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Birmingham Newspapers 1939-1945

Thanks will also look into this x
I had a double page spread in a French paper a modern article commemorating D Day about the allied troups & what French people felt then. I gave it, with a translation to an e x serviceman for his association. And a A5, four page French newspaper 1940 I think to a French history group in France. ( I posted it on here.) It was written in code. Along with some USA Army petrol cans. What people keep eh!
I had a double page spread in a French paper a modern article commemorating D Day about the allied troups & what French people felt then. I gave it, with a translation to an e x serviceman for his association. And a A5, four page French newspaper 1940 I think to a French history group in France. ( I posted it on here.) It was written in code. Along with some USA Army petrol cans. What people keep eh!
Oh wow that sounds fascinating. People do keep the strangest and most wonderful things. My grandfather was born a month after these papers were published so I assume they belonged to my Great-grandfather.
yes nicola good chance they did belong to your gt grandad...hope you find a good home for them

Centre of Birmingham Mystery Explosions….Explosion at the Junction of Princess Road and Balsall Heath Road, March 1939
Mr. C. Neale, the landlord, told a reporter that he was sitting in front of the fire when the explosions occurred. "I thought war had started. It was a terrific din. Soot came down the chimney and the windows blew in. The noise was deafening."
(Birmingham Gazette)

