Hagley Road and western area City buses used the New St - Corporation St - Bull St - Colmore Row loop, I lived on Hagley Rd and used the 9. There was another Hagley Rd bus, 34, which worked cross-city with some of the peak time 33s, but was only a rush hour service when I knew it.
The Bull Ring bus station was much criticised, but at the time it opened it gave a covered area to interchange buses or go to and from the shopping centre and was a great improvement over waiting on cold wet pavements blocking the way of passers by. Unfortunately the facilities soon wore out, the fume extraction plant gave up for months at a time and the decor wasn't kept up as it should have been. Do you remember that when it opened, a penny went on the (Midland Red) fares to pay for it?
I worked there in the late 80s and early 90s, and it was a devil of a job keeping it useable. The premises were rented from the city, but they weren't interested in doing repairs. Where Smallbrook Queensway ran over the top, rain water was for ever pouring in, and extra support piers had to be installed to keep the roadway from collapsing in (see the pic I'm going to provide). The wiring was in atrocious condition and we were amazed that the lights stayed on (we daren't turn them off at night, did so once and only about a third of them came back on next day!)
We did all we could to keep it decent, drivers would come in on rest days (paid of course) and over a few months painted all the pillars and walls to brighten it up, but we were fighting a losing battle against the elements, decaying concrete, litter louts and druggies who would soil the place in ways you couldn't dream of. We had to keep the toilets locked in the end because of what went on in them.
I walked round whilst the rag market was temporarily re-sited in there during the rebuilding, the stallholders all moaned about the water leaking in, even on dry days!
The picture shows the place after we'd closed it. All the route information boards are down from the stands, lanes 2 and 3 are barriered off in the distance and scaffolding erected where the roadway leaking, and the water corroding the concrete and its steel reinforcing. But with public and buses missing, our white painted walls and pillars, and most of the lights working, it doesn't look too bad.