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Brummie Ghosts

I'm not at all surprised by what you've related here Tezza.

I'm reasonably well known for my anti-psychic viewpoint..... something which has, in the past, had a number of mediumistic-types saying that they felt somewhat 'oppressed' by my presence at investigations !! :D Akin to your technical equipment, the somewhat 'sceptical' viewpoint of a researcher can apparently play havoc with professed psychic abilities !!! (If you catch my drift !! :D) Apparently, I'm my own worst enemy at such times, I've been told......


NIcholas, I do catch your drift, indeed I do, on the other hand---- my next door neighbour, lost her husband around 15 yrs ago now, after the funeral she kept getting phone calls in the middle of the night, with just one word being said when she answered---the name of her husband J***. in desperation she consulted a medium, who told her that J*** wanted her to put his ashes at the bottom of the garden. She did this and the phone calls stopped forthwith. She fervently believed in spiritualsim after that and even attended a spititualst church for some weeks. HOWEVER, 2 yrs after his death she found out that her husband J*** had been adopted at birth and his adopted mother had left her bungalow to her, ignoring other members of her family including her natural grandchilren.
My neighbour, forgetting all about poor old j*** at the bottom of the garden immediately sold up and moved to a new house in Henly on Avon.

As far as I know, poor old j*** is still at the bottom of the garden, and he has never complained to me once!!!! as far as I know, he has not complained to my new neighbours either!!!I think you are very RIGHT to be a sceptic Nicholas, very right indeed, I think the day you are converted to a believer, so will I be!!!
Perhaps J*** loved his garden more than her!
I think the beliefs and scepticism show that as individuals, we will always believe what we want to believe and it will take a lot to change our views.
NIcholas, I do catch your drift, indeed I do, on the other hand---- my next door neighbour, lost her husband around 15 yrs ago now, after the funeral she kept getting phone calls in the middle of the night, with just one word being said when she answered---the name of her husband J***. in desperation she consulted a medium, who told her that J*** wanted her to put his ashes at the bottom of the garden. She did this and the phone calls stopped forthwith. She fervently believed in spiritualsim after that and even attended a spititualst church for some weeks. HOWEVER, 2 yrs after his death she found out that her husband J*** had been adopted at birth and his adopted mother had left her bungalow to her, ignoring other members of her family including her natural grandchilren.
My neighbour, forgetting all about poor old j*** at the bottom of the garden immediately sold up and moved to a new house in Henly on Avon.

As far as I know, poor old j*** is still at the bottom of the garden, and he has never complained to me once!!!! as far as I know, he has not complained to my new neighbours either!!!I think you are very RIGHT to be a sceptic Nicholas, very right indeed, I think the day you are converted to a believer, so will I be!!!

Tezza - what a cracking story !! We shouldn't laugh, of course, but it's certainly had me in stitches !!:D

Too right Lloyd - perhaps the emphasis from the other side had more to do with J***'s prize winning rose bushes than any loving, matrimonial links !! :D

Re. the sceptic / believer argument - I'm a strong mix of both, if I'm honest (in certain ways)...... I believe people do most certainly have such experiences, though I'm at odds (utterly bewildered) as to where such things originate and a lot of my scepticism is aimed at the 'paranormal-related culture' itself, rather than the reported experiences / encounters.

A lot of people seem to think that I'm just a 'nay-sayer' when professing to be a sceptic - which couldn't be any further from the truth......


LLOYD, J*** in fact never did any gardening at all, but would sit and watch his wife doing it all. from what he told me when alive, he never ever thought that his wife would leave this address. However, its surprising what difference a little cash can make!!!
NICHOLAS, you ask for stories, how about some of yours? Why are you in the ghost club?
How do you know that you have NEVER seen one?
How many frauds have you discovered, come on NICH---- Tell all!!! we are dying to know!!!!!
If you do, I will tell you about the haunted kitchen in Winson green, is that tempting enough????

Heck Tezza - I wouldn't know where to start mate !!!???:D

I'm in the ghost club because I was one of the founder members basically - lifelong interest and all that - and at the time of founding the group, it was something that the area probably needed to be honest.

Of course, I don't actually know if I've seen a ghost or not :D but I'm certainly not 'aware' of any such encounters. I've apparently been present when ghosts have been around, but - as possibly mentioned previously - I'm always facing in completely the wrong direction to 'share in the experience'.

Not too long ago, we were in a 400 year old mill and someone standing at the side of me (someone I trust implicitly) said that a bloke looking very much like the late Fred Dibnah was sitting on some nearby bins, watching us ! Of course, I turned around - but there was no one there !!

At the Manor House in West Bromwich, I was told that the ghost of a little girl in a long dress followed me across the Great Hall during one visit - but, again, I didn't see anything......

