Hello everyone. Christine Hutchins here. I started BK in 1963 and am on the front row of the large school photo.
Teachers I remember are: Miss Boone (headmistress when I started), Miss Birch (deputy, then head), Mrs Sawyer (French), Miss Evans (Latin), Miss Webb (Biology), Miss Stringfellow (Chemistry), Mr. Atkinson (Physics), Mr. Screen (Geography), Mrs Davison (Maths), Mr. Thomas (English), Mrs Wilson (English), Miss Derek (Games), Miss Cann (History).
There were traffic lights outside the head's door, and up stairs and down stairs to create a one way system. I recall the pancake berets which had to be worn in winter from the 3rd year, replacing the bowler from the first two year. Prefects could put you in detention if you weren’t wearing your hat to and from school. I also remember the school purse and the heavy wooden tennis racket with press, which had to have your name burnt into them! It was also nearly impossible to keep the games shorts, which were like a short culotte with wide pleats, uncreased in your PE bag, even though it had been ironed.
Fellow pupils in my year included: Anne Seazell, Janet Broughton, Margaret Reagan, Jane Crook, Christine Jephcott.