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Baciochi/Bacchiochi Family?


master brummie
Hi there,
I'm trying to trace my family tree,
My great grandmother's name was Emily Baciochi/Bacchiochi and was born in 1868, and died in 1948.
My great grandfather's surname was Sharples, unfortunately I do not know his first name, I believe they were married in 1888.
Their children were:-

Ernie                     born 1894?
Florence                born 1890, died 1978 (My Nan)
Elsie                      born 1899?
Charlie                   born 1897?
Harry                     born 1889?

If you have any information, please reply to this post

Thank you

Sandra :)
Re: The Baciochi/Bacchiochi Family?

Emily Bacchiochi married Henry Sharples July Quarter 1888 Aston 6d 478
you can get the marriage certificate from the new registrars office in Holiday street Birmingham
Re: The Baciochi/Bacchiochi Family?

Harry Sharples Birmingham January quarter 1889 6d 81

Elsie Sharples Birmingham October quarter 1898 6d 83

Florrie Sharples Birmingham October quarter 1890 6d 93

Charles William Sharples Birmingham October quarter 1896 6d 92
these are the only close matches I found I would say check birth certificates to see if they all have the same father and mother
Re: The Baciochi/Bacchiochi Family?

The 1901 census looks correct
Henry and family 1891 with correct childred but wife definateley says Sarah

1891 Birmingham Warwickshire RG12/2384 folio 17 page 27 Birmingham Warwickshire

Court 5 house 6 Pickford Street

Henry Sharples age 21 born Birmingham Brass Cabinet Maker
Sarah wife age 22 born Birmingham
Henry son age 2 born birmingham
Florence age 1 born Birmingham

1901 RG13/2835 folio 136 page 19 Birmingham Warwickshire

3 St Davids Pl Bissell Street

Emily Sharples age 32 head widow born Birmingham Washer woman
Harry age 12 son born Birmingham (short for Henry) News Boy
Ernest age 7 son Birmingham
Elsie age 2 son Birmingham
Florence dau age born Birmingham age 10
Charles age 4 son Birmingham

Harry Brown nephew age 11 born Birmingham News Boy

regards Pam
Re: The Baciochi/Bacchiochi Family?


Birmingham Warwickshire folio 38  page  25 RG10/3110

Back 26 Bartholomew Street 4 house 12 Court

Antonio Bacciochi age 34 lab born Italy
Elizabeth wife age 35 born Bristol Somerset
Maria age 13     all chidlren born Birmingham
John age 8
Thomas age 7
Elizabeth age 6
Harriet age 3
Emily age 2
Anthony age 1


30 Bartholomew Street

Elizabeth Sedgwick married age 50 Lodging house keeper born cardiff Wales
Josh Bacchiochi son age 14 born Birmingham Brass ???
Harriet Bacchiochi age 14 niece  servant born Birmingham

Harriet Johnson Aunt age 72 Dressmaker widow born Bristol Somerset

Ann Gardener age 42 Hawker born Chester Cheshire visitor
Joshua Blackwell age 40 visitor Brewer

There are quite a few lodgers


22 court 2 house back Bordesley Street

Antonio Bacchrochi age 45 born Italy bricklayers Labourer
Louise wife age 40 born Australia
Thomas son age 18 chandlers dipper
Elizabeth dau age 16 domestic servant
Emily dau age 12
Antonio son age 11
William son age 1
Mary Mason boarder unmarried
Charles Mason son age 3months

Maybe yours

Re: The Baciochi/Bacchiochi Family?

The only Elizabeth I can see that matches up

Elizabeth Baciochi 1877 deaths march quarter Birmingham 6d 52 but the age 46 is not quite right

Re: The Baciochi/Bacchiochi Family?

I'm not sure if they're related at all but Claire B was killed in the Lockerbie Air crash...she's buried in Kingsbury and has family still living there...only mentioned it because of the highly unusual name.
Re: The Baciochi/Bacchiochi Family?

My husbands grandfather Joseph Taylor married St Matthews Duddeston 1913,one of the witnesses to the marriage was Ambrose Bacchiocchi.
Re: The Baciochi/Bacchiochi Family?

