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  1. B


    Re: Dunlops Tyre Company Elder Brummie and Newbie Brummie, you have come up trumps again. Thank you so much for the great picture an info shared. My father worked in Fort Dunlop for many years. From the Tyre Shop he worked on the railway that ran through Dunlop's was an active Shop Stewaed and...
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    Dunlops Tyre Company I believe Dunlop Tyre factory was opened first in Birmingham in Rocky Lane, Aston and when Fort Dunlops was built, some of the workers from Aston were initially taken to the Fort by canal barge as the buses/trams stopped at Salford Bridge. Does anyone out there know...
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    Birmingham Cinemas

    I do. We moved from our back to back house in Bell Barn Rd to a council house on the Pype Hayes estate in 1956 and the cinema was there then because I went to a couple of films there with my brother. Initially I believe it was replaced by a supermarket.
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    Things you said when you was a kid

    I had completely forgotten Ackey 123 and Sam Sam the dirty old man, but my husband's version is this, Sam. Sam dirty old man, washed his face in the frying pan, combed his hair with a horse's tail, And scratched his belly with a big toenail. And he was a Brummie too, brought up in Stockland...
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    Things you said when you was a kid

    We used Arley Barley to call a pause in a game of tig or something similar, but it only worked if the first two fingers of your right hand were crossed as well.
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    The Swan, Bell Barn Road

    Thank you Phil for posting this picture. I am immensely grateful to the many people on this site who have helped with research for my books and I have had a fair few photos posted too and many of them I have downloading on to my computer . I am being put under a bit of pressure to start a blog...
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    Things you said when you was a kid

    Len this is a great post and made me more than smile. My mother also used to say, "I'll knock your block off" or "I'll swing for you." Golly what would the pc mob make of thing like that said to children today? Strangely enough I didn't need any form of counselling for the threats issued, nor...
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    Erdington Hospital early1920

    Thank you Colin for the information on Erdington House. The book I am writing covers the war years in that area, which is why I previously asked for information on the Plaza cinema, and I would have got this wrong because I never heard of Highcroft Hospital being called anything different. Was...
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    The Plaza Picture House

    Thank you for these Jayne. I really do appreciate them. All the best Benabby
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    The Plaza Picture House

    Hi Dave, thanks for this but does that mean that your grandad was a commissionaire? I knew that big cinemas in the city centre sometimes had commissionaires, but I wasn't aware that the Plaza had one. This is quite amazing. All the best
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    The Plaza Picture House

    I have just gone on to the wonderful stories Jennyann has written about growing up in Stockland Green. What a terrific memory you have of a time now past and what really marvellous pictures you painted for me. It will be so useful as I am writing about that area to have your first hand...
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    The Plaza Picture House

    Thank you so very much for all that have helped me find out about the Plaza Cinema in Stockland Green. You are such a helpful lot, but I think Brummies are generally anyway. My books are all set in Birmingham, where I was born and bred and this time I chose Stockland Green because my husband...
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    The Plaza Picture House

    Yes please. I would love that Jayne
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    The Plaza Picture House

    Hi Fellow Brummies, My next book is being centred on the Stockland Green area of Birmingham and will be covering the war years. I know that cinema going then was in it's hey day and wonder if anyone knows anything about the Plaza Picture House as we called it. What was it like inside? Does...
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    Things you said when you was a kid

    Hi Kayka, Must admit never heard of this one. I was born near the Horse Fair in Birmingham in 1949. The area had been very heavily bombed and we just called the vast seas of rubble the bombed buildings. Never hearrd it called anything else. I'm not saying that you're wrong though. but maybe...
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    Things you said when you was a kid

    The more you think about these things the more you remember. Jubblies, pineapple rock, shrimps, mojos, kayli (that might not be spelt the right way) gobstoppers, bulls eys, pear drops, liquorice wood and aniseed balls come to mind and if pocket momey stretched I used to love Tiffin Bars but I...
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    Things you said when you was a kid

    What about, "Er's blarting her eyes out" when someone was crying, marbles were called marleys and a slice of bread was called a piece. Did "tell it to the marines" originate from the war? I understand some American soldiers told fantastic tales of their homeland and made enpty promises to the...
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    The Swan, Bell Barn Road

    Can't help with a picture of "The Swan" pub though I would be interested in seeing one too if anyone can help because I was born at 301 Bell Barn Rd in 1949 and my father's name was John Patrick Flanagan. We were rehoused under slum clearance in 1956 and moved to Pype Hayes because my father...