The Christmas Eve of 1890 sounds very lively, the effects on businesses and services being evident in this article - appearing in the newspaper on the 25th of December! So newspapers were delivered on Christmas Day.
A bulging Market Hall. The Town Hall basement taken over by the GPO for the wealth of cards and parcels. A bustle at the railway stations on a par with Whitsun holidays. And a rush for Postal Orders (remember them ?) for (obviously) last minute gifts. All suggest a good Christmas trading year. Viv.

Source: British Newspaper Archive
A bulging Market Hall. The Town Hall basement taken over by the GPO for the wealth of cards and parcels. A bustle at the railway stations on a par with Whitsun holidays. And a rush for Postal Orders (remember them ?) for (obviously) last minute gifts. All suggest a good Christmas trading year. Viv.

Source: British Newspaper Archive
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