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Birmingham Nightclubs of the Past - Memories

  • Thread starter Thread starter mazbeth
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anybody remember this group

These are photo's of my friend who lives across the road from me.
He used to play in the clubs around Brum in the 60's, Rumrunner,Plaza,Cedar,Station Inn, Brum cavern ect.
The were called The Cresendo's and then when there were only 3 they were known as Malt Hops and Barley, and played a lot at a place called the Birmid in Smethick.
Bermuda Club

I can confirm that the Bermuda was raided, it happened when my wife was celebrating her birthday there many years ago, the police locked the doors and detained everyone, she tells me there were even dog handlers stopping anyone escaping through the toilets, happy days eh.
the bermuda club,i bet me and charlie used to play cards on a beer stained table,in a choking blue haze of cigarette smoke,swinging out of manns brown ale bottles ,while the harpies of the night plied their trade amongst the pimply fresh faced under age teenagers,CASABLANCA EH CHARLIE,heres looking at ya kid.
down the steps ,quick look at the clothes in zissamans window,onto to the pink elephant in bromsgrove st,where my 6 foot red haired giant of a mick would get the beer at the bar and say *fer gods sake keep yer gob shut ,if they know yer are a brit ,we both are dead*.then a taxi to the TALK OF THE TOWN just on the left before waldford rd sparbrook,another knock on the the door 3 times,SEAMUS SENT US,beer was a pound a bottle or was it 2 ,you never dared ask for change,the band would would arrive about 2 in the morning where they would be locked in a cage so as to be out of the way when the fight started as it always did,yer right charlie,the kids dont know how to enjoy themselves today.
mom always waited up (they do that dont they)she would hit me on the head as i went up stairs with her hollering ANY MESS AND YOU WILL CLEAN IT UP YOURSELF.but she always looked in on me later on if only to move my suit from where i throwed it before the WHIRLY PIT took a grip and then you were in trouble.IN ALL THE BARS IN ALL THE WORLD CHARLIE,HAPPY DAYS
We always used to think it was the height of sophistication when we went to The Bermuda! It had a little dance floor for smoochy dancing, and we all used to try and out-dress each other. Yes Happy Days! I was speaking to my sister yesterday about the suggestions of it being raided, and as it never happened while we were there, we thought it just our over-vivid imaginations adding to the excitement of being there - but obviously not Darby!!

We also used to go to the Sombrero in John Bright Street, and considered ourselves part of the "town crowd" in those days!!!

I didn't drink - but I used to go dancing at the Crown and Cushion Perry Barr
I went dancing at the Crown and Cushing, walked in one evening with my new frock on, latest style dressed to the nines turned around and low and behold some other female in my dress, not to worry, we both laughed and i had a wonderful evening.
Golden Cross

Used to go regularly to The Golden Cross (?) at Aston Cross - they had a club upstairs called Studio 1. They held modern jazz nights, and cha cha nights. It was great.

Blimey yes, The Sombrero - now that was the mutts nuts (as they say). There was also a coffee bar in Union Street where we used to go to all night jazz jives in the basement. They used to serve breakfast in the cafe upstairs for anyone who could keep it down! When I think of it now..well, 'elf 'n safety would have a field day! If ever there had been a fire in that basement, how on earth would 150 people+ crammed into one small room have escaped up that narrow staircase?
Hi Charlie

Here is a card for the Sombrero - not that I am a horder!!!!

What was the name of the coffee bar in Union Street - it wasn't the Firebird was it?

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Do you know, I'm blowed if I can remember the name. It may have been The Firebird, seems to ring a bell - an apt name anyway for that firetrap of a cellar!
We used to end up at The Stagedoor coffee bar, down the passage near Carrs Lane. Then stagger home to Handsworth, via the 16 bus (if it was running) or on foot through Hockley and down Hamstead Road to Putney Road.
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My mistake - The Firebird was in Carrs Lane - I have just found a card for it. I wonder if the Firebird became the Stagedoor as it was in the same area. There were lots of coffee bars and clubs in firetrap cellars which would never be allowed today would they?
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you have led a very sheltered life havent you charlie,i think you are the re incarnation of attilla the hun,wouldnt want to pick a fight with you
You are so right Dol., I have led a very sheltered life.
The No. 16 bus shelter; No.11; No.9 etc etc.
Attilla the Hun? A wimp!!!
Somebody always comes up trumps when I post these little queries so I hope that holds true today.

