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Brearley Street Newtown.


Staff member
would any members have any photos of brearley st please. ive seen the ones on the summer lane remembers site. my aunt joyce moseley lived at 2/305 when she was young. thanks in advance. wales.
hi all. ive come accross some pics of brearley st now. will post a few for you. heres one or two.

Lyn, I particularly like the photo of Brearley Street (No.19) - post No.2. Was that taken from a court? I am interested as my gt.grandmother was living at Brearley Street when she married my gt.grandfather in 1861, but I don't have any number.

hi judy. i would think you are right as i you can see the entry leads to what i would presume to be brearly street. as they would not have had a back and front door i would think one of the doors we see would be say 1 back of number 19. have you looked on the cencus records for a number. lyn

i do have some more of brearly street but they are not of brillient quality.
Thanks for posting those Wales, my Gt nan lived on that street in the 30's so it's been nice to see what it looked like :)
glad you like them claire. hope you found the farm st pics. i may go and have a look at the other brearly st ones i have and see if they are worth posting.ps just thought it may have been another claire looking for farm st. just another senior moment im afraid.
Hi Lyn

My gt.grandma's family seemed to move around a lot. On the 1861 census the family was living at 2 Bridge Street West, on her marriage certificate it just says Brearley Street (Oct 1861). It would be nice to have a number, but not to be ..

By 1881 she is living in Bracebridge Street, and her father and mother are living at Back 60 Constitution Hill.

judy. i think everyones ancestors moved a lot in those days. i have always been told it was a lot to do with avoiding the rent man lol my family were the same. one of my aunts lived in brearley and another one lived in bracebridge st also. i have posted quite a few bridge st west pics. you may have seen them already
Yes I have seen those Lyn. You always post such interesting photos, so I look at them all.

Lyn, when I left school I went for a job at Brightside Plating in Brearley Street but didn't take it. Also my son went to Brearley Street Nursery circa 1962 to 1964.
hi sylvia. would you beleive it all my 4 children attended brearley nursery. small world isnt it. lyn
Lyn, was Miss Pratt still the headmistress when your children went to Brearley Street Nursery? A name I seem to remember as Michael's teacher was Miss Holloway, but I may be wrong as it was a long time ago. I used to work at Edmundsons Electrical in Lower Tower Street so it was very convenient to drop him off before I went to work. Lovely atmostphere there, some of my cousins went there when they were children during the war.
my pleasure cat. sylvia not sure what year you are talking about but my children were there from 1990 onwards. lyn
my two sons went to brearley st nursery 1973 and my dad worked for edmundsons lower tower st as a driver (went all everwhere with him in the school holidays)
Wales, when I was a tipper driver I worked for W.J.Law Demolition and they knocked Brearly St. down. I could not swear to it but I think most of it went under the runway at the airport.
lovely pic jonacs. thanks for sharing it. stitch thanks for that info. the bottom end of brearley is still there although just a few of the original factories left obviously no houses.
lovely pic jonacs. thanks for sharing it. stitch thanks for that info. the bottom end of brearley is still there although just a few of the original factories left obviously no houses.
great thread people, my wife her mother and all of the woman in the family
worked in brearley st for a George baker and sons wire workers
the made all manner of things egg poachers riddle,s, as she called them
for siving earth in the garden,and lot,s more stuff.
happy days. regards dereklcg
derek. im still looking for some more pics of brearley st i have. like i said they are a bit hazy as the central lib let me take pics but would not allow me to take them out of the protective covers. thinking about it i may have saved them to discs must go and have a look.

cheers wales i mite get her indoors more into the comp if she saw photo,s of where see worked.
they are good pics well done;;)) i love taking, and looking at old and new pics.
have you looked at my album?
catch you later, regards Derek.
I remember the Brearly St contract because on a previos demolition job, the gang had what was called 'dropped a house' after removing the glass and timber. Then the machine driver loaded the lorries with hardcore to be taken to pre-determined sites. When they reached cellar level they found the body of a vagrant who had been crushed to death when the house fell. When we started on Brearly St. The gaffer said we must check the cellars every morning. I was told to check a couple and as I went down one of them, another workman was hiding and jumped up, shouting. I ran uo the cellar steps in total fear and I forgot to duck. My head hit the brickwork and I woke up in the general hospital.
sorry stitch but what a great story and i cant stop laffin. i know i shouldnt as you probably woke up with a headache lol. derek i will take a look at your album.
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you have some nice pics there derek. dont surpose you know the name of the old street.
Lyn, my son was at the nursery 1962/64 much earlier than your children. Also the photo posted c.1973 seems to show all different staff, but nice to see all the same.
sylvia. i am sure i have seen an older pic of the nusery somewhere but again i must have a look. will post if i can find it.
thanks wales if i remember right at the time it was said that was Birmingham uni at the end of the street, if i can remember where i got it and can find the name of it i,ll let you know. regards Derek.