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Cincinnati, Kingsbury Road.

Hi John ,Just had a look at the emails and I think I said that's right . But I am thst good looking feller firth from the right back row.IM have no ides who that is that you have singled out. I have passed your position and that of Paul Moseley to Vic to include in the photo line up. Any more names so that we might complete the art gallery. Can you tell me did I work with you in Cincinnati if so which line ?. Do you remember when the canteen was located on theshop floor next to the "2MI" line . The foreman there wote a trilby hat I think his nams was Mr Brooks, one of the old school. Thats how you addressed him.First job there was belly scrapping Thats was so boring.See you soon with any more information Regards Danny
Hi Danny, my mistake but yes, I can recognise you now. I think we were in different stages of our apprenticeships. I started my five years in 1958, I don't think we ever worked together but I can definitely remember you. I see a good few familiar faces in the photo but can't put names to them unfortunately, lot of water under the bridge. I used to hate scraping, especially the big slides on the centreless grinder beds, seemed to take forever. Do you remember if you were ever late coming in, as you came down the ramp from the locker room everyone on the shop floor started banging on things, talk about a drum roll. And what about when the tea machines used to break down and start dishing out continuous tea, everyone used to rush to get a free fill up before someone switched them off, ha.
Trying to help my Uncle who's in his eighties. He worked at Cincinnati in the 50's and we were discussing "the old days" as you do and I mentioned this Forum to him. He asked if I could look to see if there were old employees out there who may have pictures etc. He played football for the works team and would love to see any reminisces or pics.

On another note, I do online grocery shopping for him and I heard this on the radio the other day.

Grandson to Grandmother one evening about 10pm.
"Come on Nan, tell me what you want and I'll go online and get it ordered."

"Will the Internet still be open at this time?"

Well, I thought it was funny.
Hi David. Just read your letter and would ask you to read my letters and the down load of the picture taken in 1958' or there abouts of the apprentices your uncle may recall some faces, Regards Danny Squires(Chopper)
This is for those interested in the company history.

