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WW1 Pension query

lynne webb

My grandfather is on the Absent voters list giving his No. and regiment, and on his Death cert in 1940 it says he has an Army pension. I cant find anything on Ancestry for him and no one in the family has ever heard of him being in the Army. Can anyone tell me for what reason he would have a pension please.
Thank you.
His name was Pte James Gallagher, No 370703 R.W.R.. He died in 1940 of TB. He was born in 1885.
found his medal card on ancestry by putting James Gallagher into the search box and then when the results come up scroll down to military and click on medal roll index cards and enter his name and just his regimental number. A thought are you using the old search on Ancestry (much better than the new search) ?
He also got the SWB Silver War Badge and is recorded in the rolls at the National Archives which means that he served at home and abroad and was for wounds or infirmity. So this is why he got a pension. But many men would not talk about it.
i know lynne will be delighted that this mystery has been solved at last...

what a great bunch you are....:)

Great result well done all:). As Lyn says we know Lynne will be thrilled at this information....if you understand me:rolleyes:.
Well folks what can I say, so much more than thrilled. I've searched for ages and couldn't find anything myself, only his brothers ever came up.
I cant believe that my subs for Ancestry ran out last week and I changed to Genes on Saturday, so I could get the 1911 census..
Thanks so so much Colin B and Mike for this help and all the trouble you must have gone to, you really are amazing people on here...
Lyn and Wendy, yes I am thrilled to bits.
Lynne. xx
Hi Lynne

Here's the details from the SWB records.
Pte James Gallager - Reg No 20372 370703
Unit discharged from - A.C.L.C. ex R War R
No. of Badge & Certificate - 436807
Enlistment - 6.7.1916
Discharge - 19.8.1918
Aged 33
Cause of discharge - Sick xvi Para (a) 392 (i)
Whether served overseas - Yes 114620

Thanks Suzanne, this is all new to me, its surprising how much we dont know about our relatives.
I really appreciate you taking the time and trouble to look for me, thanks again,