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City Centre Photographs

Re: City Centre Photo Album

Hi cookie 273uk; I wonder? why you liked it when it was full of dead dogs/cats
thilth oil slicks, 45gl drums and any other industrial waste that could be dumped in
it as I remember on my way home from school at St Peters now Brindley Place.
I was proud recently to show one of my relatives from Australia what Birmingham
had done with an eyesore" BLOTT ON THE LANDSCAPE" please believe me its a
hundred times better.
Re: City Centre Photo Album

Good to see Digbeth Police Station - a building not often featured. Thanks,
Jan Hedger
Re: City Centre Photo Album

I. The great man himself,Tony Hancock.

2. Spitfire Sculpture at Castle Bromwich


  • BirmTonyHancockMem7217[1].jpg
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  • spitfire_island[1].jpg
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Re: City Centre Photo Album

again great Photos Froth wheres the rest lol must take me box brownie camera with me lol
Re: City Centre Photo Album

OtherHalf, unfortunately I have sold all my canal paintings (a popular subject) except for one I painted about 20 years ago which I have kept because it is Gas St the way I liked it, so here it is


  • Gas%20St%20Basin%201980[2].JPG
    205 KB · Views: 17
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Re: City Centre Photo Album

Good morning to all,

I have never been to England and hope one day to get there. When people ask where do you want to go in the world and I say Birmingham I get the strangest lloks.

I have looked at so many pics and maps of the area and read bits because of my ancestos that I feel it will be like my second home. These pictures are always great.

Could someone tell me about the background to the recent Gas Basin pics?
Re: City Centre Photo Album

OtherHalf, unfortunately I have sold all my canal paintings (a popular subject) except for one I painted about 20 years ago which I have kept because it is Gas St the way I liked it, so here it is
That is brilliant Cookie can see all the detail thanks hope you got lots of money for em lol
Re: City Centre Photo Album

Hi cookie 273uk; I wonder? why you liked it when it was full of dead dogs/cats
thilth oil slicks, 45gl drums and any other industrial waste that could be dumped in
it as I remember on my way home from school at St Peters now Brindley Place.
I was proud recently to show one of my relatives from Australia what Birmingham
had done with an eyesore" BLOTT ON THE LANDSCAPE" please believe me its a
hundred times better.

I do agree with you liberty.
I walked down a canal towpath by me the other day. Clean water, fishermen, Geese, ducks and lots of Narrowboat.All you would have got 20 years ago was a stink of the water.
The thing that did annoyed me was, Dog mess, why can't the owners clean up after their pets.
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Re: City Centre Photo Album

Nice bit of Calypso music in Brum yesterday
[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ami77l3qLM"]YouTube - calypso in Brum[/ame]
Re: City Centre Photo Album

What recession. So many Buses
[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6d4eNV2UmA"]YouTube - Buses in Brum[/ame]
Re: City Centre Photo Album

Hi to Frothblower; Thanks for the agreement on the canals.
Like your recent pics but could stand in closer so that we the forum can see close
ups of the subjects ie; T Hancock too much open area around it. Get in there with
your camera, fill the view finder with the subject your in charge of the camera
dont be frightened of it. god bless mate.
Re: City Centre Photo Album

frothblower, I cannot recall any such items in the canals round Gas St Basin, Cambrian Wharf and adjacent stretches during my many painting and sketching trips in the 80s but if I did I would simply omit them from the paintings. Also in my opinion street litter is a far bigger problem now than years ago, litter every where, I was born in Aston in 1930 my Mum, like every body else swept the pavement and the gutter outside the house, you do not see that now
Re: City Centre Photo Album

Hollo Cookie. Keep missing you on 'chat' I think your picture of Gas Basin is just great.

Loved the Calypso but what is it with people - have they no time to stand and listen. Miriam.
Re: City Centre Photo Album

Al Banner, thank you for your kind comments, I have uploaded more paintings on My Album, including 2 or 3 of Bham trams, trams, canals and winter were my favourite subjects
Re: City Centre Photo Album

Yes, Cookie, I am totally with you on this litter problem. I was only talking about it yesterday to my husband. Everywhere we go around here, all the verges are strewn with litter, bottles, tyres, etc,etc. It is definitely getting worse. When I think of the awful conditions we lived in with back to back housing, and still, as you said, people came out and swept the pavement in front of their houses. The street I lived in was cobbles, so difficult to keep clean, but still they tried. We often have to use the awful A14 to head east from Cambridge. This is the road where a vast amount of trucks come out of Felixstowe and head far and wide. The litter along this road is unbelievable. Even if the councils tried to keep it clean, it would be a daily job. What's the matter with people today? I would have thought a bag kept in the vehicle to put rubbish in, then emptied at the next service station or truck stop would have been simple. What do they keep their homes like?

