Hello, I'm a new member. I was at Central from 1958-65 and have been prompted to post after reading the posts from Colin Stark (#127 & 134) and Colin Smith (#133 & 135, all on p7) who are both my contemporaries - same intake year (1958) but different classes? Having found my old school reports (Covid lockdown sort out) and the 1959 school photo I tried to recall and record who else was in my year - the two Colins provided another five names, so thank you both.
So far, the list is 75 names (see below). As I recall there were 42 boys/class and 3 classes/year giving a total around 126 (+/- joiners/leavers). So, still well short! Does anyone want to offer any additions or amendments? My apologies for misspellings or other errors - the passing years take their toll!
ARCHER, Tim - ARMSTRONG, Eddie - ASHFORD, Roger - BALMER,? - BAND, Peter - BARSTOW, John - BARTLAM, John - BEDDOE,? - BENT, Paul - BERTINAT, Mark - BIRD, Graham - BRENNAN,? - BROOKES, Roy - BURD, Michael - BURLEY,? - CARRUTHERS,? - CASEY or CASSLEY,? - CLARKE,? - COLE,? - CONYERS, Alan - COOMBES,? - CREASEY, Derek - DAVIES,? - DELANEY, Michael - DIXON, Des - DODD, Geoffrey - FAIRBROTHER,? - FRANCIS, Paul - FRECKLETON,? - GREEN, Stuart - GREEN,? - HACKETT, Andrew - HANDS, Andrew - HARRISON, William - HENRY, Tony - HEWLETT, Christopher - HINSHELWOOD, Roger - HIPKISS, Andrew - HOBDAY, David - HOWELL, Paul - HUDSON, John - JENNINGS, Graham - JONES, Trevor - KELLY, John - KERRIGAN, Vincent - KING, Michael - LEYLAND, Peter - MANDER, Roy - MARRIOTT, Howard (Head Boy, 1964-5) - MARSHALL, Terry - OLLIS, Charlie - PARTRIDGE, David - PARTRIDGE, Robert - PEARCEHOUSE, Colin - PEWSEY,? - PRESTON, David - RABONE, James - RICKETTS,? - RIDGE, Kenneth - SHARP, Peter - SHELDON, Leo - SIMPER, Paul - SMITH, Brian - SMITH, Colin - STARK, Colin - STILES,? - STIRLING, Jock - STOCKER,? - STUCHFIELD, Robert - THOMAS, Andrew - WARREN, Robert - WEDDELL, Michael - WHITEHOUSE, Barry - WOOTTON, Dennis - WYDE, Ian.
By way of a postscript, I generally enjoyed my time Central and the school served me very well - although in the interests of balance I loathed rugby with a passion and never saw the funny side of cricket. Good wishes to all.