It is nice looking at all these posts? but does anyone notice that Cadbury's is the last of all the world famous firms that we have left in Brum.B.S.A. gone!,Lucas's,gone!,Austin,gone!,H.P.,gone!,G.E.C.,gone!,and all the rest.Where is it going to end.If all the manufacturing goes,where will we all get the money to spend on all the new service industries.Chad Valley,gone.Canning's,gone,Ansell's,gone!,I.C.I.,I.M.I.,.In my time as a driver I used to go to all these places to take goods to the docks for export but now it is the other way round.Every time you pick something up in the shops it says made in China or any other country in the world.Take your pick! I have an affinity for Birmingham City Transport and tried to find out from Ian Allen's shop in town when they were going to get a model of the ultimate bus which is called the Birmingham City Standard,which to me is and was the best looking bus of all time and I was told that the people who make them were going to China to sort it out.WHAT???We can't even make those here now!!! !.