On another investigation, someone (standing within our group, some two or three feet from me) saw a figure in Elizabethan costume walking towards us along a nearby path...... I was - once again - facing in the wrong direction, though I literally poo-ed myself in reacting to the witnesses horrified reaction to the figure !!!! (Definitely a 'brown-trouser' moment !!)

Re. blatant frauds - I try not to judge, to be honest, but some cases are (shall we say) somewhat 'transparent'.......:grinsmile:

Now - whats this kitchen about Tezza???????


NICHOLAS, I think your last mail was very well answered and fully met my queries. I dont think you will ever see anything when you go looking for it, its when you are NOT looking, that the brown trouser events seem to happen-- but not always, of course.
I had occasion to go to a house in Winson Green Birmingham, the lady there was a single mother with two very small children. She had been housed by the council and was constantly complaining to them that the house was not fit for her and the kids, because of the strange goings on there. Things being thrown around etc. The council thought that she was " playing the wag" trying to get better housed, however things got out of hand when she calimed that large objects would fly around the house too, and was worried about the kids. I cant quite recall what bought me there but I was with a reporter and a police constable. It was quiet enough when we sat in her kitchen discussing some of the alleged happenings, untill the constable blew his nose, the gas cooker then suddenly detached itself from the wall and floated up to the ceiling, but not quite touching it. The woman said " this was just one of the things she was concerned about, as gas was now escaping from the pipe and we rushed to turn it off.This had happened before many time she said and she had to get a local plumber in to reconnect it every time, meanwhile, the cooker was still floating around at ceiling height!! The constable asked her how she usually got it back down again and she said " it usualy come down when it feels like it", but when it comes, it comes quick, At this point the policeman ordered the cooker to come down " in the name of the law" it remained where it was. Finaly he shook his truncheon at it demanding that it return. It Did, it came down that quick, it was almost at the speed of light and we awaited the huge crash as it hit the floor. Amazingly, it stopped suddenly about 3 inches above the floor, we tried to push it down but it just rose up again to around three inches off the floor. The womenn herself then got nasty with it and demanded to know how she was supposed to boil milk for the babys bottle, at this point the cooker returned to floor level and we were able to shove it back where it had came. from. I went for the plumber for her who said he was fed with having to come over all the time, to refix it, he had already fitted a flexible coupling pipe, so when it took off it did not pull the gas pipe off the wall. I can offer no explanation for this Nich, the lady in question was finaly rehoused, somewhere in Ladywood, and around 5 yrs later the complete street was demolished to build more council houses.
My feelings at the time were , shock, fear, disbelief and would not have believed it at all, if I hadn't have been there and seen it for myself.
NICHOLAS re your last mail, I just knew you would pick up on those two points.
I used to be in a Tape Recording club back in the very early 60s and every week we would write down a sort of assignment on paper and drop it into a hat. Each member would then draw out of the hat an assignment, and they would, if possible, go and get a recording or interview, to be played back to the group the following week. I think that was how I came to be at this particular event,[ others included climbing a spider crane to interview the crane driver and going down the sewers in Aston.] In this particular case though I think my assignment was put in the hat, by the lady who was secretary for the group and worked for the police as a civilian clerk. [This is possibly why there was a constable with us.] One could never be certain though, just who had put in the hat, just which assignment.
As regards filming it, well Video camerea's were as yet unheard of and this only started out as something unofficial anyway, it was only an exercise as far as we were concerned. I only knew that I was to go and interview a certain women in Winson Green, about some strange happenings, I did not know what to expect till I got there.
As to it being a haunting " Proper" well, in hindsight, I dont think it was. I think it was something to do with the two young children themselve. As I recall, the lady saying that nothing ever happened when the two kids were out of the house, [ the eldest child would have been about three and the other was only just beggining to toddle] So it was possibly some sort of poltgergeist effect, although , I knew nothing about these things back then. Tape in those days was magnetic coated paper and I am afraid it has not stood the test of time.
I suppose in hindsight, it was more amazing than frightening, and of course one looks for a logical reason. We never found one of course. Maybe you might have some idea's?
A similar thing happened many years later when I held the keys to a service depot in Cornwall Road Smethwick, the place iitself was built in the 60s I think and was where the old Tangy's pump factories used to stand. It was always a very depressing depot to work in, and the manager was a right depressing sort of chappie. I wprked there in the mid eithies.
TVs going out for sale and rental would be put on long racks and an A5 slip of paper with names and addresse etc would be sello taped to the sides. Just before the xmas, we had a very busy time and there were around 50 or so of these TVs all in a line along the racks. about 25 per rack one above the other.
As I tripped the alarm to enter one morning, there was an almighty sounding crack! and it felt as though the roof had lifted off the building and then settled back again on its foundations. When I entered the building, every single slip had fallen off the tVs onto the floor. The strange thing being, every slip had landed the right way up and every one was perfectly aligned with next one. They were all in a pefectly straight line. We tried to simulate this later using only 3 slips, It was just NOT possible to make it happen at random. Other strange phenomena there would be the kettle suddenly switching itself on and starting to boil. Dirty cups left in the sink overnight would be all clean and washed and in neat line next morning. The teapot would sometimes disapear, when no one was looking and then re appear on someone's work bench, when they were not looking, and new boxed TVs, unloaded last thing the night before in a hurry, would all be perfectly stacked in the garage area next morning. There was a young office girl who claimed to have seen grey shaddowy shapes around the place, but for the rest of us. well it was just a puzzle really, It never happened to order, so we could not take advantage of it!
As I held the keys, I was always last out and first in, so unless we had a friendly burgler helping us, out of the kindness of his heart!, we never did know exacty what was going on there.
Over to you NICH,
TEZZA P.S I notice that over 5,000 people have viewed these posts NIC, I think its about time we heard from some of them!!!!
I used to be in a Tape Recording club back in the very early 60s and every week we would write down a sort of assignment on paper and drop it into a hat. Each member would then draw out of the hat an assignment, and they would, if possible, go and get a recording or interview, to be played back to the group the following week.

