Another picture on my walls (in addition to Baker's and a much prized watercolour by a certain Eric!) is a rather nice oil painting entitled "The Gravel Pit, Four Oaks" which is a Sutton Park scene. It is by William J. King. I have no idea of its date although I suspect Victorian/Edwardian from a couple of distant figures which it contains; nor whether King was a Birmingham artist. But he certainly painted what can now be described as a Birmingham scene.
The text states that the drawing was a house in High St. Have you put on the wrong picture?
The curving pavement where Moat Lane joins St Martins Lane can just be seen , together with part or most of the Swan with Two Necks on this 1840 engraving of St Martins Lane . Incidently I am surprised neither the 1839 SPUK ot the 1824 Pigott smith map shows the bridge, but makes it appear as a normal junction.