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Miss Brookes...!

I and my older sister both had Miss Brookes as a teacher and I can tell you from our point of view she was one of the best teachers at the school.
PMC1947 If you PM me with your sister's name I just may have known her, although I left school Christmas 1962 aged 15.

Pom :angel:
This is really strange, My Dad was Charles Pedley! has anyone got any photos of the shop they owned? He wasnt driving the car when he was killed, he was a passenger, they were hit by another van coming towards them on the wrong side of the road, the driver was drunk.

Has anyone got any info on my grandparents shop? they are both dead now too but i would love any info you might have or contact me if you knew them.

many thanks. Jackie.
Hi jackie......I just come across this story in the Times from 2nd Feb 1927...any connection?

you need to download this or enlarge it to view it
Has anyone info about the pedleys, or My Mum who lived in the flats at Nechells, her name was Susan Fallon, did anyone know her?
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Jackie......copy and paste it to you desktop then use you photo programme to enlarge it.....but if you cannot do that I will give you a brief outline......a fire on the 13th Jan 1927 killed 7 members of one family living in Adams Street, Charles Pedley's wife and a number of his children died in the fire....Charles survived..?
Jackie thanx for the IM contact, as you now know I knew the family and your Dad. I will email you some pix of the shops in the next few days.

Hi, JKC, I will keep trying to enlarge it, there is no mention of a fire in our family, all our family who owned the paper shop never died in any fire. My dad was killed in a car crash in 1984. I will have to have a read of that and ask my Mum, thank you for that info i will keep you updated.
Pom, thank you so much, i cant wait to see the photos, i always wanted to see a photo of the shop, ive got lots of old photos of them even of Charles and Edith pedley on their wedding day.

If anyone has any pics of the pedleys newsagents, or indeed of themselves, please let me know. Thank you all. It means alot to me.
My Dad (charles Pedley) best mate was called Tommy Birch, does it ring a bell with anyone?

My mum lived at Newland House masionettes at nechells down rupert street.
Re: A Book on Saltley, Duddeston & Nechells

Hi Louisa i was brought up in bloomsbury street up until 1953 and my mother and father used to work at Newtons my mom's name was nellie cartwright and my dad's was albert my mom and dad saddy parted and my mom passed away in 1953 i was just wondering if you have any photo's or know of anyone who has of groups of people who worked at newton's in the late 1940's as i only have one photo of my mother but would love to be able to find any other
brian baker
I was born in 1966 and was only four when my family left Dollman Street, Vauxhall, Nechells. My Sisters went to St Anne's and some went to Duddeston after for a short while. I vaguely remember playing in the train park nearby! Our house was a back to back, had a cellar, outside toilet, brew house (I think?) and was old and run down which led to it being demolished not long after we left in 1970 I think?

If you look at my photo album you will see pictures of inside my house, Dollman Street and the outdoor which was near, on the corner I think? As I say I don't remember much but my Dad proudly remembers his darting days for The Railway Club in pubs like The Rocket! Mom fondly remembers the happy times despite us not having much, times when neighbours were friendly and you could leave your front door open without any fear. Oh what great times they must of been!?
Re: Nechells or was it Duddeston or Ashted ?

I have in the past looked for a book written about the above districts, much to my disappointment I have not been able to find one. I will however try to post as much as I can about the 1940's and 1950's and hope that it will be of interest to anyone of that place and time.
I would urge any of our younger readers who know any old folk from the area to direct them towards the website so that we can get their memories before they are gone. I am sure that they themselves will read the postings with great interest. I feel surprised that so few people are on this site when I think of the hundreds that used to lived in the area, I can only guess that the word " Computer " may frighten some people away from buying one but I would never be without mine. Perhaps one day maybe a book could be written.


I have reason to believe that Adams Street - which is just off Great Lister Street and just below what was once Dartmouth Street - once had a previous name of Brewery Street.

Do you have any information regarding this...?


Jim Pedley (pedlarman)
JIM. You are right in every respect, I had to look it up on an old map to be sure, and it was renamed Adam Street. When is another ?
It looks as if part of Adams st was Brewer st in 1851. This seems to have changed by 1862.

