Rod, your comments about Witton Lakes and Brookvale Parks....I can only say "It's a small world, etc." So Bren's Dad was the Park Keeper....... I remember both "Park" Houses in Witton Lakes and Brookvale. A school friend of mine's Uncle lived in the Brookvale Park keepers house very early on. I have to say the Witton Lakes Park Keepers house was a little spooky. I expect Bren's Dad used to have to lock the Park gates every night. I bet he had a bicycle because there were at least four gates at Witton Lakes for instance and they were a fair distance apart. It would have been a lovely place for courting, well both parks certainly. How did you get over there? On the bus or by bicycle? This is one of my favourite shots of the area between the two Parks crossing Marsh Hill. Taken by Keith Berry, who as you know has a marvellous photo site. I wrote some comments about the area underneath this photo. Wish I had a pound for every time I walked these streets and shopped in those shops!
I also have photos of my Mum and Dad doing their courting in Brookvale Park....a right old Monkey Run on Sunday afternoons in the summer according to my Dad. Can't get away from it though. A friend sent me a local Erdington calendar which is of very old black and white photos of Erdington and the picture for the month of June is the Brookvale Park stream around 1912. That would be behind the main Park Keepers House.
Before the Boat House was burned down in Witton Lakes it used to have a small cafe at one end and the roof was thatched. Before WW2 they used to rent out long rowing boats on the first lake. The lake grew very weedy over the years but it has retained it's beauty overall. There is a view from the park that is always in my of looking towards the chapel tower in Witton Cemetery across the is such a lovely view and so peaceful. You would never guess that the Motorway is within a half mile.
My friend and I used to walk people babies' in the Witton Lakes. We would just walk up when we saw a baby outside a house in the front garden and ask to take the baby for a pram walk. We had two regular runs from Bleakhill Road. No way anything like that would happen these days.
The last time I was there a couple of years ago. I got off the bus at the Ridgeway and bought some chips from the chip shop on Marsh Hill in the late afternoon, walked up Gypsy Lane, still a lovely treed street, and into the Park. Up past the water raceway, so many stories about playing on the bridge and the raceway itself, along to the lake. People were walking their dogs and all spoke to me. I watched the airliners flying over to Birmingham International, one every two minutes, and was reminded of the VJ Day flight over Witton Lakes Park when I saw many many planes of different types flying in format. I lay on the rise just off the Woolmore Road gate to see these planes which would have landed at Castle Bromwich airfield. One semi detached house in the road leading to the Park part of Woolmore Road suffered a direct hit by German bombers during the war, I remember.
My brother used to play cricket near the Woolmore gate and I got it in the face from a ball one evening and caused a bit of a stir.
I also gazed at the little beach on the "boating" lake and remembered all the days I spent there in what seemed to be the endless summers with my brother fishing for minows and watching the young boys who came with pieces of hessian sacking dredging in a twosome and catching lots of fish. We standing by with our eyes on stalks secretly marvelling their cleverness. We used a bamboo garden cane with a circle of wire at one end and one of my mother's nylon stocking's tied in a knot as a net. I had a friend who lived in Yerbury Grove close to The Ridgeway so we spent many hours in both Parks over the years of our childhood and walking to the shops on Marsh Hill for sweets..
We used to tobggan down the hill and almost end up in the boating lake in those long ago snowy winters. I remember the radio controlled boats on that lake where a local club used to meet with their boats on evenings in the summer. Just fascinating to watch....from yachts to steamers and even special model ocean liners.
The City of Birmingham issued a Fair permit and Fairs used to arrive once in a while. Not as good as the Onion Fair but fun all the same and right down the road too.