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Do spiders come in for warmth?

Why Do Spiders Come Indoors More During Autumn| Confirm A Kill

Many people believe that spiders invade our homes in search of warmth, but this actually isn't true. In fact, as disturbing as some of you might find, the chances are our eight-legged friends have been in our properties all year round.The largest spider found in the UK is the Cardinal Spider (Tegenaria parietina). Male examples have been recorded with an impressive 12 cm leg span. By comparison the smallest species of 'Money spiders' (family Linyphiidae) have a leg span of little more than 2 mm.1725699998421.jpeg
Rather of-topic, I'm afraid, at least with regard to date. But still very much "In Our Garden...."

I thought I would record, for the benefit of family, the history of my father's garden which he carved out of a ploughed field in Streetly from the early 1930s onwards. Hardly a Hidcote, but a source of pleasure, interest and entertainment for his children for the rest of their childhood and beyond.
It contains a number of photographs and probably too much text. But some of the photographs are, unusually, in colour – not subsequently colourised with the help of 21st century software but as they came back from the laboratory in 1936. I'm sure that one or two of them have already appeared within this Forum, somewhere or other.

It's too long and contains too many images to post here and so I'll just give you a link to the online article, if anyone wishes to have a glance at it. It's written in the form of an eight-year-old's diary entry because it's one article out of several in quite a long, ongoing sequence. And so, in theory at least, it was written 80 years ago today!

It's here: http://www.staffshomeguard.co.uk/L8A5StreetlyMemories19Sept1944.htm
(And it's safe to click on).


Those look beautiful Steve.
Just had our patio repaved and guys have just finished, looks really lovely. Now we have the decision to make as to what we adorn it with. More expense !!! Shall have to go to town centre with guitar and a dog. Folk will at least give me something to go away
We have a number of large plastic plant pots which re in good condition but need a paint over. Is there anyone who has experience of modern paints suitable for doing this. I'm too old to keep painting them every year.
Would appreciate any help in this, thanks in advance
Hi everyone, hope you are all ok.

I've potted up loads of bulbs recently. Tidied the garden and removed summer bedding plants. The cooler weather is coming, I'm not a Winter gardener at all!!!!
Have any of you noticed that there seem to be a lot more red and orange leaves about this autumn?
Or maybe its just in the south
Spent a hour this morning in the front. Got up loads of leaves - an ongoing job at this time of year. Cleared out old bedding plants and put in some winter pansies and cyclamen. Had to water well as most of this is under the eaves and was surprisingly dry. Now all I need to do is remember to water. Back garden will have to wait for another day.
front plant pot.jpg
front (1).jpgFront (2).jpg
Finally managed to get a photo of the comet tonight from the top of Newhall Valley - not brilliant as we had low haze and the brightest supermoon of the year to contend with:-
You can just see it in the centre of the picture above the middle bush, sloping top left to bottom right. Zooming in does not really help much - all of these needed a 20-30 second time exposures at 1600ASA, then post-processing:-
Guess Sutton Coldfield is not the best comet watching place on the planet...........
Finally managed to get a photo of the comet tonight from the top of Newhall Valley - not brilliant as we had low haze and the brightest supermoon of the year to contend with:-
View attachment 195924
You can just see it in the centre of the picture above the middle bush, sloping top left to bottom right. Zooming in does not really help much - all of these needed a 20-30 second time exposures at 1600ASA, then post-processing:-
View attachment 195926
View attachment 195927
Guess Sutton Coldfield is not the best comet watching place on the planet...........

well done mark...i have been looking out but no luck what time did you see it ?

ive just gone through this thread from the beginning and we have lots of photos posted taken on the fringes of our gardens..some taken indoors..some images taken off the net..poems..cartoons some taken in friends gardens etc which have not been deleted as we do like to give a bit of lee way on most of our threads that are none historical .in this case a bit of photographic license wont harm us

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