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Advertising in the past

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Was wondering who the Wilmott Breedon ad was aimed at. Viv.
Good Question! Published in "top" newspapers and magazines like "New Scientist" Both the copy writer and the artist were celebrities, not the
every day commercial artists. Nb The cartoon is signed AF. My wife was such an artist in 1960's and did many such newspaper ads and no way would she get to sign her work. There are other examples of the WB ads on internet.
See p911.
I wonder if the Turner Bros. cartoon in #7 was done by Rowland Emett. He worked for them in the 1940s and later became a cartoonist for Punch. Dave.
The Wilmot Breedon (the motor parts manufacturer of under the car stuff) thing is to do with Britains first request to join the Common Market in 1961. Maybe it was hoped Wilmots association with the Italian car industry would help with the application.


For a while Austin's chief designers were Pinin Farina (Austin A40 Farina) and Alec Issigonis (the Mini) both part of the Italian car designing heirachy.

The picture refers to the tale of orphans Romulus and Remus, found under a bridge in Rome and mothered by a wolf. Members will have to look this up further to see the connection. (Not a quiz, unknown myself yet)

Sorry to be so clever thus far lol.
Did you Maclean your teeth today? I remember variations of this advert. The one shown is from a 1951 magazine. Dave.

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For all you ladies using Astral cream, you'll need one of these 1955 items to admire your perfect complexion. Viv.

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The only soap we ever had was carbolic or if not that we used a housebrick.


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............................., A boon and a blessing to men, The Pickwick, the Owl & the Waverley pen.

Forgotten the first bit. Very famous. Seen on all railway stations.

Organic soap is an imaginary product anyway. Possibly that is why it is no longer available. To make soap you have to treat oils with alkali, but according to the the organic-wallahs oil treated with alkali cannot be organic.
The Wilmot Breedon (the motor parts manufacturer of under the car stuff) thing is to do with Britains first request to join the Common Market in 1961. Maybe it was hoped Wilmots association with the Italian car industry would help with the application.
Sorry to be so clever thus far lol.
Lot to do with celebrating WB working with S.A.F.E Italian component makers. All history as taken over by US Rockwell Inc. in 1979. I think the plant in St.Die, Strasburg became Rockwell's main production unit to supply EC. car manufacturers
Plenty of adverts in this old street pic. 'Pears' Soap' to keep folks clean and hands as smooth as velvet, Reckitt's Blue to make sure mom's washing is as white as 'next doors' when hung out. But the advert in the middle is strange, there seems to be a man doing a back flip into a canal, and some photo editing in the second pic suggests it could be an advert for tea !
Nobody on the street is looking at the adverts ...

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Think the man in the ad is showing us how full of beans he is (doing cartwheels?) after drinking tea - probably 'digestive' tea, as there seems to be a few similar ads on the wall. And it's possibly a road, he's dropped his newspaper to do whatever energetic thing it is he's doing. It could be a bus just behind him with people gesticulating, maybe telling him to 'get out the 'orse road" !!! Viv.
The new Albany 'comfort-with-elegance' hotel in 1963. Expect Clint Eastwood would have taken the 110s (£8.33p?) suite when he stayed there. Or maybe he had a penthouse longer term let. Viv.

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Is it Jim?!!! Maffs was never a strong point. Silly me. This is how I worked it out. 110 divided by 12, thinking there were 12s to the £1. But of course there were 20s to £1. (And there were 12 pence to a £1). How did we ever get to grips with the old system at school? Well obviously I didn't ! Viv.
I loved the old pounds shillings & pence. In the 50`s a Mars bar was 6p (2.5np) Who would have thought that one day a Mars bar would cost nearly 10 bob! Fancy handing over one of those lovely brown ten bob notes for a mars bar. In France they still price things in Francs & Euro`s.
And a much less pleasant tasting Mars bar at that, its ingredients being altered supposedly for "healthy" reasons , but actually for cost-cutting reasons
"A Mars a day helps you work, rest and play". Not sure it would help you rest with all that sugar content. Viv.
"Brooke Bond" Tea you can really taste" Remember when paper bags were used for advertising? These ones add new meaning to 'tea bags'. Viv.

craven-a-glamour_1939326i.jpgCraven A won`t give you a sore throat, just lung cancer.breakfast.jpgI`m always impeccably dressed when my wife brings me breakfast in bed.
Two adverts from 1951. Mackintosh's Quality Street are still familiar to us all. A tin of Quality Street chocolates and toffees was often consumed at Christmas. My favourite was the one in the purple wrapper which had hard chocolate on the outside with a softer caramel centre and a hazelnut. Eno's Fruit Salt or Liver Salt I don't think is produced any more. It was recommended if you had irregular action, sick headache, liverishness, biliousness, heartburn etc. Dave.

P1020556 (2).jpgP1020558 (2).jpg
cadburys.jpg Cadburys, that once totally British company now owned by the Yanks, & the swines have even changed the recipe for Creme Eggs. How dare they!!
Never had a Hershey bar Eddie. Creme eggs are yummy but put pounds on one`s tummy. I wish i could give up chocolate or at least i wish they could invent choc with the same taste but not fattening. Take away the sugar & fat & you`re left with something tasteless. Why is stuff that tastes so good bad for you?
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