As regards filming it, well Video camerea's were as yet unheard of and this only stared out as something unofficial anyway

Tezza - what an absolutely superb notion !!! Of course, in these 'X-Factor' / TV Zombie charged times, you couldn't generate enough interest in anything so probing or challenging !! Worst luck, of course mate........!!;)

Re. the 'catching such a thing on video comment' - this was purely a matter of wishful thinking, I must admit. Such an effect on (vid) tape would be the Holy Grail to any researcher, that's for certain!

As to a logical reason for such things, I must admit that - had I experienced something like that at first hand - it would be put down to a 'poltergeist' too matey !! ;);)

Your service depot ghost sounds (to a great extent) the sort of activity that most people wouldn't mind having around the place. We investigated one case a few years ago - a haunted pub - where the ghosts forte was to 'make the landlords bed' !!! (This story got into the Sun newspaper at the time:D:D)

Re. 'teapot activity', I once interviewed a man about a terrible poltergeist haunting (in his previous house) which apparently made a pot of tea while the family were in another room, arguing about 'who' was going to 'put the kettle on'. The man eventually lost, apparently, and went into the kitchen....... only to find a freshly brewed pot of tea steaming away on the work surface!!!!

'Just the sort of ghost I wouldn't mind !' said tea-addict Nick.

'Really?' said the chap, 'I poured it straight down the sink, as I wasn't going to drink the bl**dy stuff, I can tell you !!!!'

5,000 people, eh ?????? you're right Tezza - it's about time someone else said something on here (so we can nip off for a cuppa !!!! :D:D) I'd like to bet there are hundreds of stories out there waiting to be told!?!?

Best wishes to you,

Yes, the cup of tea story is great, our polter, or whatever it was, didnt quite go that far and we could never REALLY rule out some chappie moving the teapot around for some sort of jape! One thing sure though, they would not go so far as Stacking TV boxes nealty or anything approaching "work" and they cerainly would not wash up crock's!
The manager was the sort of chap that came over the workshop one day and asked me to give him a hand, What he wanted was for me to help him get the cleaner out of the ladies loo, as she had had a heart attack in there. [This feat took some doing with three of us in one loo], he wanted her moved sat on a chair OUTSIDE, so that he didnt have to raise any paperwork, for anything happening INSIDE the depot, We sat her on the chair anyway, and she fell off, banging her head on the floor, while he was ringing for the ambulance. He was "a very nice chap" P.S the cleaner did survive, the attack and the bang on the head, but she never came back to work at this depot!!! Can't think Why!!!
I spoke to a lady once in Brownhills, and she showed me a piece of faded Navy Blue wool that she kept in tissue paper in an envelope. She told me that during the war, her husband was in the Royal Navy. She was constanly worried about him with all the U boat attacks etc and was always awaiting the dreaded telegram. One night she had a dream, she dreamt that: " her husbands ship had been torpedoed and the he was injured and in the sick bay of the pick up ship. in the dream she was sat by his bed and she was that concerned about him she started twisting a loose thread in his blanket, which was - Navy Blue. When she awoke form the dream, she was clutching this piece of blue wool in her fingers. I week later she got the telegram, telling her he had been injured. Her husband did survive and when he returned home finaly , he told her that he had, had a dream at the same time dreaming that she had visited him when he was in the sick bay. At the time she was telling me all this, she was in fact a widow, but she always kept this piece of Blue wool. Just another of lifes little mysteries NICH.
Hi guys

I am new to this forum and this is my first post so here goes.

