I was born in 1937 in Sparkhill, and a year later moved with mom and dad to a new council house in Highters Rd. Warstock, and my grandparents came to live next door, at the outbreak of war in 1939 dad joined the army and went on to fight at Dunkirk, and later in the 8th. army (desert rats) under Monty in Egypt, Sicily, Italy and Normandy, finishing up in Germany in 1945. During the war my grandfather who was a baker worked for a small bakers in Selly Oak, Jones on the Bristol Rd., and sometimes had to walk there or back because of bombing raids, and my grandmother worked as a porteress on New St. station mostly on nights, and again sometimes had to walk there or back, they were both well into thier 50s. We had an Anderson shelter in the back garden which I remember being in with mom and my two younger brothers listening to the planes going over and mom being able to tell whether they were ours or gerries by the sound of the engines. She must have had a hard time bringing us up without dad there and my grandparents living next door must have been a big help, grandad kept chickens in his back garden,mostly for the eggs I presume because I never remember having chicken for dinner. allthough times were hard, as kids I dont remember feeling hard done by, it was all we knew I suppose, and to me as a kid happy times. I went to school in Grendon Rd. and made a friend the first day who I still see and keep in touch with now, allthough he lives in Belfast. Sorry if I have gone on a bit.