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Burbury Street School


gone but not forgotten
I've just seen the great pictures from Upper Thomas Street. Did anyone out there go to Burbury Street and does anyone have any pictures - don't let me down Postie
Sorry, Michael but I have tried before to get pictures of this school but without success as yet. :-\
Was this school known by any other name, as I am having trouble tracking it down. ???
It was always Burbury Street schoolwhen I was there in the 40s but I have heard reference to something like Harry Lucas school
In the late 40's
Headmaster Mr Margerison
Teachers included: Mr. Hughes, Mr. Berry, Miss Butterfield, Mr Warriner. Mr Warriner always ended the Summer term with advice about the country code. (I think the country was somewhere outside Birmingham, beyond the Lickeys). He considered that girls who used shampoo were Jezebels; the correct hair care was 100 strokes with the brush; and chewing gum, well!!!
hi mike the only code we got was behave your selfs ,dont disgrace the school name , don,t go conker collecting by any busy roads , and no scumping, and keep your self safe . so what we did do ,?. we used to go to tom.s knocker ,s wood as we called it . it was a little wooded area along side a very old chad valley toy maker factory with a stream running down and through it . every sunday the gang used to walk there it was the back end of harbourne , we would do abit of scrumping, and get chased off by whom so ever seen us up the tree , and do our conker collecting up the bristol rd right up to the lickey,s and we would collect hundred,s and devide them amongest ourselfs
:angel: The golden rule for us girls at 'Bloomers' Bloomsbury was.

If you can't have a bath every day
(that was 99% of us if not 100%).

1) Wash down as far as possible
2) Wash up as far as possible
3) Then wash possible.

Mrs Hinchcliff would impart this message at the first assembly of each new term, so that anyone who missed it before got it next time round. O0

Funny how some things stick in your mind for years...  :)
I attended Harry Lucas from 1965 to 1968 before migrating to Weston-super-Mare with my parents (still here).

I never heard of it being called Burbury Street. In fact it was in Farm Street, but not so far from Burbury Street.

The Headmaster was Mr Walker (inevitably "Johnny Walker").

Harry Lucas was a Secondary school. Maybe there was a junior school in Burbury Street, I don't remember.

A picture of the school would be most appreciated.
Burbury St School

I went to Burbury St junior/infants school from 1951 till 1954 before moving from Hockley to a new estate in Northfield. I started in the infants in Miss Butterfield's class. She left and emigrated to South Africa as I recall. I believe it changed its name to the Harry Lucas school in the mid-sixties, perhaps earlier. I've also searched for photos of staff/pupils etc but to no avail. There have been a few annual reunions of former pupils advertised in the local press 8)
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harry lucas

I think this was a school trip to the Potteries. Could be 1961?. Mr Watson. Mr Jones & Miss Gossmoor.

Trev just got this photo off friends reunited

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My Great Great Aunt Frances Tyers was a schoolteacher, I dont have anything else on what or where she taught but would be grateful if anyone knows of her. Also her Father Edwin Tyers was a schoolteacher ring any bells for anyone?
The 1901 census has a 17 year old Frances B Tyers, teacher, at 1 back of 133 Great Hampton Street - but her father is a Francis J Tyers, a jeweller's leather case maker.
I attended Harry Lucas from 1965 to 1968 before migrating to Weston-super-Mare with my parents (still here).

I never heard of it being called Burbury Street. In fact it was in Farm Street, but not so far from Burbury Street.

The Headmaster was Mr Walker (inevitably "Johnny Walker").

Harry Lucas was a Secondary school. Maybe there was a junior school in Burbury Street, I don't remember.

A picture of the school would be most appreciated.

Hi I went to Burbury St school Starting in 1952 ( which was in Farm St but the other end to Farm St School) until 1957 or 1958 when I was 11 and then it changed to senior school which then became Harry Lucas and was funded by the Lucas factory.Very happy times spent there until I left in 1962. Yes there have been some reunion's I went to a few of them and it was great seeing your old school pals. I was lucky to have spent my whole schooling days in just 1 school.
Brummie Girl, you appeared to leave just as I was starting Harry Lucas... I started harry Lucas in1963 and yes I agree with you, it was a happy school.

I have just come across my brother's school reports. He attended Harry Lucas from 1964 - 1968. The Headteacher appears to be a Mr. A. Walker. The form teachers named are K. Sadler, C M Chivers, Derek Nicholls and M J Arnold.

Sorry I haven't found any pictures yet.
I have just come across my brother's school reports. He attended Harry Lucas from 1964 - 1968. The Headteacher appears to be a Mr. A. Walker. The form teachers named are K. Sadler, C M Chivers, Derek Nicholls and M J Arnold.

Sorry I haven't found any pictures yet.

Jules - he must have attended the same time as myself? I left about the year prior to its demolition. Mabz
I had two brothers Mabz and both went to Harry Lucas. My elder brother David would have been there a year or two earlier than Phillip (whose reports are the one's I found).
mabz..as you know ive been looking for ages..cant understand why its so hard to get a pic of harry lucas...if all else fails you may have to go the the central library..thats where i had to go to obtain one of lozells girls...

HI all you ex Harry Lucas people. I started there right from the very beginning. Mr Walker and Mr Watson originally came from Icknield Street Boys School. The dreaded Miss Cadman - anyone remember her. I can remember doing folk dancing - great fun, Badminton - again great fun. The rounders team used to practice by Perry Bar Stadium and we used to have a bus take us there. I dont have any photos of the school, but I do have a photo of myself in the uniform (dont ask..) Can anyone remember signing Hiawatha at the town hall??
Hi Carolynn,

If you put 'Hiawatha' in the search box, you will find there are others on the forum, who sang it at the Town Hall. I sang it, but with our school choir, at St. Philip's.

Hi Carolynn I also started at the beginning and I left in 62. I was a prefect and I think "johnnie" Walker only choose me because I had a bit of weight on me (I still have) to throw around. I used to help Miss Cadman when she used to entertain visitors in her office and she had a kitchen area with a gas ring and she always served then Heinz chicken soup then I had to get the cooks to plate up their dinners and my reward was an extra portion from the cooks. I also remember Miss Gossmore and the young and hadsome Mick Preston. Did you go to any of the reunions the first few were great especially when the girls p.e teatcher ( I can't think of her name at the mo) but she didn't look any older. It's strange that there is no photo's about.
I've just found a school report for my Grandad for Burberry Street dated July 1939, he'd have been about 15, seems he was quite a scholar, it's signed by what looks like C A Swayne Class Teacher and A C Locke? Head Teacher, it's very torn and worn, hopefully we can save it :) did anyone go there during that year can confirm the names of the teachers? :)
Miss Gosmore was my English teacher - strict but fair. There is a photograph of her and other staff on on the school site on Friends Reunited. Mabz