I have only ever seen 1 ghost although I have believed in ghosts for as long as I can remember. To cut a long story short I saw a ghost 24 years ago, I was 22 at the time, it was totally unexpected, I wasn't looking for one and I had my girlfriend with me at the time too and she also saw it. Neither of us had been drinking and it was only approximately 25 yards away from us. Understandably we ran away but all these years later I wish I hadn't. There was no mistaking what we both saw that evening and I have been back to the location many times over the years hoping to see it again without success. I quite understand and respect the opinion of sceptics, indeed my own brother scoffs at me whenever I mention it but I know what I saw and so does my wife (yes I went on to marry her). To sum things up for me, there are ghosts because I've seen one with a witness, I don't know where they come from, where they go, what makes them appear and dissappear and it's these things that intrigue me more than anything. I fear we will never know the answers until we are perhaps a ghost ourselves.

Hi Conna - welcome to the Brum Ghost thread mate !! ;)

TizzyKat - you sound the 'perfect person' to make a paranormal investigator!!! Seriously, the main thing this field definitely / desperately needs are a lot more people with your attitude Tizzy, that's for sure !!!;)

Tezza - another cracking story mate...... !! With all of the related information you have, you should seriously think of putting a book of some sort together !! ;)

ROWTONS WELL, SUTTON PARK !!!! We eventually got there last night and had a good ramble around some of the haunted spots associated with the area. (Including Dave M's experience from 1956). Brilliant night.... and some much needed exercise !! :D:D (See below).


Best wishes,

NICHOLAS, Nice to hear from TIZZYKAZ and as you say more like her would be great.

welcome to CONNA who sent the interesting story but omitted all the details! Come on CONNA, tell us more????

writing a book has been suggested before, but when one thinks about it, all these happenings don't even amount to " a hiill of beans"( as Bogey used to say) , on the face of it, they are all just unnconected events really. I think one either believes-or not as is the case.
I certainly feel that when you look, you dont find, its always when your attention is elsewhere.

My father always used to say that when you dead-your dead and that was an end to it, however some events after his deah and before the funeral, make me think otherwise. Mother said at the time, When Christ died, he was three days on the earth before passing into Heaven, so she was not surprised at all. I think women have more intuition than men anyway, so lets hear from a few of them, where are you all Ladies ????
welcome to CONNA who sent the interesting story but omitted all the details! Come on CONNA, tell us more????

Thanks for the welcome Nicholas and Tezza.

I didn't want to put all the details down because I didn't want to bore you with it and besides I hate typing :D but I'll try and keep it short.

I had been on a night out to a Bingo Hall (yes sad I know) and I was walking home, my route took me past an old and disused cemetery, walking along the Street adjacent to it and roughly half way down I happened to look over into the cemetery and right on the edge of where the cemetery meets the grass verge I saw the apparition. After roughly 3 to 4 seconds I turned to my girlfriend and she was looking that way too (no prompts from me I might add) I said to her "did you see that" she didn't answer me she just ran I I followed hot on her heels. This apparition as I said was no more than 25 yards away from us and I've always described it as being 8ft tall and 3ft wide and glowing just like the illuminous figures you see on the old clock faces in the dark. I have heard of numerous accounts of different sightings in this cemetery over the years and have been back there many times since but never seen anything else.

Regards ;)
Thanks Tezza but I don't feel foolish in the slightest to be honest, I enjoy telling people of my experiences I just hate typing it all out:D. A good many people have had experiences similar to mine but keep it quiet for fear of being laughed at which is a shame, I did have to cringe a bit though when I mentioned the Bingo but trust me I did give that up many years ago :D

Nick, with 20 years experience in running a ghost club and your vast experience in the subject I bet you could write an interesting book yourself so practice what you preach matey ;):).

The place that Conna has mentioned is a well haunted spot, allegedly. It's been known in the Willenhall area as such for many, many years now and - if researched properly - could make an admirable case study indeed. Over the years, I've had a considerable number of stories told to me regarding experiences in and around this site - interestingly enough, most of them concerning completely unrelated motifs and apparitions !!!

Take note of the last sentence Tezza! See, you get totally unrelated stuff happening in the same, small area mate, so don't worry about a literal lifetime of 'random' experiences !!;);)

Also Tezza - note Conna's reference to my writing a book after telling others that they should be doing one ....... this was the sort of hypocricy I was talking about me being accused of previously !!! :D:D:D (Which is completely and utterly true, of course, if I'm honest !!! :D:D)

Cheers folks,

Tezza - I don't know if you ever saw it, but there was a previous Brum Ghosts post that I started which also ran very well. Unfortunately - for some reason - it vanished without trace after a period of inactivity!?!

Nothing paranormal though, I'm sure!!??:D:D:D

Come on people - keep this thread going !!!