I think your Emily Bacciocchi was probably Ambrose sister age 4 in 1881
Found Ambrose on 1901 living with his wife and family in lupin street,with them is Ambrose father John age 52 a brasscaster and his brother George age 14 all born Birmingham.
Dwelling: Bartholomew St 3 Court 4
Census Place: Birmingham, Warwick, England
Source: FHL Film 1341714 PRO Ref RG11 Piece 2988 Folio 49 Page 28
Marr Age Sex Birthplace
Jno. BACCIACCI M 34 M Birmingham, Warwick, England
Rel: Head
Occ: Brass Caster
Jane BACCIACCI M 33 F Birmingham, Warwick, England
Rel: Wife
Elizth. BACCIACCI U 14 F Birmingham, Warwick, England
Rel: Daur
Occ: Shirt Stud Maker
John BACCIACCI 12 M Birmingham, Warwick, England
Rel: Son
Occ: Scholar
Ambrose BACCIACCI 7 M Birmingham, Warwick, England
Rel: Son
Occ: Scholar
Emily BACCIACCI 4 F Birmingham, Warwick, England
Rel: Daur
Occ: Scholar
Jane BACCIACCI 1 F Birmingham, Warwick, England
Rel: Daur
Re: The Baciochi/Bacchiochi Family?

I found this article in " Bella Brum " and thought you may be interested.
There is also a picture of a cort in Bordesley Street, that I can let you have a copy of.
Re: The Baciochi/Bacchiochi Family?

Thank you for sending me the information on the Baciochi family . I have just started doing the family tree, its getting very addictive, housework has taken second place.
Thank you once again
Re: The Baciochi/Bacchiochi Family?

Oh! it will Sandra,it will!!!!!!!!!!!!! :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:
Re: The Baciochi/Bacchiochi Family?

I have a Beryl Bacciochi on my Family Tree she married a Reginald Knight had two children then Died of Cancer not sure of the dates. in 1920 the family lived 142 back of Lupin Street Nechells
John Charles, Kate, Charles, Joseph.
1939 Census Elizabeth Bacciochi was living at 145 Lupin Street
Re: The Baciochi/Bacchiochi Family?

I have been in touch with a Tony Bacchrochi still living Birmingham he was telling me the Bacchrochi name is quite common would you believe. He originates from Italian blood and he was  born in Bartholomew St Birmingham he as three sons still working in Birmingham not far from the blues ground he as told me I can get in touch if I need any information about the Bacchrochi family. if you are interested I can find out more 
Re: The Baciochi/Bacchiochi Family?

I would like to thank everyone that has replied to me concerning the Bacciochi family I am sifting through all the information that has been sent to me.

brilliant and very useful web page, I have told loads of people about it,

Thank you once again, Sandra.
Bacciochi family.

Hi there, don't know if its of any use to you, but I went to school with a Paul Bacciochi, (not sure of spelling) back in the late fifties in Washwood Heath.
He and his mom and dad lived opposite to me in Warren Road, just down from the school which was actually Leigh Rd J & I, he then went to Ward End Hall school around about 1960, I went elsewhere, and we moved in 1965/66 so lost touch.
Hope it is of some help to you.

Hi, my greatgrandparents were Italian who moved to Bartholomew St, Birmingham in 1893 on their marriage certificate from Atina Frosinone[near to Sora where most the Italian Brummies came from] one of the witnesses was a Antonio Bacchochi from Atina, [SIZE=-1] [/SIZE] this may be one of your relatives. Hope this is of interest to you. Also did you know you may have famous relatives? Napoleon's sister Elisa Bonaparte married a [SIZE=-1]Felix Baciochi!
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My dad was great pals with G . Bacciochi who also won the Military Medal the same as my pa, both were in the Royal Welsh Fusiliers but G.Bacciochi was an old soldier and served time in India and when the Great War broke out was drafted to France and took part in the Retreat from Mons, so he truly was an Old Contemptible and fought in all the major battles, he got his M.M for carrying wounded men from the battlefield under fire his address was 9 Coventry Street Digbeth
i have been to a job in kingshurst today and got talking about this site,i mentioned nechells and was told that my customer.surname (knight) lived in long acre and 14? lupin street.their son arrived shortly afterwards and i told him about this site.so hopefully he will join us.they also go to the griffin at shustoke.i will get back in touch with the customer again as they are a lovely couple.
i hope this may bring some links together for familys from nechells.
they also have baciochi/bacchiochi in their family tree.
BillC I will pass that info on to my sister Sandra who started this thread , I might be related to
Napoleon eh!!!!!!! That's a bit of useful information for the BRA WOMEN