I stand a little corrected myself as it was from Heneage Street to Great Lister Street.

GER22VAN - No. You don't have to stand corrected. You're quite correct. Adams Street did run from Heneage Street down to Great Lister Street. It's just my bad description of the location...

Anyway, thanks for the confirmation regarding the previous name - "Brewery Street." But can you have another look and tell me whether the change became Adams Street or Adam Streeet

Thanks again,

Jim (pedlarman)
It looks as if part of Adams st was Brewer st in 1851. This seems to have changed by 1862.

Hi, Mikejee,

Thanks for your information. I knew in the back of my mind that in the long-gone days of my youth, I had been doing some research of the area and concentrated on Adams Street because that was where I lived...

I know that I had picked up the fact - probably from the Central Library - that my street had once been called Brewery Street (and I wondered why!)

I note that you consulted an earlier source than our friend, GER22VAN, and I'd like your confirmation that, in that year, the street concerned was called Brewer Street - without the Y?


Jim (pedlarman)
Hi Pedlarman
The map i showed was from the mapmaker website. This certainly shows it as Brewer st. After your question (I should have done it before) I checked the 1855 and 1848 directories, and these both show the road from Heneage st as Brewery st. So it looks as if the map is in error, presumably a missprint.
Hi Pedlarman
The map i showed was from the mapmaker website. This certainly shows it as Brewer st. After your question (I should have done it before) I checked the 1855 and 1848 directories, and these both show the road from Heneage st as Brewery st. So it looks as if the map is in error, presumably a missprint.


My thanks once again.

I have to apologise for getting you working on my behalf...! I am investigating my ancestry but am confined to the house because I am attached to an oxygen hose 24 hours a day and can't get to the library.

But I am not doing too badly via the computer and have just traced my great-great-grandfather - a Thomas Pedley - who, it seems, lived in a "Brewery"" Street, which is why I had to ascertain whether there was a "Y" at the end of Brewer or not...

Appreciate your co-operation,


I grew up in scofield st nechells and had many happy hours playing on the bomb sites untill they built the flats. I moved to scotland in the mid 70s and then moved to turkey 2 years ago so it seems a dream to me to. love to find some olddies from school
Any time Jim
Living in Reading I , in a way, have the same problem of access. There is so much I'd like to read and copy in the library (from a history not a genealogy point of view), but, because of personal commitments can only rarely visit it, and then for only short periods of time
Jim. I think it just the grammar as to wether people in the past say Adam or Adams Street. I pay little attention to it just as I do with spellings of place names and surnames.
GER22VAN: I think you are probably right regarding the grammar aspect. I have had trouble recently pinning down a street that is pronounced Bricklin Street when it is really Brickiln Street.

And I noticed - when I worked with Black Country mates at the Express&Star, Wolverhampton - that a chap described in conversation a Brickiln Street as Bricklin Street...!

As I say, you are probably right, because I have never come across an Adam Street in Birmingham but I'll stand corrected...


Sorry i missed out on your question on adams st. In the 1855 to 1868 directories it is listed as Adam St, but by 1873 it is Adams St. Around that time they probably just Mike
Hi jackie......I just come across this story in the Times from 2nd Feb 1927...any connection?

you need to download this or enlarge it to view it


Just to let you know that I picked up your post just now with the picture of the cutting about the Pedley fire.

The family concerned in the fire was that of my grandfather's brother - Charles, my great-uncle.

I suspect that Jackie is also related but we haven't found a connection yet...!


Jim Pedley (pedlarman)
I have been looking for my Great Grandfathers family on the 1901 census and the 1911 census Henry Underhill and Jane nee Huckerby. I have been un sucessful with the census but using birth, marriage and death certs have found several addresses of where they lived. The one address was for 1913 94 Adams Street Duddeston, I thought this might help with the 1911 census but no, I think they may have been on hard times especially since he was then killed in the 1st World War 1916. Strangely enough my job takes me to Adams Street frequently. What hapened to all the homes?
imagine someone remembering the el-greco, do you remember old gabriel the greek? i remember when he first opened it, all his family got involved, once it was open they never showed up again, haha, cant blame them, i saw some right sights in there in those days, i lived in rocky lane, by anthonys the shop.