First of all I must use the words I am used to, your "ghosts" are being replaced the the word "spirit" or "spirits" I have only been able to speak about my experiences since I went to college and completed 3 spiritual awarness courses. I leave my self wide open to ridicule but now I dont really care and can cope with people taking the pee. It all started without me realising when I was about 3, my earliest experiences which I accepted at that age as being real people with my nan and grandad being with me, my grandad passed over when I was about 3 and a half I used to upset my mom and dad by telling them what he had said to me, later my nan when I was around 5, because of the way I was treated I kept a lot to myself and used to sit alone in the hallway because I had been told off for what I thought at the time was wrong and I now firmly believ I shut myself off to them.

When I started work a few were interested in the psychic world and I found myself listening to them and eventually joining in. I was told that a guy that had been killed in a accident at a power station had a message for me, what followed shocked me and played on my mind untill I found the courage to ask my nan about it. I was told that my Grandad had drown in the Canal at Selly Oak but I had always been told he had passed over naturally nothing like that. I asked my nan she told me my parents did not want me to know I then asked if he had drown she was amazed but she was honest and told me he had just passed the Bridge in Selly Oak. Meanwhile we had contacted our other office where fatalities were filed and the guys name, date of accident and place were confirmed, the spirit was a genuine one. I went back into my shell and did not talk about it to anyone worried that they would jest about what to me had been something so very close to my heart, thats just the start of what has become a way of life for me and like anything else in life just the norm. My Grandad only come to me once more after that when I was sat in a pub by the canal at stoke prior worcestershire but I thought or wanted to believe my mind was playing tricks on me. The pub came up in conversation with my mom and dad the next week, I was telling them about the bonfire night disco I took the kids too, my dad said" one of your grandads favourite places to fish, he often fell asleep on the banks of the canal after a few pints and did not wake till the next morning, he used to go there on his motorbike and sidecar with all his fishing gear" again I did not tell them however I had told a friend I had been thinking about ndad for no apparent reason when we were sat infront of a blazing fire in the pub whilst the children were enjoyng the disco upstairs & I did tell him what dada had said too.
Theres loads more but thats scratched the surface of my spiritual foundations to almost ground floor level.:)
I am always aware when spirits are around but never seen yet have photographed but it honestly was not there when I took the photo?
I hear them and are guided by them by things that happen and they must help when I do card readings for people that ask for them that I do not even know and get them spot on, I shock myself very often when doing this.
One day as I was walking to work from where I park my car my aunts voice came to me " thats rather apt June" I looked up and there was a guy walking towards me in a really bright orange t shirt with "you'll never walk alone" on the front ??
I also smell different things like cigarette smoke and also a very damp smell.
As ever, a concise and informative reply and far frome being "innate" I think you make a lot of sense. However, it does suppose that there is " Something" out there, not of our kind which I suppose takes us into even wilder theories!!
I have met many people, mainly Women, that have an incredible knack of forecasting future events and of knowing things that others don't.
When I was working in and around the Cannock area I had a woman customer who lived 30 miles away from me at least [ Heath hayes] and she told me many things about myself, some of which I didn't even know myself. i.e She not only described my wife, but told me that her full name added up to her Christian name. I was most puzzled about this, because I did not know what she meant.
She wrote my wifes full name down for me P...... A.... T.... then I could see it. My wifes name is Pat, but I had never ever thought of this connection, so she could not have been mind reading. on another occasion, as I was leaving home for work, I noticed my watch had stopped, I took it off and threw it in the glove compatment. This customer was my first call that day, and she told me immediatly that my watch had stopped, { this wasn't difficult as it was obvious that I was not wearing one] however, she went on to say, that the watch was in the glove compartmnet of my van and if went and checked it, It woulkld be stopped at 10 to severn. I went and got the wath and she was exactly right. Cupping the watch in both hands she mumbled something and handed it back to me, big shock, the watch was not only going again, but was showing the correct time.

She claimed to see an " Aura" around people, although it did not work for herself or her own family. Her daughter had a disasterous divorce and her husband had cancer. She could see none of these things, Too closely connected , she said.
She told me many other things too, which in the fullness of time, did actually work out.
So there is another direction to go off in, Astrolgy and Telepathy.

We did some experiments a while ago with 50 random students male and female. we split them into two groups of 25. each member of each group studied a certain card and in the basement 6 floors down, one member of the other group tried to Guess? what the card was. each member had a turn at "sending and Recieving" We expected that 50 % of the cards would be guessed correctly, this would be equell to normal chance. The results were much better than that though, something like 80% being correct. we whittled everyone down to find the best pair and tried it again with photo's. again, the reselts were much higher than chance. I hasten to add. that this was an experiment devised of our own accord as the students were SUPPOSED to be studying Radio Broadcasting, not messing about doing this sort of thing. It was interesting though. It would have been more interesting if one pair could have got them ALL correct every time, I would have asked them to fill in my lottery card for me.
One final point here Nich. the highest scorers and the best pair were always female. Don't know what this proves, but there you are....
Over to you again

CONNA You raise some interestiing points in your last mail and much pondering is going on at this end!! Its certainly true, we think we are the most important things on the earth and that everthing exists for us alone. Look forward to more of your comments/
Tezza - for someone who hasn't been a paranormal researcher (as such) you've led a bl**dy interesting life mate, with oodles of ghostly / potentially spooky connections!!! I've been looking for such a link all of my life and really experienced nothing, so this just bears out our previous comments re. some people being more susceptible to such things!!;) Also, the fact that if you go looking for stuff, you'll never experience anything..... You don't seem to have purposefully searched for these situations - except for the Winson Green kitchen episode, of course - but you've just 'walked into' these experiences!!!! The mind boggles, it genuinely does mate.

