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Aston, Lozells & Witton Photos Reposted thanks to Ray Griffiths...

wow! these photos are amazing, thank you for sharing them.

happy to repost them jactay...they really are remarkable photos made even more so with the story behind them...they could so easily have been binned...

bringing this thread to the top for new members who may not have seen it..the story of how we are now enjoying these wonderful photos is on the first post..

glad you liked and enjoyed the pics irene...must admit i never tire of looking at them..

lyn x
Oh the memories...every friday night we would queue up for our (fast food treat) waiting for Jones's to open..and hoping they would'nt run out of chips as then it would mean a longer wait..but it was worth it.....so glad someone had the foresight to capture the memories......Brenda
what cracking photos john...dont think i have seen those before...

thanks for posting them

Re: Aston and lozells pic reposted...

Lyn, that first one is a great photo of Park Lane looking up to High St (Royal Oak Lozells Rd in the distance) but I don't think it's the rear of Burlington Hall.
thanks barry i will have a look at that one although i dont know that end very well most of it was demolished when i was a teenager...there are loads of cracking photos of park lane under the park lane thread..

Re: Aston and lozells pic reposted...

Do you know what Street/road it was on
Re: Aston and lozells pic reposted...

I'm sorry I don't but I am sure Mike or one of the others will know/.
I lived in the sweet and tobacco shop opposite next to the Post office at 3 - 5 Witton Lane. Very busy when the Onion Fair came. The Vicars wife, was a lovely lady and used to come in every day and the landlady of the Aston Tavern pub, Mrs Mc Govern? used to bring us hot dinners on a Sunday. Happy days.
That large white building by the Aston Tavern (other side entrance to the 'tip') was my Doctor's, Dr Freshwater and Dr Morgan. The Aston Tavern as sad memories for me, my Dad walked out one lunch hour and died of a heart attack outside the pub. The Aston Tavern and the 'Queens' and the 'Grosvener' were his 3 locals, we lived in Queens Road at the time by Atkinson's brewery, it would be in the 60's. Eric
hello eric...as you know i do know what happened to your dad which was very sad but just to say that the old wall (pics 7 and 8 post 3 ) that surrounded the doctors house is still there..it looked to be a fine building...a friend of mines mom used to do the cleaning there..

Hi guys.
The building is Lichfield Rd Methodist Church. Went to Sunday school there, many, many years ago.
Love these pics born Lennox st 1950 left 1966 lived Witton and Erdington now Cornwall since 2005 great memories of the old back to backs
bringing to the top for new members who may not have seen these wonderful photos..remember to start at post 1

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Hello Lyn,

just had another look at all the wonderful and evocative photos you posted.....kind of gets me right here if you know what I mean. In particular the shots of Witton Road bring back memories, mostly good. I wonder if anyone remembers the elderly Greek lady who had a chippie on Witton Road, between Trinity Road and Bevington Road, close by Waddoup's Optician? She was always singing and chatting away to herself (in Greek, I assume), happy as Larry!

G it gets me everywhere when i look at old photos lol..they always generate interest and hopefully in most cases bring back some happy memories for our members..always worth me bringing threads such as this one to the top..especially for new members who may have passed them by..hope someone remembers your greek chip shop lady :)

hi all...think its about time to repost these amazing pics of aston.lozells and witton all taken in the middle 60s to the very early 70s...you will not see these pics anywhere else so i hope you find them of interest..before i start the task there is a little story behind them...one of our members ray griffiths orginally posted them a couple of years back and it took him an enormous amount of time transferring them from glass plate onto the forum then of course we lost them due to the hacking...they were taken by a friend of rays who sadly lost his sight but instead of binning them he gave them to ray in the hopes that someone may find them of interest and thank god he did..i for one am eternally grateful to him for capturing so much of brum history from these areas...we will never see the likes again...like i said they were taken on glass plate so the colouring of some may not be perfect but it matters not...the main thing is we have them...i managed to save most of them as ray was posting them first time round and there are about 100 i think so it will take me time to resize and post...just going to make a cuppa and then make a start...enjoy..

I used to live in defford road and went to Harry Lucas school left 1965 did you go there?
Thanks for bringing up the photographs again - they are great!

I've just had a good look through, some places are familiar as a school friend used to live in William Street and I remember Aston Cross from visits to see Thank your Lucky Stars recorded at the old Alpha TV studios.

There is also a great photo of my mother's cousin's butchers shop in Lozells Road (post 41)
hi sparks...ahh the power of the photograph and these are very special...:) if you have not already seen them there is a thread for william st where i posted oodles of photos quite some time ago now of the street pre demolision..any problems locating give me a shout

Hi everyone, these are some fantastic photos and I am so happy that they have been reposted, there are a lot that I have not seen before, I have been looking for any photos of where I was born in 1945, the house's were in Witton Road, between Kynocks and Holdford Drive, about twelve house's in all with two courtyards, also photos of Holdford Drive with the house's and factories, Amal, ICI, Higgs Motors, I would very much appreciate if anyone has any of these photos or can let me know where I can find them, Terry 9.
Hi Terry
Have a look at this one good old court yards number 7 in fact i have one or two more


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Hi Terry,

small point, but the main entrance to Kynock's works and the junction with Holdford Drive were surely on Brookvale Road, as I think Witton Road ended at Witton Circle. If I'm wrong, I'm sure someone will correct me.

Do you remember the huge electric motor on the grounds in front of Higgs Motors?

Hi Terry,

small point, but the main entrance to Kynock's works and the junction with Holdford Drive were surely on Brookvale Road, as I think Witton Road ended at Witton Circle. If I'm wrong, I'm sure someone will correct me.

Do you remember the huge electric motor on the grounds in front of Higgs Motors?

Hi G, yes I do recall an electric motor outside Higgs Motors, my mothers cousin used to work there and would call in to our house on her way home from work, she is 97 now, so I try to visit her when I am in Birmingham, I was born at number 504 Witton Rd, and the last house was 508 at the corner with Holdford Drive, when I was a kid my mates and me often climb'd on Higgs roofs.

By the way G, there was another entrance to the ICI down the bottom of Holdford drive, Witton Road came to an end on the bridge over the river tame and Brookvale Road started there, the road signs are still there, or at least they were when I was there in June last year.
Terry 9.