Re: City Centre Photo Album

Frothy great vids of "today in brum" we have a great city full of so many diverse things now its a great place to be and although we dont always agree with some things that happen our motto says it all Forward.. ( but with an eye on the Past)
keep the pictures coming old and new great
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Re: City Centre Photo Album

Hi COOKIE; All I can say you must have gone round with your painter glasses on
looking at everything through rose coloured tint all the world in a beautiful hue.
As you went under the bridge from gas street basin up to the crossroads turned
left passed the bottom of ozzell st towards sheepcote st and monuement rd the
mess was unbelievable.
I agree on the litter situation one of the worst I see almost everyday is the mess
on the dual carriage way from the NEC towards junction 4 of the M6, as all the
people and buyers from all over the country & around the World who are going
home must see. I WONDER WHAT THEY MUST THINK OF BRUMMIES. I am ashamed
every time, the grass needs cutting the roads need washing also litter picked.
I know theres a waste tip right next door but they do their best. but its the
COUNCIL that needs the big kick be it B,ham or Solihull. ITS A DISGRACE!!!!!!!!!
Re: City Centre Photo Album

liberty 10, I think it best to agree to disagree on the matter of polluted canals, loooking at my old canal photos cannot see any rubbish in them, what I did find polluted,( mostly industrial )waste, was both the River Rae and the River Tame, particularly by Electric Avenue, Witton, although that appears to be cleaned up now.Eric
Re: City Centre Photo Album

Hi to Cookie 273 uk; Eric I agree there are much bigger problems around we should
not add to them. What? site are your new pictures on all the best Dave.
Re: City Centre Photo Album

liberty 10 I have an Album on my profile page I hope that is the correct way of putting it as I am rooky member. Eric C
Re: City Center Photo Album

Good morning to all,

I have never been to England and hope one day to get there. When people ask where do you want to go in the world and I say Birmingham I get the strangest lloks.

I have looked at so many pics and maps of the area and read bits because of my ancestos that I feel it will be like my second home. These pictures are always great.

Could someone tell me about the background to the recent Gas Basin pics?

Hello ellie
thanks for writing on our thread, we welcome you and hope one day you will visit our City, but come in our summer for best visit.
Pleased to hear you are enjoying the photos posted by our very friendly members, God bless.
Re: City Centre Photo Album

I came on to the Forum yesterday to talk about the worsening problem of litter, but having visited friends in the evening at Newmarket, was told of an even nastier practice that is going on on the A14. Truckers are using bottles to urinate in and then throwing them out of their vehicles onto the grass verges. The council are finding more and more of these nasties. Have people lost all pride?

Re: City Centre Photo Album

OtherHalf, unfortunately I have sold all my canal paintings (a popular subject) except for one I painted about 20 years ago which I have kept because it is Gas St the way I liked it, so here it is

Hello cookie 273uk,
It's a very nice watercolour of a place I know well.
A nice light touch, and beautifully rendered.
If I were you I would keep it and frame it. And then look for someone younger and suitable to cherish it.
Here are a couple of drawings I made on a short visit to Birmingham.
They were both done in situ.
Whilst I was drawing the Post Office [in Victoria Square] a young lad of 10 or 11 came up to me and asked if he could look at my drawing.
So I thought 'Yes' why not?
He could have been me, 40 years ago, someone to be encouraged.
He looked at my drawing and said 'F.....g rubbish!'
Very much, an independent mind.


All the best.

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Re: City Centre Photo Album

ladywood, I like your sketches very much, particularly like the view point you chose for the Rotunda, great composition. THe other of the Post office is a subject you are lucky is still there. At one time Bham council wanted to demolish the building, there was quite an uproar, they finally agreed to retaining the facade and demolished the rear. If you go on to my members page I have an Album of paintings, some with a Bham interest
Re: City Centre Photo Album

ladywood, re my last letter, studying you first sketch again it as struck me it might not be the rotunda, if not where is it ??? Eric
Re: City Centre Photo Album

Cookie like all the paintings sketches re "rotunda " as it is a view from Newhall St is the NIA?