A psychic would tell you that I'm thinking about 'your' book again mate;););)!!!


Looking back over my posts to you, I can see why you might think as you do. As all these events happened during a lifetime though, and only in few cases was I aware that something peculiar, had happened in hindsight, they still amount to just odd coincidences to be thought about afterwards.
My early days were spent in the TV sevice Industry, so I covered many areas in the Midlands and beyond. I met many people because of my job, thus had many strange occurances. Late I went to teach broadcasting at one of the Universities, so again, I met many interesting and imformative people and of course, many students. This was another rich area for strange happenings too and I was right in the middle of it.
One of the strangest of all happenings was at a farmhouse Nr Shareshill, But I will tell you about that next time, to save clogging up the forum.
Thanks for that Tali!!!!

I did see a rather naff article about this matter in the Metro, but the article you've posted up is way better !!! Cheers !!!

We had an interesting investigation on Halloween night..... I've included the report below for your perusal:

Investigation Report: The Assembly Rooms – Tamworth - Staffordshire.

Date: Fri. 31st Oct. to Sat. 1st Nov. 2008

Duration of visit: Approx. 5.5 hours.


(W.M.G.C. Members) Steve Chew, Julie Badger, John Conway, Len Jackson and Nick Duffy. Also, Assembly Rooms staff member – ‘Jock’ – present in bar area of building throughout stay.


Group arrived at venue approx. 9 pm

Night began with a tour of the building – with emphasis being drawn to the allegedly haunted sections of the property (and the associated stories, etc) – led by Jock.

Places noted to be of particular interest were:

*Auditorium / main corridor: where the figure of an elderly man has supposedly been seen numerous times, exiting the auditorium (at the raised seating end doorway), walking into the corridor and then turning into the area of the gents toilets.

*Auditorium / Stage area: where lady in white clothing has been seen crossing the stage, descending into the auditorium and walking the length of the room, exiting area through door now covered by raised seating area (leading to front of building).

Footsteps have also been heard crossing the stage, both from the auditorium itself and in the room / office immediately under the stage. People in the latter mentioned areas have reported getting the impression that someone was in the building with them (when they knew the site to be otherwise empty) because of hearing footsteps above them, etc.

Cleaners Room: a small room situated off the left hand side of the stage where a past cleaner of the site reported having the sensation of being touched by something invisible. This activity continued for some while – over a period of time – until the woman concerned found herself being fondled on the bottom, at which point she refused to work in the building any longer and gave up her job there.

Gents toilets (near bar): people sitting in the bar area report having heard the gents toilet door opening, seemingly of it’s own volition.

Approximately 9.40 pm: The group ready themselves to set up kit for the forthcoming vigils / sessions, when a couple of reporters from the Tamworth Herald visit and briefly take photographs of club members on the stage, etc. They stay only briefly, having to also cover a Halloween related event at the nearby Castle.

In readiness for the evening, a digital thermometer was placed on the mantel-piece of the cleaners room, with the attached probe hung (freely) over a nearby clothes rack.

A large wooden cross – outlined on a piece of paper – was placed in the centre of the floor of the cleaners room. An audio alarm was placed on top of the cross.

A second digital thermometer was placed on a small table on the left hand side of the stage, with a remote probe on the floor of the right hand side of the stage area.

All of the above were left in place and monitored throughout the duration of the visit.

Session One – 9.56 pm to 10.30 pm:

Video camera and infra-red torch placed (on tripods) in front of the exit door of the cleaners room, facing across the room towards the cleaners cupboard. (Cross trigger object in view of the camera).

Digital audio recorder hung over one end of the clothes rack also holding the thermometer probe.

Lights were switched off in the cleaners room for duration of the session. Door to stage firmly closed.

Video camera (on tripod) set-up on topmost level of raised seating – dead centre of rows - facing towards the stage area.

Video camera (on tripod) set-up on right hand side of stage area, facing out towards the auditorium.

John and Julie seated on balcony area of auditorium throughout session one, with Len seated on topmost row of raised seating area.

Steve and Nick situated in room under stage area.

