Saw on Google that the Ring O'Bells was trashed, wish I had a bob for every pint I drank there in the late40s realy 50s, Lived down on Moat lane. John Crump Parker, Co USA
Hi Kat, Your G/Father must have been Mr. Linforth whose shop was full of bicycles & parts of bikes all us kids would take our buckled wheels and he would straiten them by adjusting the spokes he charged us a few old pennys this was pre-WW2, i remember he smoked cigarette after cigarette, he was a very good man. Len.G'day to you Dennis,
That would be great if that's possible. Last year I was in Church Road but at that time I didn't know of the 'connection' to Church Terrace. I was looking at my Grandfathers shop (bicycle) and a house he lived in at 218 Church Road. His wife lived at 2 Chuch Terrace when she was young. She was originally from Ratley - beautiful village which we visited. Thanks Dennis, Kat
...doing well in retirement I gather.
Past the old pub, now a private res, before the church is a building pretty old I guess that I went to youth meetings and chuch school in, Is that still there? Loved to walk through the park, lovely flower beds etc, I think this part of Yardley is a true glint of how life was. Should be fenced off and preserved for all to enjoy. John Crump, Parker,Co. USA
It was blocked off to traffic several years to help preserve the old buildings.A couple of years ago we visited there and now it is blocked off to traffic.
Great to see these pictures. I was born in Vicarage Rd in the late 50's. Not much has changes. My Grandfather started his schooling in the old school house. I remember Maycocks shop opposite the church. Billy from the shop had a hand cart and made deliveries round the village. He knew all of our birthdays. Mr & Mrs Saunders lived in the farm in those days. Mr Saunders grew flowers which he sold and kept birds in an aviary.
Remember Billy Maycock and the grocers shop just a few doors down next to the entry was a Post Office. The road was blocked off if my memory serves me correct in the 1970s .There had been the odd car hitting a wall and was a dangerous bend and a danger to the residents. There was the Trust School building just by the church car park. Was a bit of a pain which meant an old short cut in your car was gone.what lovely memories anthony...welcome to the forum...enjoy
Yes nice grounds for wedding photoslovely old church