Founded by Fred Holz during the 1870s as a small engineering shop in Cincinnati, by 1884 the forerunner of the Cincinnati Company had expanded sufficiently to have around twelve employees and become incorporated (on March 19th) as the Cincinnati Screw and Tap Co. Premises were on the third floor of a building at the southeast corner of Pearl and Plum Street and the main products, machine screws and threading taps, well established in the market place. In 1887, after a younger business acquaintance, Frederick A. Geier, had joined the company as a co-investor, a milling machine was added (designed by Holz) dedicated to shaping tap flutes. Sold into the rapidly expanding heart of the American machine-tool industry, in surrounding Ohio, the tap miller was an immediate success and quickly led to requests from other engineering concerns for the design and building of similar specialised items. In 1889 the firm was renamed, more appropriately, as the Cincinnati Milling Machine Co. , and, working from premises adjacent to Plum and Second Street, began expanded their range to include various sizes of tool and cutter grinders. In 1890 the first export order to Europe was completed, a portent of the vast expansion in sales of US machine tools to Europe was to take place over the following thirty years. In 1892 a larger plant was built on the outskirts of Ohio and then, to ensure a reliable supply of high-quality castings and other in-house needs, a new factory and foundry was established at Oakley, a suburb of Cincinnati, in 1907. Chosen because it lay alongside the Baltimore and Ohio railway, this new location gave the company access to a convenient transport system and allowed them to peruse an even more aggressive expansion program. Ranked by the number of wage earners working on machine tools (6,902) by 1942, and under the pressures of WW2, Cincinnati had become the largest in the world. By 1970, after some rationalisation, the company changed its name to Cincinnati Milacron and became heavily involved in plastic injection moulding machines. Eventually, when finally divested of the last remnants of machine-tool and grinding wheels businesses, it became Milacron Inc. - in which form it still exists today as a specialist in plastics machinery, mould technologies and industrial fluids. However, a separate branch of the company continued with machine tool building and, after various changes of ownership, today (2009) survives as Cincinnati Machine, part of the MAG Industrial Automation Systems grouping of companies.
In the decades bridging the 19th and 20th centuries technical developments in machine tools were rapid and continuous and, at the 1900 Paris World fair, Cincinnati won a gold medal for their positive, all-geared milling machine table feed-change mechanism. 1907 saw the first of the High Power machines (a branding used throughout the 20th century) - with an improved spindle drive, new feed mechanisms and logical, directional table-feed controls. This miller was also one of the first machine tools to be built using what was originally called the unit method - today called the modular approach - where, instead of machines being built individually, or in small batches, an effort was made to standardise parts across a model range of different sizes and even different types. The system also allowed machines to be built up to a particular specification, for example to have a belt, gear drive or variable-speed-drive and with tables of different sizes and travels. This proved to be a highly effective cost-saving measure and not only contributed to company profits but also attracted customers who could see the benefits of simpler maintenance and easier acquistion of spare-parts. Until the WW1 most horizontal milling machines had round overarms, a limitation that restricted their rigidity and hence metal-removal abilities. In 1917, to help overcome this limitation, Cincinnati introduced their first rectangular overarm models, the No. 4 and No. 5 High Power machines; these also incorporated several other useful aids to faster production and operator ease including knee ways of the square gibbed type, rapid power traverses and changes of table feed-rate obtainable conveniently from the front. In the years that followed anti-friction (taper-roller) bearings were introduced and, in 1927, the Hydromatic, the first milling machine to enjoy the benefits of a smooth-running and very powerful hydraulic table drive. In 1922 a buy-out of the Cincinnati Grinders Company gave access to centerless grinding-machine technology and by 1926 a separate organisation, Cincinnati Grinders Incorporated was been formed with initial efforts aimed at improvements to the existing designs and development of new centre grinders. By now, such was the demand that machines were not only being built in America but also, to meet European requirements, at a large factory at Tyburn, in Birmingham, England. In later years other European branches were opened including Cincinnati-Chomienne S.A., based in Ville-franch-sur-Saone (where a new factory was constructed in 1967) and, during the 1950s, Cincinnati-Nederland N.V. in Vlaardingen, Holland.
In 1929 a milestone was reached, the introduction of the first Dial Type miller. This famous model, which continued in various forms until the 1980s, was to become (with the smaller 2M1, 2ML and later versions) the mainstay of the factory's general-purpose line. From the start, the machine was fitted with two important features: dual front and rear controls and power selection of feeds and speeds.