10.05 pm: Steve and Nick hear noise – seemingly coming from outside of the room somewhere, up the stairs, which sounds like a distant growling or rumble. Cannot initially identify the source of the sound, although it is reasoned that, because of the nature of the noise itself, it is probably mechanical / native to the building itself. John later identifies sound as being the flushing of the urinals in the gents toilets situated at the top of the under-stage area stairs. The same sound was also heard by Julie during the earlier part of our visit.

Nothing to report at end of session one, save for the fact that a considerable degree of noise is prone to carrying into the building from the streets surrounding the building – voices of passing revellers and so on – and the light levels in certain parts of the property (the auditorium, etc) is conducive to giving the impression of ‘movement’ seen from the corner of the eye / peripheral vision at times. Also in the auditorium area, the radiators were heard to knock loudly at sporadic intervals throughout the duration of the stay.

10.38 pm: cleaners room, auditorium and stage video recordings stopped.

10.45 pm: video recording session set-up in the gents toilets near the bar area. Camera situated to left of door as you enter, pointing towards door.

Session 2 – 10.56 pm to 11.30 pm:

John, Len and Julie situated in room under stage area.

Steve and Nick situated on top row of raised seating area in auditorium.

11.21 pm: Steve reports seeing a brief flash of light, seemingly on railings to raised seating levels, three sections up from the door to the main corridor.

11.37 pm: recording session in gents toilets ended.

Session 3 – 11.42 pm to 12.15 am:

John, Julie and Len situated on stage and in front row seats of auditorium area.

Nick and Steve situated in cleaners room. ‘Baiting’ session suggested in this area, so a video camera is placed (on a tripod) on the floor, some feet away from exit door, pointing towards the cleaners cupboard.

Steve proceeds to gently aim questions at the room for the duration of some 15 minutes while camera records.

Session 4 – 12.24 am to 1.00 am:

John, Julie and Len situated in cleaners room.

Steve and Nick situated in front row seating of auditorium.

Approx. 12.30 am: Nick – while in the process of conversing with Steve – twice has an impression that someone is in the process of creeping very quietly along the corridor behind him, towards the stage end door to the auditorium. Not a blatant sound, but a hint of movement which gave the impression of a careful, muffled tread. Nothing present to account for this impression.

In checking observations between group members, John admits that he too had a similar notion during his time in the auditorium.

12.35 am: Steve looks over his right shoulder – roughly in direction of the door to the corridor at the raised seating end of the room – and reacts at seeing a ‘shape’ seemingly in the process of ‘walking’ across the floor of the auditorium. He describes the shape as appearing to be in the process of ‘walking into’ the auditorium from the corridor, along the path denoted by the lowest level of the raised seating, and was seen to travel a distance of some 7 to 10 feet approximately. Nick turned upon seeing Steve react, but the effect had already ended by this point in time.

Steve found considerable problem in describing the shape he had seen, saying that it resembled an effect like looking at someone with a bright light shining onto one side of them, but with only the reflected light / highlighted portion visible. It was not a discernible figure, but around 6 feet in height, blurred and having a vague khaki / brown hue to it.

Steve highly perturbed by his experience and sits in same position as he was in during his experience and tries to re-create the happening by experimenting with lights, his vision, etc. Cannot replicate the effect.

The rest of the stay is spent in the stage front / auditorium area, but nothing else is experienced.

In discussing Steves experience – and checking details with Jock – it was suggested (by the ghost-lore of the building) that the ghost of the old man seen in the auditorium / corridor area was that of a former caretaker. In pondering over the peculiar khaki / brown hue seen by Steve, it was suggested by group members that this may possibly relate to the same colour frequently used for the old-style cow gown, long smock-like garments frequently worn by warehousemen and caretakers in times gone by?

1.15 am to 1. 30 am: group pack up and leave premises.


Temperatures in the cleaners room fluctuated two degrees during the stay.

Temperatures on the stage fluctuated less than a degree during the visit.

Upon checking through the video / audio footage taken during the visit, nothing of potential interest was discovered on any of the recordings.


Thanks for the report re the Assembly Rooms. The Philip Dix Centre across the road and towards Aldergate also has some strange things going on. Ive been a witness to at least one odd happening there. Then there is the Moathouse, and even a new building I work in can be quite a strange place to be. Tamworth seemingly has a wealth of places which may have a presence perhaps?
Nicholas, just read your report from the assembly rooms Tamworth. Made very interesting reading, but as always....no definite conclusions. You might have known!!!!!! An excellent report though, hope to hear more from you later,
Regards TEZZA

Re. the above - indeed Tezza.... but what did you expect form the West Midlands Ghost Club mate????:D:D:D:D:D A whole cast of apparitions could have appeared in front of us and slapped our faces.... and we'd have only probably reported the event as 'intriguing' at best!!:D We're due for a re-visit to the site soon, so - hopefully - something of interest might happen again.

