Hi, I am also a Loveridge descended from the gypsies of Black Patch. Any descendants should read the booklets published in the RTFHS Famous Families Series, especially The Family Tree of William and Margaret Loveridge by Pat Loveridge and The Family Tree of Woodfine Smith by Josephone Tombs. They show all family connections. My 3 x Gt. Grandfather was Esau Smith married to Sentenia Smith (King & Queen of Black Patch). Their daughter Cintamenta Smith married Ezekiel/Disegle/Tennant Loveridge and their son George/Gilderoy/Gilroy Loveridge married Polly (surname unknown), and their son George Loveridge (my Grandfather) married Florence Fowkes and had my Father, Alfred Loveridge. I am their only child, Lynne, and unfortunately the Loveridge part of the line dies out with me. If anyone has any knowledge or stories of any of the above people, I would be really interested, especially the maiden name of Polly. Thank you.