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Bordesley Park/ Cov Rd

Shot number 9.
This is one of my favorites..again I used infra red film...I love the way it picks out details.
I apologize..I did not catalog the location, maybe you know.
It's located around the outskirts of town.View attachment 75500

Picture from post 70 is on the canal near the National Indoor Arena. The bridge on the left is King Edwards Road.

The NIA is behind you, these buildings opposite have been "done up", and just to the right is the Malt House pub.

Here is a picture I took of the buildings in 1988 - 24 years ago (click on image to see it larger)


And here is the same view in 2010 (click on image to see it larger)

Thanks everyone for nice comments...so glad to share pics..and you are right stars, many a truck became stuck under Sandy Lane bridge..your comments brought back familuar memories
Picture number 11.
Remember Kingston Road Park.
I went here originally to take shots of what was left of the park, at the time I took these pictures I became side tracked and photographed this young gypsy family. Watery Lane is the nearest background with town in the far distance
'Boy' do I regret not completing my aim.
These are dated mid to late 1980's.kingston rd park.jpg
picture number 12.
2 young friends in Kingston Road Park...this picture has the old BCFC in the background showing the old score board which was basically in Emerline Street off Saint Andrews Road...the old houses on Saint Andrews Road were gone.
If anyone has any shots regardless of their condition around this area...''I beg you post them please''.2012-03-28_27.jpg
Picture number 15.
Small Heath bridge...its quite haunting this one...it reminds me of kids2012-03-29_15.jpg playing on these tree's in their back gardens where houses once stood on this now disused land.
Dated 1980.
You know. I've tagged lots of pictures from this site..they are pictures of my memories..and I thank every one who has contributed.
Birmingham History forum is a terrific site which, will be on the lips of one to another,spreading the word of the power of pictures.
I was born and raised in Small Heath..Mount Pleasant to be precise in 1953.
Times were hard for my father and mother then..what I will always remember is how neighbors looked out for one another.
Remember walking the streets? It was easy to make friends then. well you had to really, no computers or phones or game pads, there was nothing to do other than to enjoy your youth...back then it was impossible to miss the squalid housing conditions.
I spent most of my time up to my teenage years in Kingston Road park. You could play hide and seek...tree's were all around...I loved playing football with the many friends I had then.
I remember the old hut there and the park keeper who was kind and gave us water when we asked.
This picture number 17..Gyspy children in Kingston Road park.
Dated 1980's.
Anyway...again if any one has any pictures of this park in its purity..''please post''.img116.jpg
Picture number 23.
I remember entering Bordesley goods yard in Upper trinity Street and just walking towards town.
I couldn't resist taking this shot when I got close enough.
The negitive is not to clever unfortunately.2012-03-28_23.jpgDated 1970's.
Hi Guilbert...Thanks for information...I see it now.
Doesn't it have character...even now!!
Trouble with me most times back then, when I was loose with a camera I ended up in places I couldn't remember.:upset:
Hi Wal.
I managed to find this shot of Regents Park Road.
Hopefully you haven't seen it.
If you have...apologies.
I have1 more shot lost in folders somewhere, containing a picture of residents in Regents Park Road.
I never generally re-post pictures which are not mine but I will on this occasion in the hope you haven't seen it.
Regards redken159 regents prk rd off cov rd.jpgDated 1960's.
I plan to re-post a handful of pictures which are mine of the Old Lodge on the corner of Bordesley Park Road, Miles Street, shots of Coventry Road,and Watery Lane. I'm doing this because this site was hacked some time ago and the pictures were lost.
I hope this is OK with every one.
Picture number 24.
A new post.bcfc cattell rd.jpg
This is a shot of the old BCFC shop and entrance on Cattell Road Small Heath.
Dated 1960.
picture number 25.

Taken at Tysley Railway Mus.. . Dated 1970's.
As a kid I lived close to a railway.
If my mother knew I was so close to what you see here, on the railway back then...I think she would have spanked me.
''Remember'' bend your knee's before attempting to lift.tysley musiuem.jpg
Picture number 32.
I think this shot was near or located around Brindley Place.
Dated 1970's.towns waterways.jpgPlease inform me with correct imfo if you know different.
As I mentioned in my earlier posts..I can be a right scatter brain with not cat my shots.
Picture number 32.
I think this shot was near or located around Brindley Place.
Dated 1970's.View attachment 75567Please inform me with correct imfo if you know different.
As I mentioned in my earlier posts..I can be a right scatter brain with not cat my shots.

This building is just along from the NIA near the last picture I helped you with. Just go underneath King Edwards Road and along the canal.

It is near a canal "basin" and opposite a pub, which Google Maps shows as "The Flapper" but dont know if it is still called that.
Cambrian_wharf_1980.jpgRedken, Re pic 32 Post 110. many years ago in the 80's I was commissioned to a painting of this building and according to my records it is in Cambrian wharf. Eric
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Hi Redken
Thank you for that but yes i do have a copy of the pic you sent.But thanks anyway I think its about the only one there is. What i'm looking for is Regent Park Road, Herbert Road, Arthur Street,Oakley Road, or Baker Street all Small Heath. So if you do happen to find any i'd be really grateful. Thanks again. Oh by the way Ann Moloney that kept the Old Lodge was a friend of mine before she had that one, she had The Wrexham and i looked after it for her and John when they went back to Ireland for 6 weeks around 1975/6 time.
Re-posting because site hacked some time ago.
Picture number 1.
Miles street off Bordesley Park Road.
You can clearly see the 'Plume of Feathers pub' and the Holy Trinity church in the background.313.jpgDated 1970's
Re-posting due to site hacked some time ago.
Picture number 2.
The 'Old Lodge pub' on corner of Bordesley Park Road and Coventry Road.69.jpg 1970's
New posting.
Picture number 3.
Not great quality but good for picture content.
2 Friends on Bordesley Park Road.
Dated around 1970.87.jpg