Rod Birch - I cannot immediately recall having heard of the Philip Dix Centre, though I'll certainly take a look at the place. Would you mind passing on a little more detail concerning your experiences plese? Feel free to PM me if the open forum isn't appealing, etc.

Re. Tamworth itself - it certainly seems that there are plenty of places to focus on if you're looking for a haunted history. We've previously investigated the Moat House, The Colin Grazier Hotel and the RAFA Club building.


The Phil Dix Centre weas previously known as The Drill Hall, it dates as far as I know from just prior to WW1.

I witnessed a bright flash in the centre of one of the ground floor rooms, there was no logical reason?

Ive also heard noises that couldnt easily be explained.

Ive heard stories of things being moved around, lost, reappearing. Lights turned on after the building shuts, doors opening and closing. It doesnt happen on a daily basis as far as I know, but it has happened. Spooky? :shock:
Isn't Doctor's Piece in Willenhall supposed to be haunted? I've got a vague memory of reading something about it in The Express & Star.

Big Gee
Hi Tezza / Big Gee:

I've heard a slight rumour about Doctors Piece, but personally believe that it's just one of those stories you will invariably find associated with such things as a mass burial site (or any graveyard, come to that). One Midlands group did indeed investigate this site, but they were the sort of set-up that ran around any cemetery that they came across 'looking for ghosts', so you cannot really put much weight on their research, to be honest.......

With regards to ghosts in general.... indeed, Christmas-time (as well as Halloween) is generally thought to be 'one of those times of the year' when it comes to the supernatural, but - to be frank - there is very little being bandied about at the moment with regards to references!!?? (I think this field has well and truly burned itself out over the past few years, for obvious reasons really).

I'll try and dig something out for you Tezza over the next few days matey!!! Very good to have you back, by the way!!!


Regarding that ghost story Tezza - how about this? It's part of a report of our investigation of the Assembly Rooms in Tamworth from Halloween night.....

Please let me know what you think folks??

"Session 4 – 12.24 am to 1.00 am:

Steve and Nick situated in front row seating of auditorium.

Approx. 12.30 am: Nick – while in the process of conversing with Steve – twice has an impression that someone is in the process of creeping very quietly along the corridor behind him, towards the stage end door to the auditorium. Not a blatant sound, but a hint of movement which gave the impression of a careful, muffled tread. Nothing present to account for this impression.

In checking observations between group members, John admits that he too had a similar notion during his time in the auditorium.

12.35 am: Steve looks over his right shoulder – roughly in direction of the door to the corridor at the raised seating end of the room – and reacts at seeing a ‘shape’ seemingly in the process of ‘walking’ across the floor of the auditorium. He describes the shape as appearing to be in the process of ‘walking into’ the auditorium from the corridor, along the path denoted by the lowest level of the raised seating, and was seen to travel a distance of some 7 to 10 feet approximately. Nick turned upon seeing Steve react, but the effect had already ended by this point in time.

Steve found considerable problem in describing the shape he had seen, saying that it resembled an effect like looking at someone with a bright light shining onto one side of them, but with only the reflected light / highlighted portion visible. It was not a discernible figure, but around 6 feet in height, blurred and having a vague khaki / brown hue to it.

Steve highly perturbed by his experience and sits in same position as he was in during his experience and tries to re-create the happening by experimenting with lights, his vision, etc. Cannot replicate the effect.

The rest of the stay is spent in the stage front / auditorium area, but nothing else is experienced.

In discussing Steves experience – and checking details with Jock – it was suggested (by the ghost-lore of the building) that the ghost of the old man seen in the auditorium / corridor area was that of a former caretaker. In pondering over the peculiar khaki / brown hue seen by Steve, it was suggested by group members that this may possibly relate to the same colour frequently used for the old-style cow gown, long smock-like garments frequently worn by warehousemen and caretakers in times gone by?

1.15 am to 1. 30 am: group pack up and leave premises".

Best wishes to all,


A very well written report Nicholas and certainly seems to prove that "something" is around in the world, other than just "us"
I note that the sighting mentioned, was "6 feet or more in height", several other tales on this site also mention the apparant size of whatever was seen. Much larger in fact, than most human beings. All of which, brings one round in a full circle I think, " we know ther is something out there, but we don't know what it is!!!!!.
My feeling is . the further we go into the electronic age, then, the more actual distance we put between us and whatever basic instincts we might have once had.
As I said in an earlier mail, Telepathy has been proved now in several ways, but its getting harder to make it work to order. We seem to be moving away from all these basic instincs, although, looking at animals, they still seem to have these powers. Any cat owner will tell you this.
Well I am " going on a bit, again!!! So I will shut up for a bit and give you a chance. It does make one wonder though, what ancient powers did we alll have, before this "modern world" came into being???
Happy Xmas to all, and best wishes for the New year TEZZA