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  • Thread starter Thread starter DAVE BRICK
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It's funny how things work out,
on leaving the junior school,and then going
up into the senior's at another school
because it was wartime we only attended
school in the mornings,anyway,because
of the PT which we hated,my mates and I
played the "Wag" for three weeks
and we only ;) :)returned back to school
because some one "Twitted" on us
and you know what? later on I used to go
to night school for PT & woodwork
Education is the finest thing out
wished I had more of it,
despite having the cane on numerous times
Gosh Dennis it has been YEARS since I heard the word "Twitted"!!!!!!!

A lovely word it is tooooooooooo :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:
The first memory i have of school was running out of Windsor St after doing a woopsy in my pants i was only five. I,m not signing my name to this.
I was marched home in some school knickers after being pushed into a puddle also aged about five. It still haunts me now!
blimey wend....wouldnt get away with it nowadays....i got the cane once for stepping out of line up in the playground and had a bit of bullying...both at farm st but apart from that school was ok for me...

freezing cold showers after gym.if you tried to dodge them our gym mistress pushed you under fully clothed .horrible wooden duckboards on the floors and NO PRIVACY....in all i liked school ..but the showers ..brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
My first day at school, I wet my knickers and cried. I too had some bullying in secondary school, but being a titch there was always a bigger girl to help me out. In spite of all this I did like school.
Never had any bother about school. Had the Cane when I deserved it, well what did you expect when Prefects had wellington boots on (See Friends Reunighted Hastings Road Perry Common I'm on there age 11.)I loved school and National Sevice so there :P

Me too Alf! Some folk are just too 'picky' about life....what's missing from modern 'education' is the fear element! I too was thrashed on a reasonably regular basis, and mostly richly deserved too! Only once was I caned for something I hadn't done; which I explained to the teacher once the flogging was over; and he, after the event, believed me, and we shook hands on it - him saying ''have you done owt wrong recently that I don't know about?'' and naturally, I had, so I accepted the thrashing for that!

I'm glad I got the occasional piece of 'sharp' retribuition; if not, I might, I feel, have got rather out-of-hand.....it did serve to make me 'think twice' at an age when I was immune to 'common sense' and reason.
She was abducted by the painters, eh? ::)

Interesting! During my school days we had a couple of lads, at diferent times, who did 'unspeakable things' and were never, ever seen again! One of them (an I apologise for this!) stuck his 'willy' through that little hole inside his desk, and got it stuck! The Deputy-Head got it unstuck for him by thrashing every available part of his body! He sharp freed himself! I've ofen wondered what happened to them; they just disappeared off the face of the earth.....a trick that would come in useful in this era!

Other than the usual, and accepted, 'terrors' of school, I thoroughly enjoyed my time at Hill Top School, West Bromwich. I even enjoyed it whilst I was there, and not just in retrospect; I felt 'safe' providing I did as was expected ofg me....the school had but one rule 'DON'T'!
I remember the unjustified beatings and the very thick teachers that couldn't even give us English or Maths lessons; they had to bring in outsiders to teach us simple maths!
There was a thread about this some months ago and I can only repeat what I posted then I did not 'LOVE' school but I certainly did not hate it. I can honestly say I never played truant, but I did play cricket and football for the school. I was never bullied because my dad taught me to fight. With the boxing lessons came a warning, I was told that if someone hit me I should hit him back harder. I must never be a bully, and I should help protect those who are bullied. Failure of any of these three things would result in Dad giving me a slap. I liked most of the teachers and I'm sure most of them liked me, although I did have the cane several times six of the best once off the head. I have always been grateful to my dad and most of the teachers for pointing me in the right direction. I have never screamed with delight when something went right for me, and I have never cried uncontroleably when things have gone wrong. The only man I have ever met who I was afraid of was the dentist. I know it was my dad and my teachers who made me the person I was when I left school. I thouroughly enjoyed almost every day of my working life and I still enjoy life today.
I remember the unjustified beatings and the very thick teachers that couldn't even give us English or Maths lessons; they had to bring in outsiders to teach us simple maths!

Strewth, one one or another lad, you've had a hell of a life!
Only bad memories I can recall are my first day at grammar school, I was feeling naturally, apprehensive. While waiting to go out to get the bus, mom must have sensed this and asked if all was ok. I said yes, but she knew I was a bit worried and questioned further. I ran out of the house, crying (with the usual ‘just leave me alone!’) because I was worried mom was worrying! I never forgot that.

The second bad memory is the one and only time I wagged it. It was a games afternoon, where depending on the season and the teacher we would spend all afternoon playing cricket, rugby, football, cross country running or athletics. Three of us went on the wag, at my mate’s house. We saw a teacher, halfway through the afternoon coming up the path. He (not the teacher!) told us to hide in the shed, which we did. He was taken off to school and took the consequences, but never gave us up. We fully expected retribution next day, but nothing was said. To this day I don’t know how they caught him but never got us!

I’m sure if I sat and thought hard enough, I could come up with a few more bad times, but who needs bad memories?
The early day's at Upper Thomas St.school,lady teachers who wanted to mother you,Miss Davies who went away had a baby, and came back as Mrs Karen,a lovely woman.
The juniors,Mrs Kewley from The Isle Of Man,who had also taught my dad at Aston Lane school,she wore floral frocks,had large freckled arms,and dispensed justice with a stick.Being "twitted" on by a girl,for climbing on the roof of the caretakers house,and Mrs Jackson (headmistress) who was to kind to cane you...so always sent you to Mr.Allen for punishment.Having my nose broken by the the girl in front of me,when she accidentally pushed the lid of my desk down on it,she cried, and I got in trouble for having blood on my books.
Then into "the big boy's",was scared for about 5 minutes,but soon settled down.
Some of the teachers had just returned from winning a war,Mr.Evans who taught R.I.and always went on about the miracle of Dunkirk.One eyed Reg Milner,who had been the heavyweight wrestling champion of the mediterranean fleet.Mr.Stanley who always came to school wearing his red beret,with the airborne badge in it,taught history and geography,I never forgot any of it."Pluto" phillips,who caned me every day,and I deserved it.
The teachers were tough but fair,and somehow they got through to us.
All in all,great teachers,great school and no complaints whatsoever.I was privileged,to have gone there.
Would you want to teach this tyke?.
morning ray...i enjoyed reading that...lovely pic of you there...cant beleive you got the stick so often as you look quiet angelic....but of course you know different.. lol

Good morning Lyn,
That's my angelic look...fooled a lot of people with that one,but really, I was just as wicked as the rest of the boy's.
This photo was my last at school,and remember it being taken,the same day,our boxing club went to Coventry for a tournament.
nice photo ray..very grown up....but yes i think a lot of us were little rascals at school but not so much in the real nasty sense...bit off topic this but i myself was not an angel..i recall the days when i was break monitor..i used to be in charge of the tuck shop and amongst other things sold those chocolate tea cakes with white marshmallow inside.(can still get them) well anyhow if any were broken the teacher used to let us have them...you wont believe how many ended up being boshed with me finger...accidently of course...lol...
