Hi Jean, long time since we worked at Ansells, how is Pete these days, where I live there's only two other ex employees so we don't get to know the latest news and gossip. Regards.Ansells brewery.
Hi 500 miles. What were your brother and fathers names?. My brothers is Albert Lyndon who was a checker and my husbands is Pete Smith who was on the brewing to begin with then on the dreys finishing off as chargehand in the warehouse at Gravelly Park. Bye for now. Jean.
i know this is not a ansells question sorry.i am off thread.Anne, the brewery in Lister Street/Holte Street was the Holte Brewery, near Gosta Green. My g.g. grandfather John Raybould was landlord there in the 1860s/1870s and my grandfather was born there in 1876.
Hi Steve, think you might remember my dad Joe learnihan , better known as (Mad Joe ).He worked at Ansells for over 30 years, his backman was Jimmy Kelly. Dad and Jim trained me up on the Drays,and I worked there for about 17 years and I'm sure we've worked together during my time there . When I started there I was backman for Ron Yates, I still see Ron from time to time, and its always good to catch up. Danny Baker was great to work with always giving me grief about the Villa. We sadly lost my dad last year aged 84 but he'd talk about Ansells for hours, always about the laughs he had with Johnny Flint Birdy, Benny Cashmore, and the Cook brothers, to name just a few. Dad never had anything bad to say about Ansells, just fond memories of good mates. On my first morning working there someone said when I walked in "oh my God it's Leo Sayer" i had a bit of a mullet back then, and the name struck. I'm known as Shiny nowadays the hairs long gone. I'll try and post some of the old photos from the brewery but bare with me as I'm not great at this kind of thing.
Hi, can't remember your first name but I remember your dad very well and his mate Pete, He was before Jimmy Kelly. I remember all the names you mentioned especially Baker, he's just left my house five minutes ago. It's been twenty years since I was at Ansells and like you my dad and two brothers worked there, I loved the job.Hi Steve, think you might remember my dad Joe learnihan , better known as (Mad Joe ).He worked at Ansells for over 30 years, his backman was Jimmy Kelly. Dad and Jim trained me up on the Drays,and I worked there for about 17 years and I'm sure we've worked together during my time there . When I started there I was backman for Ron Yates, I still see Ron from time to time, and its always good to catch up. Danny Baker was great to work with always giving me grief about the Villa. We sadly lost my dad last year aged 84 but he'd talk about Ansells for hours, always about the laughs he had with Johnny Flint Birdy, Benny Cashmore, and the Cook brothers, to name just a few. Dad never had anything bad to say about Ansells, just fond memories of good mates. On my first morning working there someone said when I walked in "oh my God it's Leo Sayer" i had a bit of a mullet back then, and the name struck. I'm known as Shiny nowadays the hairs long gone. I'll try and post some of the old photos from the brewery but bare with me as I'm not great at this kind of thing.
Hi, I have lots of them.This week I purchased two copies of the Ansell's Argosy magazine. These seem to very elusive. It was a company magazine with lots of nice information and photographs, a bit like the M&B Deerstalker. Does anybody have any filed away in their attic? I would be willing to pay for any unwanted Argosy magazines - or maybe borrow them if anybody has them but does not wish to part with them.
It would seem that these magazines were binned like the vast majority of the Ansell's records and paperwork. Only fragments survive. It would seem that all the building plans and most of the photographs were lost.
Hi, can't remember your first name but I remember your dad very well and his mate Pete, He was before Jimmy Kelly. I remember all the names you mentioned especially Baker, he's just left my house five minutes ago. It's been twenty years since I was at Ansells and like you my dad and two brothers worked there, one really funny incident I had with your dad was, I was working around Nuneaton one day with my backman Danny, when we arrived at one of our drops there was an Ansells dray parked outside, I told Danny to check the delivery note in case I got the wrong pub, we hadn't so we delivered the beer and went in to get the note signed and hopefully have a pint, who was propping the bar up was Joe and Pete, we had a pint each from the gaffer and just after two more pints came our way. I look over at these two at the other end of the bar, they were sniggering behind one hand, I didn't think any more of it till, I shouted over who is paying for the extra drinks, your dad replied (you are, iv just nicked two gas bombs off your wagon and give them to the gaffer). All in a day's work great, I loved the job.
How is Ronnie by the way, I knew his two uncles, Barry was a good friend we worked together most Saturdays in 1969- up to 1974, I moved to Aldridge and him Aston. I just remembered your name MARTIN and I think it was Baker who named you Leo. Nice to hear from you take care Steve Hanson.