Following the end of WW2, in 1945, the company line expanded to include machines for broaching, die sinking, the projection profile grinding of tiny parts, automatic three-dimensional milling, hardening and metal forming, etc. By the end of the 1940s the company had established separate divisions to handle (amongst other things) special work involving the manufacture of one-off commissions, very large machine tools, modifications and adaptations to the regular range and complete transfer machines with multi-station machining capacity for handling components through sequential stages of manufacture without human intervention. The company even made its own range of cutting fluids and grinding wheels.
In post war years two ram-head milling of interest to the both general and specialist workshops were offered: the versatile Toolmaster (a Bridgeport competiror) and the Contourmaster, a machine intended for die sinking and reproduction work but also useable for lighter, general purpose duties.
Cincinnati machine tools were always regarded as a safe buy and the company were able to offer not only machines attuned to local needs but also a proper spares and service organisation to back them up. In the writer's collection is correspondence between Cincinnati in Birmingham, England, and various local engineering firms. In this the most mundane of enquires is given the closest attention and technical enquires answered in detail, with useful references to how other firms had solved similar problems.
During most decades of the 20th century we find a range of Cincinnati milling machines built in three general classifications: die sinking and profiling, general purpose and production. Many models became well established and were developed steadily though three or more generations to become well-proven, reliable units available in sizes and sub-types to cover virtually every need of the production, repair or maintenance shop.
One of many interesting developments from the UK branch during the 1970s was the introduction (in 1971) of the 2MK, a machine designed from the outset to be manufactured using NC machine tools. This type widely exported, with Cincinnati agreeing a contract with Iran for 180 complete examples to be delivered to Machine Sazi Tabriz, a Government plant some 320 miles north-east of Tehran. Following this further batches were to be shipped as sub assemblies and individual parts for assembly at Sazi Tabriz until finally, after some 6 years and with help from the Birmingham factory, it was envisaged that the Iranians would be able to manufacture the machine themselves.
Joined Cincinnati as an apprentice in 1964. Ernie Day trained us on fitting and Arthur Newbury on milling but can't remember the turning trainer. I do remember the subsidised meals in the canteen run by Mr Pinker ton who collected uni cycles. After 6 years I decided to join the HME press division on the technical services department under Cyril Baker. It was an open plan office with sales, spares, time study, and the drawing office. Denis Finned was in charge of the DO and under him were Arthur FullArd, Ray Devey, and Peter Hales. Andre Beer and Dennis Lyden looked after Spares. John Lyden did internal sales and Don Hackett did the Buying. I also remember the free turkey at Xmas together with the bonus for every year that you had been there up to 10 years. Happy happy days.
I was talking at the Guildhall in Lichfield last week. A member of the audience by the name of Peter Murray spoke to me afterwards and told me that he had worked at Cincinnati. I told him my uncle, Grahame Coombes worked there in the late 50's and 60's He sent very kindly me this photograph, but don't recognise my uncle in the photo.
Cincinnati App. Pic probably 1955 -from B Perks.JPG
Smashing photo ! Re the two men in the centre with dickie bows, that's a very American uniform look. Viv.
yes you could always tell when the yanks used to walk around the nattie, dose any one remember a man called desoler md he came fron aus and brought his own car with him in the oter post some called lou, was it lou hannon who was a sparks in the maintenance dept, kind reguards sidwho
More memories. When I worked in the offices Murial the tea lady used to come mid morning and mid afternoon with her hot water urn. You could have tea or coffee free of charge. At Xmas there was a free party for employees children. My kids looked forward to this as the presents were not cheap. It was paid by having a raffle beforehand with some good prizes. Always wanted to win one of the large hams but failed every year.
Joined Cincinnati Milling Machines Foundry Division Tamworth, Amington road as an apprentice 1964. Attended Wednesbury College of Technology Kendrick Street 1 day & 2 nights / week. I would like to create a written project with photo's for when i'm gone as i'm 70 now and there were only 7 of us - Graham Day - Tony Lincoln - Barry Tricklebank - Gerald Bates - John Horton - Geoffrey Owen and myself David Owen. We were all 16 starting from School 1964. Before the terrible demise of the industry, and the loss of the iron foundry, I had been responsible for Quality Control and so had an insight to the events leading up to the foundry closure, and the loss of life of the furnace supervisor when the furnace exploded with the biggest bang heard since the war. It blew out the entire side of the factory . I was nearby. I have the Tamworth Herald pages of the photo's of the entire brand new Foundry on opening day. I played Saturday League football for Fazeley Swifts and Sunday for CINWYN Athletic ! Any one guess what CYNWYN means ? Our favourite annual Cincinnati event was Xmas, as we had the Turkey, Bottle of Wine and cash bonus every year. We also had some rivalry with you lot at Kingsbury / Tyburn Road and the Parts plant next to us !
welcome to the forum david...thanks for your interesting first post and as mike has said i also look forward to reading more.

