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Search results

  1. B

    Lewis's Department Store

    l remember shopping in Lewis's basement around 1955-56 for my bottom drawer, mostly kitchen stuff...they had a wonderful array of domestic things in the basement, l remember l bought a tea service... can'nt remember the name but some of you grey haired surfers would remember it....it was a solid...
  2. B

    Johny Wrights

    Ray,l knew the JW's area quite well my grandparents ( Wm Coates) lived in Church Lane and my mother was raised there,but l lived up the other end Copely st off of Burlington st, attended Burlington st school untill l left in dec 1950 l can'nt sat much about a hotel in that area as l left...
  3. B

    Johny Wrights

    l've been away for so long l never did know if JW's had closed down before the fire or did the fire close it down.....Brenda
  4. B

    Johny Wrights

    Ray, if it was arson could it have been a fire of convenience l wonder....Brenda
  5. B

    Johny Wrights

    Ray, l worked at JW's from 1-1-51 untill l left for the USA in 1958, l was in the main building but knew the factory quite well, l hated to go in the foundry as it nearly always required me to get a new pair of nylons (which l could'nt afford) because of the sparkes, JW's was not known for...
  6. B

    Mangle or Wringer

    Rowan, we had a fold down wringer and like you it doubled for a table , it also had rubber rollers and l remember it was light grey in colour....after that mom got a wringer that attached to the sink on wash day and was put up when finished using it untill next wash day, mom would always go for...
  7. B


    My dad always used Friars Balsam, we had a basin just for it always stained and never looked clean....my dad always closed himself in the kitchen when he used it,we would hear lots of coughing and spluttering etc, but it did the job, he filled the basin with boiling water add Friars Balsam put...
  8. B

    1930s Hygiene

    l remember the derbac comb it really hurt when our mom used it .....every friday or saturday night we had our bath ( tin tub)shampoo then be scalped with the derbac comb,nails cut and last but not least a good dose of syrup of figs.....l thought every kid in Aston did the same.....Brenda
  9. B

    Items that have faded away

    We had a geezer never knew what it was to be without hot water, l thought we were really posh to have instant hot water......Brenda
  10. B

    Aston Cross

    Ray, how true how true....i'm sure all that filth and pollutation did make us healther or stronger it built up a resistance.....a little bit of dirt l really believe is good for us.......Brenda
  11. B

    Aston Cross

    Just think those of us who reared in Aston breathed in that air daily.....its a wonder we all survived ...Brenda
  12. B

    Kitchen disasters.

    Jean you and l started out the same way thinking our hubbies could'nt do anything so much so they felt the same way....Brenda
  13. B

    Birmingham in 1950s

    Ray, l can'nt really remember dancing at Holbern Hill, but can remember Ansells & Dunlop to name a few, of course the crown and cushion the tower,crystal palace the swan of course a lot more.....l loved ballroom dancing but got caught up with" bopping" loved that to, quite a few dancehalls...
  14. B

    Birmingham in 1950s

    l was another one who grew up in the 50's happy memories that stay with me today.....did'nt have time to sleep always on the go having a good time, what with going to the pictures and dancing etc, my dad always said he had to make an appointment to see me, working at Johnny Wright too was...
  15. B

    Kitchen disasters.

    About 25 years ago l left my husband and boys to eat supper alone as l had a meeting to go to....Ron has never been any good in the kitchen and l always complained about coming home to a sink full of dishes....well this particular night he loaded the dishwasher and pressed the start button just...
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    On This Day 1940

    l think l must have remembered that night because as the sirens went my dad would pickup my brother and me wrapped in a eiderdowns rush down stairs and into the anderson shelter l hated the place it smelled so damp and we always had a parrafin stove going so what with the damp and parrafin...
  17. B

    Brides through the years.

    Ray, you have a nice looking bride, could'nt help but chuckle abouth the 7/6 fee for the marriage license l had to borrow the money to pay for Ron and mine, he was in the RAF so l had to do all the preps and runnungs around etc and we could'nt have the banns read untill it was paid....i was...
  18. B

    The Boys Brigade

    Ray, my dad Wilfred Barr lived in Park Road, the family had a corn and feed store there, my dad was born in 1905 so l gather he was about 10yrs older than your dad......still who knows maybe your dad does remember, now about Dyson Hall l have been to it numerous time in my chikdhood and l can...