I too went to school with Paul, Leigh Road J&I, I think he was in the same class as me leaving in 1959 and going to Ward End Hall. I don't remember him being at Ward End for too long so I guess they moved.
I have two photographs from around Christmas 1954, I think, with about 50 people on each, maybe from two different classes as I am on one and my Sister is on the other. They were originally called 'The School band' which we didn't have and 'The Nativity' cast which we did.
If I can work out how to scan them in here, I will do, but they are currently on the Friends Reunited site if anyone cant wait!

Re: The Baciochi/Bacchiochi Family?

HI ..
Ihad a neighbour in West Heath called Sheila Bachiocci when I was growing up in the 70,s .. is she a descendent ?
Jean :)
Re: The Baciochi/Bacchiochi Family?

I would like to thank everyone that has replied to me concerning the Bacciochi family I am sifting through all the information that has been sent to me.

brilliant and very useful web page, I have told loads of people about it,

Thank you once again, Sandra.

Hi Sandra my name is Christine Newman ( previousley Hickinbottom), Im not sure if you are the Sandra I know, I'm trying to find infomation on my family Bacciochi I have no information on my grand father, I do not even know his first name, I have some information on my famly tree, but its very patchy information so far

Mothers family

Mother Kate Hickinbottom formaly Bacciochi born 1907
Uncle Dominic Bacciochi
Uncle Joe Bacciochi
Auntie Emily Bacciochi
Aunti Daisy Bacciochi
Grand Mother Catherine Bacciochi formaly Mcoy

I have cousins

Paul Bacciochi
John Bacciochi

And I think Austin and Olive Bacciochi are second Cousins

My Grandfather and family live in Lupin street

I wouuld be be gratful for any info you have that mght help

Kind Regards

Chrine Newman
Re: The Baciochi/Bacchiochi Family?

Hi Sandra
I have also been researching this branch of the Bacciochi family on behalf of my cousins Annette and Sue Kilroy. I believe you are their cousin on aunt Olive's side of the family! Unfortunately I cannot add anything to the info you already have. I have them on the various censuses which I have printed off to send to Annette, but never got around to it, then when Nigel died last year it seemed inappropriate so have still got them in my file! I have come across 2 or 3 Bacciochis recently - one is a district nurse who comes out to mum, another is a friend of a friend on Facebook and another I have seen randomly somewhere else. Don't know if any of them are related to your branch. It's a very small world isn't it. What a great website this is though!
I think you were at uncle Phil's funeral last year weren't you? I was pushing my mum Sheila (uncle Phil's younger sister) in her wheelchair.
Take care
Re: The Baciochi/Bacchiochi Family?

My father was victor Baciochi born in 1923 his father was. George Baciochi died in1962 his father was Anthony Baciochi a his father was Antonio Baciochi from Sardinia my father never spoke of his family roots it would be really nice to find out more
Re: The Baciochi/Bacchiochi Family?

My father was victor Baciochi born in 1923 his father was. George Baciochi died in1962 his father was Anthony Baciochi a his father was Antonio Baciochi from Sardinia my father never spoke of his family roots it would be really nice to find out more
My dad was William Joseph Baciochi . Uncle Victors brother . He also had Winnie & Joan sisters .Although he was sent to school as Billy Fletcher??? . I have met Uncle Victors siblings at his funeral . So I am known to them . CAIO
Re: The Baciochi/Bacchiochi Family?

Emily Bacchiochi married Henry Sharples July Quarter 1888 Aston 6d 478
you can get the marriage certificate from the new registrars office in Holiday street Birmingham
Thanks for letting us know about getting certs in Brum...do they cover all weddings or just registry office ones ? How much would they be please....I have been send to GRO at £11 a throw.