Between 1960 & 1964 while still at Kingsbury High School I used to be with my friend Tony Rumble, both of us age around 13. We used to go weekends with his dad Howard to " DROME CAFE " [ up the Kingsbury road some way from Tyburn Road junction ? ] in his Bedford van with lawn mowers in the back. Howard & his wife Edna owned the " Drome " . Edna used to run the Cafe [ Sternly controlling the truckers ] while Howard mowed lawns for the council and others . He had three " GREENS " mowers 24" and 36" cut, petrol engines. Howard was a " Special " and as there were frequent late night break ins to the Cafe, the local police installed a trial telephone system which quietly called police the instant a burglar opened the inner counter door to reach the till. The burglars never knew how the old bill new they were at it ! We had such fun both inside with the truckers killing time and outside by the cut. I never new then, that one day I would be joining the world famous CMM Ltd Foundry Division and that their UK HQ was just round the corner from the Drome.
Because I remember the Cincinatti bridge both from our courting and early marriage days, over the dark fetid waters of the Birmingham and Fazeley canal and now as that haven of peace and smoothness from recent narrow boat holidays. I have told my family that should I pass on (and I am planning not to by the way), my ashes are to be scattered under the Cincinatti bridge because in 1959/60, I never believed that I would be able to cruise that waterway.
Because I remember the Cincinatti bridge both from our courting and early marriage days, over the dark fetid waters of the Birmingham and Fazeley canal and now as that haven of peace and smoothness from recent narrow boat holidays. I have told my family that should I pass on (and I am planning not to by the way), my ashes are to be scattered under the Cincinatti bridge because in 1959/60, I never believed that I would be able to cruise that waterway.
It’s being so cheerful that keeps you going!
Hope I’m writing in the right place. My Dad, Eric Sculthorpe, worked at Cincinnati in the 50s and until April ‘63, but didn’t move to Biggleswade. He’d done his apprenticeship with Dunlop just prior to WW2, then worked at Castle Bromwich ‘Aero’ during, on the Spitfires. He would be a bit older than most of you posting on here I think - actually 101 years old now. At Cincinnati I think he was in a drawing office and eventually became ‘chief estimator’ and got to go to Paris once and also Brussels,
I am quite thrilled to have stumbled across this forum and thread - can remember visiting the building as a child on several occasions, e.g. the Children’s Christmas Party, which was wonderful and yes big presents, the plays in the Auditorium, for which my Dad made and painted scenery, and I think the interval break took place outside on grass by the canal. And there may have been candyfloss). Can also remember the huge Christmas turkey - a big event when he brought it home each year! There was also an evening table tennis competition which he played in, with families invited to watch.
I remember being impressed and somewhat intimidated when he showed me and my sister round the factory - HUGE machines, pink fluid (lubricating fluid?) and very noisy. It must have been the first time I’d been in a factory - about age 9 or 10 I guess.
I think my Dad eventually wore a ten years service badge on his lapel.
Thanks to everyone for your memories and for triggering mine. Liz
Welcome Lizzie, lovely memories. Viv.

