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Birmingham museum and art gallery.

HI Lyn - the open day on September Heritage day has been free in previous years - this is the first year (to my knowledge) that there has been a charge. Guess the council needs to get some cash from somewhere...........
Many of the items( possibly the majority?) were donated to the museum by individuals. In some cases in the past where land has been donated for a specific purpose and that purpose is defunct then the descendants of the donater has had to be given back the land. Personally I think that a very good thing, and would like it if the same applied to works of art (though have my doubts). , as it would stop councillors defecating on the wishes of donors. Incidently about 45 years ago I donated a very battered torn , pages missing, catalogue of church accoutriments which I had found to the museum, and somewhere have letter of thanks signed by someone or other on the council. They really wanted it at the time as they, at least then, had no such item. No real value commercially, but I would never have done that to an organisation that might then sell things off
The same happened to me in the 80s i loaned some 1st world war family items to BMAG for a ww1 display i was on leave at the time and left them my parents contact details when i returned home i was told that the BMAG had not contacted my family so i visted the BMAG to enquire about my items i was told the person who ran the ww1 display is no longer employed by the BMAG be a fit able bodied soldier i caused a stink only to be escorted out of the building i was been deployed to NI in a few days so i cooled down thanks to my girlfriend
The Museum and Art Gallery is saying they will not be selling off any of their Collection to fund the Council's debts so that's good news!

Be wary it is a commitment regarding the Art Collection only. There are other important artifacts which belong to the citizens of Birmingham. There also seems to be some dispute about the figures alleged to be in the financial shortfall.