master brummie
May I tell you a little story about this surname please , working for a company for many years as I did I regularly spoke to a woman with the surname Bacciochi at a comapny that supplied us . I alway's pronounced it as I thought it should sound ie Bashoki , a woman of some senior years than me in the office I worked in told me I was saying it wrong that it was pronounced Bakoshi . Okay I said but when I spoke to the lady in question at the suppliers I still said it as I always had . A week or three later the woman in our office came over and said I am sorry I asked my son in law with the same surname and he said it is pronounced as it sounds Bashoki . Originally I had put 2 and 2 together by studying the name Veracchia remember the ice cream men . I must say though I've heard more ch in the Italian language than ck sounding words .