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Search results

  1. Chunky AC

    Bankrupt Birmingham!

    Perhaps each council should appoint an experienced housewife to head the finance department. My wife, has a philosophy on any household expenditure. “ Can we afford it? Do we need it? Will we use it? Is it good value for money?” This mantra has served us well for 57 years. Perhaps it’s the...
  2. Chunky AC

    Central Fire Station Hq

    The Gun Shop was “Charles Smith,” in the early 1970’s I owned a 12 bore double barrel hammer gun. It was serial number 18, and was the 18th gun made by Mr Smith following completion of his apprenticeship. I left the gun with him to be overalled and reproofed. When I eventually collected the gun...
  3. Chunky AC

    Banana warehouse/bbc masterchef building

    I recall building a goey cart with one of these banana boxes and set of old pram wheels. It went really well it’s only design fault was not having any brakes.
  4. Chunky AC


    I seem to think this is part of the Old Musem of science and industry in Newhall street. AC.
  5. Chunky AC

    Childhood TV PROGRAMS

    How about Michael Bentine and The Bumbles.
  6. Chunky AC

    Cine Equipment LTD

    Sherwoods Great western arcade, were a different company from “Cine Equipment”. Sherwoods are still trading, concentrating on optical (Binoculars and Telescopes.) They have been trading for more than 60 Years. A real old style company that give outstanding service. The are now at The Arden...
  7. Chunky AC


    re pictures of HP sauce. If you concentrate really hard you can smell that wonderful aroma.
  8. Chunky AC


  9. Chunky AC

    Cine Equipment LTD

    Colmore Row, was there in the early 1980’s. Dale EndI’m not so sure about.
  10. Chunky AC

    computer help

    Andrew I cannot find any reference to DDG using Bing and Yahoo, for results. Where is this information listed?
  11. Chunky AC

    computer help

    Google is very good if you want to be tracked, if you don’t there are alternatives. DuckDuckGo is just one that’s been around a while and is well proven. To say one is better than the other is a matter of opinion. What suits one does not necessarily suit others. If it did we would all be driving...
  12. Chunky AC

    computer help

    DuckDuckGo was launched in 2008, since then its advanced in leaps and bounds. How long ago dI’d you Try it? check out the link on #449. It’s free to try and who knows you may like it. Works for me on my windows computer and the Mac OS laptop, iPads and phone.
  13. Chunky AC

    computer help

    Lyn ask your son to down load for you, everything works just like google so there is no new learning curve.
  14. Chunky AC

    computer help

    Bet you are still being tracked though!
  15. Chunky AC

    computer help

    I never see adverts, never have any pop up’s, when I search I know I am not being tracked. BECAUSE I am using Firefox with Duckduck go as my preferred sear engine. have a look at this link, https://duckduckgo.com/spread I have no complaints just surfing as it used to be. Alf.
  16. Chunky AC

    computer help

    0 NO Never seen that, Thankfully.
  17. Chunky AC

    computer help

    Hi Stokkie, My combination of FF and DDG, has worked for me, I have tried the others and they fail in one way or another, I know about Mozilla and Google contributions BUT we still have choice of search engine, Google is the last I would go to. Firefox Focus tells how many trackers have been...
  18. Chunky AC

    computer help

    Richard, Yes I am sure your right, but we need the option to choose for ourselves. FF plus DDG, works for me, NOT be told what cookies are being used with no choice. Sharing our information with the partners is WRONG.
  19. Chunky AC

    computer help

    Thank you Stokkie, I moved away from anything related to Google once I realised how much information they were collecting from my use of their products. If it means I cannot choose the search engine and browsers of MY choice it’s time to say goodbye to BHF. Our privacy and protection should be...
  20. Chunky AC

    computer help
