve been down a couple of times now and if you look you will see that all the new estate was built from nursery road down. all the houses as far as the city centre were flattened for redevelopement. and not just houses. pubs schools churches they all went in the name of progress and do you know what i find most annoying is the fact that not much more than 40 years on since the redevelopemnt the council are now demolishing those new houses again. so much for progress and better building materials. lyn

I totally agree Lyn... keith
jules and keith. you may find this of interest. its a list of births that were advertised in the birmingham newpapers from 1887. also lots more. just spotted 26th sept 1887 244 burbury st name of bowker a son samuel. google warwickshire births extracts from newspapers. must have a go at posting links this takes to long lol lyn
Lyn - Jules has evidence that the road existed in 1913, therefore they must have been built between 1890 and 1913?


Hi Keith

Had a look at a few more postcards. There are a lot to go through and they are all in an album so each card has to be taken out to be examined. The earliest I have found now addressed to Defford Road is postmarked July 1911. I have found the family on the 1901 census and their address then was 122 Bridge Street West.

I have postcards addressed to the at 255 Burbury Street in what looks like 1915 but it is not very clear.

Hope this helps.

even ive got involved in defford and burbury now and they are not of such interest to me except that i did have an ancester living at no 5 court 6 house burbury st. in 1881. now its got me wondering whether that was the top or bottom. i have a feeling it was the bottom. must try and find out. lyn

Hi Lyn

Unless they have changed the numbers of the houses in the street, I'm sure you ancestor must have been living at the bottom of Burbury Street. The houses are numbered as you walk up Burbury Street towards Lozells Road are ascending with odd numbers on the left hand side and even numbers on the right.

I was sure that my house in Burbury Street had a plaque with the year it was built on there. But my memory was playing tricks with me. When I looked at it the other week the plaque is there but just states the name of the two houses being Waverly Villas.

I have a copy somewhere of the 1901 census for this address so it was definetely built then. I was of the opinion that the newer larger houses were at the top of the street and the ones at the bottom were built first. But this is just a "guess" really and I have no evidence to back this up.

hi jules its got no 5 court 6 house burbury st for my ancestors on the 1881 census. if i read it right this means they lived at the back of no 5. the below photo which i thought you keith and others may like to see is of the queens head pub on the corner of burbury st and bridge st west. ive had a look at my kellys and according to that the pub was number 1 which would mean my ancestors lived next to the shop you can see. i think the church at the bottom of bridge st west is st saviours with the back of farm st school just past the church. no doubt i will be corrected if my guess is wrong. anyway hope you like the pic lyn
The houses were renumbered in Burberry st between Kelly's of 1876 and 1896. In the first incarnation I can't quite get my head round it as there seem to be 2 of several of the numberings, but the street isn't divided into two parts as it is in 1876, the additions seem random. In 1876 I can't work out how it works, most even are one side and odd the other, but there are exceptions and some numbers are duplicated.In 1896(actually 1875), it still goes Gt King St to Lozells road, but even nos on east side and odd on west. Numbering goes from one end to the other, but list is divided into Lozells section (lozells to defford rd) and Hockley section (defford rd to gt king st) . If anyone wants the listings i can put them onMike