Can anyone please tell me if the Locarno was still open in 1971? There's no rush I just need the information within the next hour. ;)

Thanks in anticipation,
O :redface:
Locarno 1971

Im ceratin it was because I 'm sure I went there as late as 1976.

Does anyone remember the Metro...under the Railway Arches?;)
I went there too - if memory serves - in the late 1970's early 1980's, used to hang out in the Bali Hai - the ballroom at the rear of the club. I remember it became the Powerhouse but not exactly sure when.
Astonian and Loisand I remember well The Palais De Dance - The Palace and the Masonic ballrooms Erdinngton also the New Crown and Cusion Perry Barr -

Now trip the light fantastic at Toronto's well known 'Old Mill'

Think those who never learned to dance are missing out on a lot of fun!
Ian I remember the Bali Hai when I went it was a seperate club at the back of the Lacarno and you had another membership card. Plastic palm trees and plants..............great!
Good reading it brings back happy memories was a Mod in the 60s and went to all the usual places where the Mods frequented.

Nobody has mentioned Laura Dixons above Chetwins mens outfitters the corner of Navigation St when i used it was The Whisky A GO GO
Spencer Davis was more or less a resident group there,i saw some great groups at that place Georgie Fame,Yardbirds when Eric Clapton played with them The Yarbirds played one easter in the 60s and all my mates whent Manchester to a club called Tiles on their scooters my scooter was out of action,the night the Yardbirds played there was about 30 people in the club it was great being able to have a chat with one of my favourite groups especially Clapo by the way he's a Baggies fan

On a nother ocassion i was going to the Whisky to see the late great harmonica player Sonny Boy Williamson
I was waiting by the bus stops in Navigation to meet a girl ''dolly in them days'' of the 45 bus from Kings Norton she never got of the bus that she was supposed to,the buses were every half hour so i decieded to go for a pint in the Navigation Pub when i got in i could not believe my eyes there was Sonny Boy drinking whisky,he wanted to buy a full bottle the barman said he could'nt he turned to me and i tried to tell him the reason why he could'nt what a great feeling talking to one of my favourite harmonica players

Happy Days Mossy The Mod
Mossy, You must have gone to the Whisky the same time as me, If I can recall it was a Wednesday? I used to knock around with Shaun Mahoney,
Roger, Sticky,(Johnny Glue) Simo ect did you know any of them. We were all mods and went to Margate. We used to go down to the Pink Elephant in London and the Flamingo to see my all time favorite Gorgie Fame.
Small world, Patty, I used to work with Shaun making exhaust systems at a foctory in Hay Mills. I think you will find that his name is Shaun O'mahony, a dead ringer for Mick Jagger.;)

Patty, just been talking to an old mate and he told me that it wasn't Shaun who used to knock around with us, it was his younger brother Paul. ( senior moment)
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I see nobody has mentioned The Boundry Club, Acocks Green, The Garry Owen Club, Small Heath, The Press Club, Watt Street ?, the Pink Elephant/Ringway Club Brosgrove Street.

Or was it just me that frequented these low drinking dives. Whilst on the subject of Bromsgrove Street. Can anybody remind me o9f the name of the Cafe Bar on the corner of there and Hurst Street in the 60's.


We have mentioned the Gary Owen club but we called it by its other name which was the Brum Cavern.
Was the Cafe called the Kismet.
No it was something like mexicali. I just can't bring it to mind and I used to use it quite often round about 66-67. and are we talking about the Garry Owen in Wordsworth Road that has been closed for the last couple of years,


GARRY OWEN :bad: I Didnt like that place....2 Many Gangsters use to meet up in there , when I lived near there , There were shootings taking place and that was early as 1971..... I kept away forever :whistle:
Ragga :)
i went to the Garry Owen a couple of times but it was always with a publican I think a lot of them went there after they had finished work.