Richard Dye
master brummie
Same with me on both counts............joe its still saying my connection is not said i wonder if its a problem my end....
Same with me on both counts............joe its still saying my connection is not said i wonder if its a problem my end....
Thank you Mike & thank you Joe! Great article........I think it is not https, and this means that on some browsers you cannot see it. I get message that site is not secure, but by going to advanced and then clicking on bottom of the page I can see it. It is quite interesting. Possibly one of the techies on the forum can explain better
Great article and great coaching name for a fast gallop !From the Hen and Chickens, Birmingham, Jan 25, 1837. (And from the Old Sporting Magazine.)
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The journey from London to Birmingham by the "Tantivy."
Tim, just reading this does seem like a LOT on money, particularly back then!That is serious money in anyones language .
A few months ago forum members were extremely generous with the supply of information to aid my understanding of the route followed by a stagecoach service called the Wonder that operated between Shrewsbury and London on a daily basis. Both Charles Darwin and Charles Dickens were amongst its passengers.
My intentions to cycle along the route of the Wonder were postponed due to the limitations on travel and accommodation brought on by the Coronavirus.
I have completed a 2 day cycle ride that follows the stagecoach route from Harlech to Shrewsbury which was one of several feeder routes from Wales into Shrewsbury, where passengers could board the Wonder service to London. Charles Darwin used the route from Barmouth immediately before his departure to London.
So this is the link to Part 1of my story and will send part 2 for forum members to later in the year:
A stagecoach named The Wonder journeyed from Shrewsbury to London in a day. Famous passengers included Charles Darwin and Charles Dickens.
I am planning a cycle ride to retrace the route and have obtained a stagecoach timetable that says The Wonder would stop in Birmingham and obtain fresh horses before riding to its next staging post in Coventry.
Do any members of this forum know the name of the Birmingham coaching Inn that this stagecoach may have used. I am assuming the Inn would be in the city centre.
Your advice will be welcomed. Thank you - Joe
I'm so glad everyone enjoyed it and hope the story of my journey adds to the breadth of information held by Birmingham History forum.A most enjoyable read and an excellent journey/quest. There were many highlights but perhaps your most fortuitous was the 'final' visit to the Inn at Mona. Tremendous stuff.
I completed my cycling journey that tells the story of the 5 sea ports that link Ireland with Wales that includes Holyhead and the setting off point / destination of parliamentary mail ( and Parliamentarians ) that my previous adventures follwed through Birmingham as they travelled between London / Westminster and Ireland/ Dublin Castle during the 'Union Years' . Called the Celtic Cycling Circle it is posted on I followed the East Coast of Ireland and witnessed sunrise, then the West Coast of Wales to savour Sunset. My wife says the story is an excellent remedy for insomnia.I'm so glad everyone enjoyed it and hope the story of my journey adds to the breadth of information held by Birmingham History forum.
My next cycling adventure is to understand, cycle along and tell the story of the 5 sea ports that link Wales with Holyhead - needless to say my crossing of the Irish sea will be by ferry !
With thanks and best wishes,
Dear Joe, really enjoyed your 'blog' on your journey. Just wondered if you can shed any light on the following. James Pollard painted a picture of the 1829 Wonder Coach, it is sometimes titled, in it's print form, etched by Rosenburg, The Birmingham Stage Coach. In this depiction the stage coach door, which would normally carry the name of the coach owner and proprietor, it has the name J. Hall I have so far failed to locate this name, at least at a date that fits the depiction of the coach. From my understanding the names on the coach should actually be Taylor or Sherman? Any enlightenment greatly appreciated. Kind regards Tom NichollsCertainly, with greatest of pleasure - its the least I can do.
The journey will begin at the end of this month with a 'taster-ride' from The Lion Hotel in Shrewsbury visiting the coach staging posts to Wolverhampton. I will then post a link to my cycling blog for that part of journey for forum members to read, then in June I will proceed from Wolverhampton to London.
I am so grateful for all the helpful comments posted by the forum. These will avoid my ignorance resulting in errors !