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Byng Kenrick Girls' Grammar School

  • Thread starter Thread starter Graham S
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Thanks Viv. I lost my copy somewhere along the way. So great to see it again. I'm in the 3rd photo, first left on the back row. And in the middle of the last photo. Wonderful to be reminded of all my old classmates. Thanks again.
Thanks Viv. I lost my copy somewhere along the way. So great to see it again. I'm in the 3rd photo, first left on the back row. And in the middle of the last photo. Wonderful to be reminded of all my old classmates. Thanks again.

Yes, thanks so much! Very kind of Viv to take the trouble.
Dear Viv,

Thank you again. I'll post these photos on the Byng thread on Friends Reunited. That way we can all 'tag' ourselves. I think you will make a load of old Byng girls very happy!
I am only on the fifth photo and almost in front of you. A dark haired girl is immediately in front of you and I am immediately on the left of her as we look at the photo. What year did you start at BK?

Thanks Viv. I lost my copy somewhere along the way. So great to see it again. I'm in the 3rd photo, first left on the back row. And in the middle of the last photo. Wonderful to be reminded of all my old classmates. Thanks again.
I used to cycle to school up mackadown lane with francis winkley and susan? We always had to wear our hats and were put into detention if we didnt wear them. Miss Boone was headmistress and always wore her gown for assembly. I still have an English book where Miss Birch admonished me for my handwriting. I remember elocution lessons and walking to the sports fields. I think we were let out of school earlier than Central so we wouldnt meet up. I still keep in touch with Lindsay Evans Margaret Davies and Josie Homer. I used to play for the netball team and the hockey team and had a sash to prove it. We used to go swimming at Woodcock Street baths.
Dear BK ladies,would anyone have any photos / memories to share from their time at Byng Kenrick circa 1967-1974 ? It was wonderful to see the photo posted from 1963,sadly a little before my time.If there is anyone out there willing to share some great times it would be a joy to hear from you.I have just this weekend joined the forum & look forward to hearing from anyone from that era.With best wishes,Maggie Robinson
Kim I was so pleased to see your name on the forum.I remember so well your amazing rendition of "Puck" in A MIdsummer Night's Dream.I can't remember the year it was staged but I think we must have been in some of the same classes together.Never having any theatrical skill myself I lived for netball & remember Miss Derrick the PE mistress very well.She also encouraged us in tennis & badminton.Just seeing the names of Miss Ursula Birch,Mr Scott,Mr Thomas,Dr Farkh brings memories flooding back.My best friend since childhood was Viv Wicklen,who later became head girl at BK.Incredibly "brainy" & amazing at maths.I just about managed a CSE Grade 1 in that subject !!! I do remember quite a few names from my time at BK but sadly over the decades that have sailed by faces will be hard to recall.It would be wonderful if you have a moment to reply.I look forward to hearing from you.Kind regards,Maggie Robinson
Janet I hope you don't mind me butting in but I have just joined the forum hoping to find any contact regarding us "old BK girls" & there was your posting & contact with KIM HIGGS.I remember her name very well as I started at BK in Sept 1967 & left in the summer of 1974.I do apologise for not remembering your name (the old grey cells are not what they were) but I certainly remember Miss Ursula Birch our formidable Headmistress.Others were Mrs Evans(excellent,tolerant Maths teacher) Mr Scott ( ? subject was history) Mr Thomas (the Welshman who taught English ) Miss Derek (PE) the wonderfully exotic Dr Farhk the Egyptian biology mistress.Oh how I remember that excruciating A level field trip to Orielton in freezing Wales.With her having to call in a rescue team for a poor soul who suffered near hypothermia on the beach whilst we had to collect sodden Fucus Serratus seaweed !!! it scarred my memory I can tell you.I still have my Blue Dragon tennis racquet in it's wooden press stored safely in the attic.I remember my parents having to pay weekly for it's purchase.A fortune to them at £5.Compared to today's carbon fibre light as a feather jobbies,it weighs a ton.Sorry I'm really rambling on now.If you do see this and have time for a reply it would be great.Nice to have seen your posting.Kindest regards,Maggie Robinson
Hope you don't mind me butting in guys, but I remember Kim's wonderful performance as Puck too. I've just joined the Forum and I'm feeling very nostalgic at all the memories I'm reading on here. I was at BK from 1967 to 1974 and I loved every minute of it. Miss Birch was a little scary, but, as you say she was a fantastic English Teacher. I remember her breaking down Shakespeare and a number of poems, then reconstructing them into something I actually understood. There were so many great teachers .......wonder what happened to them all. Thanks for all the memories girls. I look forward to reading many more. Best wishes Medina Powell( nee Potter)
Fancy you remebering me as puck! I'm still a bit of a drama queen! I've just read your replies, burst out laughing and my daughter thinks I've totally lost it!. It's nice to hear from you. Here are some other names ; Sheila Kirby, Julia Baker, Lorraine Evans, Helen Stevenson, Yvonne Williams, the twins Jean and.....?

