A map was compiled every day showing where bombs had fallen during the previous 24 hours. These maps are dated, numbered, show times of duration of raid, and are available in Local Studies Department on the 6th floor of Central Library. At the end of the war a compilation map was made of all the individual maps. This compilation map is now only available in sections, because I believe it was cut into sections to make copying easier.
They bombed the corner shop and the gas tank by us, my Par told me how he saw “a pencil of flame” going a hundred feet high from the gasometer in Rabone Lane, and seeing the bodies of horses from the good yard on the railtracks by Handsworth and Smethwich Station that bomb took out the back houses in Alfred St just of Wattville Rd killing 3 or 4. Our house in Cross St across the railway recived the blast from that one it knocked down the shop on the corner of Cross and George Sts and brought down our ceilings was thanks to that our old house got electricity apparently until then 1940 we were gas lite, although I remember the gasmantles in the bed rooms in the fifties and early sixtys.
In the 1940/1941 raids the Luftwaffe generally followed the Knickerbein and 'X' Gerate beams so they came from south-easterly / easterly directionsLining up to Bomb Brum. Which direction did the Bombers come from?