Peg Monkey
master brummie

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Thanks Lady P, although I travelled that route countless occasions much of the time I was not in full possession of my faculties. Usually following an evening at The Top Rank on Saturday and Thursday (Grab-a-granny night). You have shown the Sutton Road is actually much shorter than I thought, starting somewhere near The Cross Keys pub, which was my dad's favourite watering hole.Peg Monkey, as far as I can tell (and I'm happy to be corrected on this) from Spaghetti to Weelwright Road is Gravelly Hill, from there to Six Ways it's Gravelly Hill North, from Six Ways to to the fork in the road it's Summer Road, from the fork to Mason Road is Sutton New Road, from there to the Abbey (Now Highclare School) is High Street and then Sutton Road as we decided before. I find it quite difficult to imagine the trams coming down Erdington High Street and continuing to the border.
It is certainly true if you lived in a tower block and your exit and arrival times didn't coincide with your neighbour(s) you could pass like ships in the night and never see them, unless you knocked on their door, which did happen. But to be fair when the blocks were newly inhabited there was a degree of communal spirit driven by the commonality that all the residents had moved in at around the same time, so all were sharing the same exciting experience of a modern dwelling, many had moved from inner-city back-to-backs often sharing an outside toilet with bathrooms unheard of, and now your own inside toilet and a bathroom how good could it get?!Peg Monkey, going back to the Lyndhurst Estate (before we get the sack), I can see one of the blocks of flats from my front windows. They recently (sorry, can't remember when) installed bright green strip lighting around these flats and I was coming home from Boldmere one night when I spotted them - I was sober as I was driving - and I couldn't think what the lights could be. Had the martians landed?
They are building some very nice properties on this site now but I'm not sure if they are private or social housing. I always felt that the residents of the Lyndhurst (and other such developments) were short changed, espcially those people who lived in the maisonettes. I believe that architects and planners should have to live in these properties before they move the real people in. I think Morturn was right when he said that housewives were scrubbing the halls all the time so that they had some contact with other people. No longer could they pop out of the front and see a friendly face.
I was 11 when this appreared and been on the estate for about a year, I feel guilty that I don't know for certain its location, the maisonettes behind don't give a clue, because there were so many, my guess is it was close to Harlech Tower the tallest block on the estate at 16 stories (the others were 11 except Standleys, which I think was 10) on the city end of the estate (as opposed to the Sutton end).
Still no luck, Viv, but thanks for trying.I've copied the original thread to this thread (newly created). See if that now works for you Peg. Viv.
Thanks Viv, I presume it's not possible to hyper-link to a specific post?Hi Peg - this link will take you to the page on the Harry Lucas thread.
Thanks OldM, works like magic!Find the specific post you want to link to
Right click on the post number (bottom right)
Select 'Copy link address' if using Chrome ... goes to your computer memory
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Paste it in the post you want to link from.
A quick way to paste is
Position pointer in the target post
Hold down CTRL key and press V
Here is an example link to your post#230 in the 'Harry Lucas school' thread
The Pavillion Cinema, corner Chester Road and Gravelly Lane, was still operating when me and my family moved to the Lyndhurst Estate (Jan '60) and I did go and see 1 or 2 films there, it was an impressive detached building, can't really remember the interior but all large cinemas were like palaces inside and I'm sure that was the case. Then the cinema closed and it became the Pavillion Bowl - a 10 pin bowling alley, where you could get a pretty decent burger. When I first met my wife we visited it a number of times and then of course it was demolished for housing.
The Palace cinema then became the nearest venue to see a film but even that eventually secumbed to the developers bulldozers when the precinct was built, then I suppose the nearest cinema was the Plaza, Stockland Green, a cute little cinema that also soon disappeared.
Then at 18, or so, my thoughts turned to clubbing, it was great to have two hotspots so near, in the High Street: The Carlton Club (opposite the parish church), which became Mother's, and the assembly room behind The Queen's Head at 6-ways Erdington, both venues hosted top bands and were great for me because I could walk home.
Ah! Happy Days!
P.S. The Queen's Head had curious ultra-violet lights, which, unfortunately, told everyone if you were using the right shampoo, or not,
the answer was only to wear white! (You could soon see who the regulars were).
Plaza building is still there but it's now a bingo hall. I think it was something else in between but I can't remember what.
Yes, I think you're right Morturn, but I wasn't sure and thought maybe it was a warehouse. Seems a funny shape inside to be a supermarket. The floor would be sloping wouldn't it?