Some wonderful stories, and photographs, of Birmingham cinemas.
However, no one ever seems to mention the 'still' photographs that were an integral part of the cinema promotion.
These photographs, usually in black & white, would appear in glass cases either on the outside cinema wall, or, as I often stopped to look at, out side the Picadilly Cinema on the Stratford Road. At the Picadilly, they were displaying in four cases place alongside the pavement, so easy to look at when passing.
The name of the film would be at the head of the hoarding glass case, and then about six photographs of the current film that would be showing.
The usual cinema programme in the fifties was 'Pathe' news, a 'trailer' for a forthcoming film, the supporting film, a break for ice cream, and sometimes, theatre organ music, then the main film, with huge masses of cigarette smoke lazily rising through the beam form the projection room located at the rear of the cinema, followed by the National Anthem, when everyone would make a quick dash to get out of the cinema, instead of standing in respect.
Oh how a cinema visit has changed !