Keep in touch

Hi Kim. Don't recall all those names, but I do remember the twins Jean and Susan Windmill, I think they were. Lived very close to the school. I have a feeling you were in a different class to me. I'm in touch with several of my old schoolchums, Gill Thomas, Carol Smith, Wendy Adams, Lesley Ashley to name but a few. Do any ring a bell with you? It's wonderful getting back in touch with friends from the past........I'm lovin' it!!!!!! Keep adding the memories, I'm in nostalgia heaven. LOL! xx
Hi, I was also a pupil of BK between 1964-1971 (Form 1.2 with Mrs Wilkinson , geography) and I have a copy of the original year register for the year 1964 so I can let you have pupil names if you want to contact me. I have fond memories of the old school but sadly no photos... does anyone have any ? It would be so much easier to connect faces to names. I have since realised what an excellent school this was, compared to the education our peers experienced. Margaret nee Regan
For any 'old' BK ladies out there, sadly Miss Derrick died more than 10 years ago. She was a lovely teacher.
If any of you are interested in meeting each other to catch up, the Christmas get together in the Jewellers Arms on December 15th may be an opportunity. Organised by Astoness. I think it starts at noon. Details are to be found elsewhere on the Forum.
Rosemarie 'Rosie' Wells (nee Apperley) at Byng Kenrick 1960 - 67
Originally of Horrell Road, Sheldon, died 3rd March 2013 in Scotland.
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Also sadly Rita Thornton née Workman died in November 2012. She was a pupil at Byng Kenrick GGS from September 1960 to July 1965.
I remember drooling over the boys on the other side of the fence - we used to walk along the perimeter at lunchtime and feign nonchalance as we sauntered by pretending to talk but really watching the boys play footie. I only remember a few names though - we rarely had the opportunity of meeting with any of the boys - John Martin, Dave Porter and Mickey....? Summer of '71 - hotpants, skinny rib jumpers and T.Rex......
I was at Central 19671975-Denver Hewlett and Michael Bell are the guys you refer to.
I was at Byng Kendrick from 1968 until 1972 my name was Wendy McDonough I have so many memories of my time there spent with good friends I especially remember Jane Davis who was killed in the Birmingham pub bombings. Also Jennifer Wakelam Pat Farrugia Sonia Deakin. We were all girls from Sheldon. Happy memories of Miss Derrick Mrs McAlpine Miss Jones Mrs Sandler
I was at Byng Kendrick from 1968 until 1972 my name was Wendy McDonough I have so many memories of my time there spent with good friends I especially remember Jane Davis who was killed in the Birmingham pub bombings. Also Jennifer Wakelam Pat Farrugia Sonia Deakin. We were all girls from Sheldon. Happy memories of Miss Derrick Mrs McAlpine Miss Jones Mrs Sandler
Hi Wendy. I was in Janes class in the 6th form and remember all of the other girls too
Jane and I were very good friends and every time the pub bombings are in the news I think of all the life she has missed it's so very sad
Hello Margaret. Remember me - Christine Hutchins? We were in the same year and were at Shirestone Road together, too. In the full school photo published, as a first year, I am on the front row.
Hi All. I'm replying to Wendy's post but this is for anyone who was at Byng Kenrick or Central from 1968 - 1975. Wendy mentioned Jane Davis who was killed in the Birmingham pub bombings. This November 21st will be the 40th anniversary of her death and we would very much like to mark the occasion in some way and celebrate/ remember her life. If any one is interested please post in this forum. If you'd like to post something on your Facebook page too, looking for anyone who might be interested and then return any info to this forum, that would be brilliant. Let's get as many people as possible involved - she's worth it!

(I used to be Pat Farrugia in a previous life). Looking forward to being bombarded with posts !!