Thanks Viv
Was so sorry to hear that the old canal side building was demolished so recently, just as I have time since retiring to think about reconnecting with Birmingham - I don’t live nearby anymore!
It would be more than wonderful to hear from anyone who either remembers my Dad or worked in a/the drawing office in those years!
Hope I’m writing in the right place. My Dad, Eric Sculthorpe, worked at Cincinnati in the 50s and until April ‘63, but didn’t move to Biggleswade. He’d done his apprenticeship with Dunlop just prior to WW2, then worked at Castle Bromwich ‘Aero’ during, on the Spitfires. He would be a bit older than most of you posting on here I think - actually 101 years old now. At Cincinnati I think he was in a drawing office and eventually became ‘chief estimator’ and got to go to Paris once and also Brussels,
I am quite thrilled to have stumbled across this forum and thread - can remember visiting the building as a child on several occasions, e.g. the Children’s Christmas Party, which was wonderful and yes big presents, the plays in the Auditorium, for which my Dad made and painted scenery, and I think the interval break took place outside on grass by the canal. And there may have been candyfloss). Can also remember the huge Christmas turkey - a big event when he brought it home each year! There was also an evening table tennis competition which he played in, with families invited to watch.
I remember being impressed and somewhat intimidated when he showed me and my sister round the factory - HUGE machines, pink fluid (lubricating fluid?) and very noisy. It must have been the first time I’d been in a factory - about age 9 or 10 I guess.
I think my Dad eventually wore a ten years service badge on his lapel.
Thanks to everyone for your memories and for triggering mine. Liz
Hi Lizziep
I worked for Cincinnati for 25 years,from 1957, both at Birmingham & Biggleswade. I became the first Heald Division
apprentice in about 1960. Spent my time then alternating between the shop floor and the drawing office.
I remember your dad very well. He was my boss in the d/o and helped me a lot during that time. Always
thought of him as an "old school gentleman". Recall he always wore a tweed suit in the office.
I moved to Biggleswade with Heald Machines Division in January 63- still here after 57 years!
Still have my badges for 20 & 25 years service, along with a certificate for 25 years.
Starting wage for an apprentice in 57 was £1.50/week, rising to £2.20 the next year. The xmas bonus
each year, plus the turkey were very welcome!
Dennis, I started my apprenticeship there in 1959 in the maintenance shop. Harold Sparks was the foreman then, I remember Lou ? And Johnny Ray who was sadly killed when he got trapped in the winding gear of one of the overhead cranes. Somehow the driver had got into the crane and moved it not knowing Johnny was up in the top. We were all completely shocked as Johnny was a real character in the works. I later moved to Biggleswade with the grinding section ( Heald Grinders). We were subsidised for the move and I bought my first car. Happy days.
I started my apprenticeship in 1957, also in the maintenance shop. Remember Harold Sparks, Lou, Johnny Ray (RIP)
Also remember "Big Sam" as he was known.Used to work as a doorman/bouncer at the Carlton on Erdington high street
in the evenings.You wouldn't want to argue with him! I moved to Biggleswade with Heald in January 63. Still here
57 years later. Got 25 years service in before being made redundant in 82. Still have the watch, service badges and 25 year
certificate. Happy days!
Brilliant, can see many familiar faces there but can't name them. That's me third row back fifth from left. I think the eighth from left in back row is Paul Moseley who joined the fire brigade a few years before I did.
Which one is you Danny, I seem to remember you wore glasses but not sure which one in the photo. I'm guessing 5 from left second row from back?
Brilliant, can see many familiar faces there but can't name them. That's me third row back fifth from left. I think the eighth from left in back row is Paul Moseley who joined the fire brigade a few years before I did.
Which one is you Danny, I seem to remember you wore glasses but not sure which one in the photo. I'm guessing 5 from left second row from back?
I've got this same photo, but in a dilapidated state. So many faces remembered, but alas the names desert me after all these
years. However, 3rd row back, 2nd from left is Brian Burton. He eventually became my supervisor in the Heald d/o in B'wade.
Same row, 6th from left is Richard Price. He was my best man in 63. Sadly died suddenly a few years ago. Next to him
is me Chris Davies. I moved to Biggleswade in Jan. 63 with Heald. Still here after 57 years!
You say that a feller got caught in the overhead cable and died what year would that have been. I left in 1961 to go round the world with Geoff Clarke, so it would possible be after I left. What a rotten way to die In passing I have a photo taken in 1959 of all the apprentices at the time would you be on and what is your full name. Regards Danny Squires (Chopper)
I think Johnny Ray was killed in 62. I moved to Biggleswade in Jan 63 and he passed away not long before I left.
Started my apprenticeship in 1958 £2.12.6p a week. Spent time in HME, Heald and drawing office during my 5 years. Used to run the monthly cinema club and also did the stage lighting for the shows that we had. Remember maintenance guy, Johnny Ray getting killed working on one of the overhead cranes when it was started up while he was on top. Later moved to Biggleswade for a few years then back to Birmingham.
I was talking at the Guildhall in Lichfield last week. A member of the audience by the name of Peter Murray spoke to me afterwards and told me that he had worked at Cincinnati. I told him my uncle, Grahame Coombes worked there in the late 50's and 60's He sent very kindly me this photograph, but don't recognise my uncle in the photo.
View attachment 122374
There must have been less stress in those days, notice all of those guys have got a full head of hair
Hi folks.
My father John Heseltine worked at Cincinnati Tyburn Rd from1937 till he retired in early 1980's, following a spell in Iran working in Tabriz. He is still alive (just turned 99). I recognise a number of the names mentioned on here such as Harry Sparkes. I remember going to lots of events at the factory, one of the highlights was watching Blaster bates blow hole in the ceiling in the big canteen. Also went on lots of car rallies and went to lots of theatre productions.I am trying to prove to the Pension people that my father started at Cincinnati in 1937/8. Looking to see if I can get hold of a long service awards menu/program. IIRC they had gold tassels and gold print and gave peoples name, years of service etc. and from the date on program could work out when started.

Any help would be appreciated. Colin
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Hi Colin

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Many thanks, have deleted address.
