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Search results

  1. T

    The Game

    Some of the locations used are, the old library, Cannon Hill Park, Central Fire Station, The Old Rep and Moor Street Station and Newhall Street.
  2. T

    Sun ray treament

    Re: sunlamp treatment I too was brought up near Saltley Gasworks, in Reginald Rd. I thought the clinic I went to was in Sheepcote Street for my treatment. I can still remember the horrible smell of the lamp, I went because I always suffered with bronchitis.
  3. T

    Martin Shaw.

    Martin Shaw is on in the afternoons in The Chief on Encore. Also loved him in Judge John Deed.
  4. T

    Alum Rock Road Shops

    Hello Mikegee, According to Kelly's directory 57 Alum Rock Rd was Leonard Clarke electrical engineer and 59 Alum Rock Rd was Leonard Clarke outfitters, when I lived in Reginald in the fifties/sixties I knew the Clarke family, there were quite a few of them, two of the younger girls were called...
  5. T

    iPad update this week

    Well I have just gone on to two sites that I use and I have had to log in again, even though I had clicked remember me. i may have to pay a visit to the Apple store in Solihull, there are a couple of other issues that need looking at.
  6. T

    iPad update this week

    Thanks old Mohawk I have done what you suggested. It seems to have worked at the moment, I will let you know.
  7. T

    iPad update this week

    Since I updated my iPad this week to the latest IOS every time I go onto a site such as this and others where I used to stay logged into, even though I click remember me, it is not remembering me and I am having to log in every time, is anyone else having this problem. Regards trebor (Rita)
  8. T

    Yardley Wood

    I lived at 25 Greenaleigh Rd in the fifties, Denaby Grove was opposite on the other side with Ravenshill Rd between them. I remember two people called Sam and Peggy who lived in the Grove, they had come from Curzon Street, where they were neighbours of my gran and granddad.
  9. T

    Birmingham Open Air Schools - Cropwood, Hunter's Hill, Marsh Hill and Skilts (excl. Haseley Hall and Uffculme)

    I was at Cropwood late fifties, it wasn't a happy experience, the headmistress at that time was Miss Urquart. There is a book in the library you might be interested In, called 'A Breath Of Fresh air'. It is all about the open air schools that belonged to Birmingham Council, there were about...
  10. T

    522 Error

    Thanks to everyone, all sorted now, I have been out and left my husband to sort it, he has more patience than me. regards Rita (Trebor)
  11. T

    522 Error

    Yes curly, I have tried rebooting my computer and have done a full scan, I have been trying for two days but still keep getting the same message. Regards
  12. T

    522 Error

    Thanks oldMohawk, yes I have tried switching off my router, that didn't do anything. I wonder if someone else could try the website and see if they get the same message as me, and then I will know it is the website that is at fault. Regards Rita (Trebor)
  13. T

    522 Error

    I would, but when I try to connect with the site, the 522 error message comes up, so I cannot let them know what is happening. Regards
  14. T

    522 Error

    My husband tried it on his computer and the same thing has come up, could the fault be with the forum itself?
  15. T

    522 Error

    Thanks everyone, I have scanned my computer with no errors found, the site I have used for years without any problems is www.birminghamforum.co.uk when I try it, it comes up 522 error connection timed out host error. regards
  16. T

    522 Error

    I wonder if someone can help me, I am on another Birmingham forum, but today when trying to use it, the message 522 error comes up, I have tried rebooting my iPad and laptop but that didn't work, any ideas anyone. Trebor (Rita)
  17. T

    Alum Rock Road Shops

    I am still in touch with Susan Craythorne, the are about eight of us 'school girls' who meet for lunch. My husband Robert Jenkins went to Leigh Road school with Stephen Nutt. I lived in Reginald Rd and Robert lived with his brothers Brian and David in George Arthur Rd.
  18. T

    Book: Birmingham frame by frame

    I have just received the book of photos called 'Birmingham Frame by Frame, I think it was recommended on this site, I ordered it online, firstly because it was cheaper and because my W.H.Smiths didn't carry it, it is well worth sending for, very interesting. The cost was £3.50 including postage...
  19. T

    Attention trainspotters! (Men only)

    Hello crumble, My father in law worked out of Saltley sheds for the most of forty five years that he worked on the railways, his name was Frank Jenkins, my husband can remember fetching his father's wages and had to take a disc to get them. Trebor (Rita)
  20. T

    123 Reginald Road, Saltley

    I lived at number 11 Reginald Rd in the maisonettes, I knew a girl called Glenys Draper, she lived further up Reginald Rd, I often wondered what happened to her. Trebor (Rita)