Some fine old vehicles in the photo.Show this to Ronnie, this is a real Wagon and drag.
i know this is not a ansells question sorry.i am off thread. View attachment 131588
i remember Holte brewery place.. did they make beer there. and did it belong to the Holte family. aston hall/duddeston lot
It was owned by the Fulford family - see https://www.midlandspubs.co.uk/birmingham/index.html#Holt-Brewery-CompanyHi, yes it was originally owned by the Holt family also some pubs in Aston were built by them, not sure what year. Ansells bought them out along with their pubs. My dad was Transport forman there for a few years. Ken Hanson. If you walk around Aston Cross, and look up at some of the Victorian looking buildings you will see the name of (Holt) in the brickwork.
Hi Steve, think you might remember my dad Joe learnihan , better known as (Mad Joe ).He worked at Ansells for over 30 years, his backman was Jimmy Kelly. Dad and Jim trained me up on the Drays,and I worked there for about 17 years and I'm sure we've worked together during my time there . When I started there I was backman for Ron Yates, I still see Ron from time to time, and its always good to catch up. Danny Baker was great to work with always giving me grief about the Villa. We sadly lost my dad last year aged 84 but he'd talk about Ansells for hours, always about the laughs he had with Johnny Flint Birdy, Benny Cashmore, and the Cook brothers, to name just a few. Dad never had anything bad to say about Ansells, just fond memories of good mates. On my first morning working there someone said when I walked in "oh my God it's Leo Sayer" i had a bit of a mullet back then, and the name struck. I'm known as Shiny nowadays the hairs long gone. I'll try and post some of the old photos from the brewery but bare with me as I'm not great at this kind of thing.
Hi, i think we have spoke in past, how is Pete and Albert these days. Can you pass this information on to Pete and Albert, Sadly Joe Lernihan (mad Joe) has passed away and John Welch (my back man at Aldridge Depot has had a triple bypass twelve months ago. Regards Steve.Will show this photo to Pete to see if he remembers you two. I am sure I have heard your names come up in conversation when chatting with my brother Albert Lyndon who was a checker at Ansells then moved to Aldridge and Gravelly Park depots as did Pete.
Hi, can you tell Pete and Albert that I meet with Danny Baker quite often as he lives not far from me also Dave Pearce who is now in his lower 80s, a bloke Pete will know for sure was standing in front of me with his daughter at the coop ATM in Lichfield the other day, (Larry) don't know his last name but he's the one who would keep giving you sweets, very quiet man lived in Erdington. He told me his wife had passed away and he and his daughter were moving to the East Coast I think Norfolk. It's been twenty one years since I left Ansells come June this year and the time has passed so fast. I was 22 when I started at Ansells and now I'm 72, can't believe it. Tell Pete I found a large collection of the Ansels Argosy and on one of the pages is a photo of him posing with the fishing club. Take care steve.Thanks Steve yes I remember speaking before now. Only yesterday did I have a chat to Albert and he is not too bad now. He suffered a stroke five months ago and is recovering from another cancer!!. Fourth time. Pete said sorry to hear about Joe and glad John is recovering from his triple bypass. Have some photos somewhere from the Aldridge locker room with a few of the workers.
Steve I think it was Larry Kettle who was on our caravan site too. He was always giving out sweets there too. Pete still has the photo of the fishing club with a tiny Jack Russell dog in it and Albert too. Will let him know about Dave Pearce when he comes back from his brothers. We still bump into Jimmy Kindon and his wife Jackie.Hi, can you tell Pete and Albert that I meet with Danny Baker quite often as he lives not far from me also Dave Pearce who is now in his lower 80s, a bloke Pete will know for sure was standing in front of me with his daughter at the coop ATM in Lichfield the other day, (Larry) don't know his last name but he's the one who would keep giving you sweets, very quiet man lived in Erdington. He told me his wife had passed away and he and his daughter were moving to the East Coast I think Norfolk. It's been twenty one years since I left Ansells come June this year and the time has passed so fast. I was 22 when I started at Ansells and now I'm 72, can't believe it. Tell Pete I found a large collection of the Ansels Argosy and on one of the pages is a photo of him posing with the fishing club. Take care steve.
In 1975 a Pen Pal of my brothers aVilla fan came over from BERGAN came over to see the Villa play and meet some of the team.Knowing Charlie Tabbener of the Supporters Cluband Ex Ansells .He arranged a visit for us We were showed all around the brewery and finished up in the directors room.On the wall was a tap and on the table were glasses.We were told to enjoy ourselves ,have a drink and leave the glasses on the table.Being a driver I had about 2 halves but had to carry my brother p Pen Pal (Canute )to the car.Said he had never tasted beer like it
It was called the Holt brewery witch belonged to Ansells breweryBrewery near Woodcock Street
Which Brewery Company did the brewery near Woodcock Street belong to?