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Wrights in Birmingham


proper brummie kid
Hello - I've never used a website like this, so apologise if I'm doing it all wrong, but I am trying to trace the Wright side of my family tree and wondered if anyone can help with any more info or stories? These are my facts...
  • Ernest Edward Wright (my grandad) - born 13.09.1925 at the back of 151 (or 157?) Ashted Row, in the sub district of Duddeston, Birmingham. Father Ernest Wright - Railway Carriage Painter, mother Elsie V Wright (nee Lawrence)
  • Ernest Edward Wright married Doreen Hazel Banham (my nan) on 11.09.1943. Ernest Edward address given as 120 Bowyer Road Alum Rock, father occupation Munition worker. Doreen address given as 12 Salisbury Road. Church St Martins Washwood Heath, father occupation Railway Worker. Both these addresses come under 'Saltley'.
  • Elsie Wright (nee Lawrence) 1902 -1936, she died when my grandad Ernest Edward was 11. I don't know what of - it was so young. Ernest remarried someone called Alice and my grandad went to live with Elsie's sister Florence Ford and his cousin Francis, who was about the same age. Francis (Frank) later married Maisie Terry and had three children.
  • Ernest Wright 1902 - 1961 (not accurate) always lived in Birmingham. It's possible Ernest ended up living in a council flat in Longbridge Birmingham
  • My grandad (Ernest Edward) had a brother Christopher who died in the war - possibly 1927 - 1944 as he was about 17/18 in suspicious circumstances. Ernest and Christopher were both in the Navy in 1943/44.
  • My Aunt says that Ernest Wrights father was called Harold and he ran a pub. They think the pub was called the Britannia in Alum Rock in Birmingham close to a canal near where they made cars, but the pub was lost because of out of hour drinking sessions and some connection with a bookies??
  • My nan and grandad moved to Weymouth, Dorset after they were married and had 9 children. My grandad was the Stationmaster and sadly died in 1978.
Can anyone help with any more 'Wright' information particularly on my gandads brother Christopher or his dad Ernest or his grandad Harold/Harry? Thanks for taking the time to read this. I would appreciate any help. Its been really tricky.
There does not appear to be an Ernest Wright or Elsie Wright recorded on the electoral roll in Ashted Row in 1925. , or recorded together in that year, or in 1927. From 1930 – 1935 Ernest & Elsie Victoria Wright, with Francis Ford, are at 11 Cranemore St but Ernest has definitely gone from there by 1939.
Do you have any idea about when Harold/Henry had athe pub ?
theres a harry wright in 1911, licencee but it is probably not yours

74 shakespeare rd. bham

harry william wright 36 licencee
annie wright 36 licencee
edgar harry wright 11, leslie horace wright 9, stanley herbert wright 5, and doris nancy wright 19 months.
everyone born bham. married 13 yrs.
Hi Mike - thanks for taking the time to reply!!

That's all very curious as the address is back of 151 (or might be 157) Ashted Row on Ernest Edward Wrights birth certificate. Why do you think it would specify 'back of' in 1925 ?

11 Cranemore street gives me something else to go on - many thanks. Are Ernest Edward and Christopher registered as living there too? I have nothing to prove of Christophers existence, it would mean so much to my mum to be able to give her some details about where he was born, where he died and is buried etc.

Elsie died in 1936 and Ernest remarried so I suppose its likely he left that address around then. He married an Alice who allegedly didn't want to have the two children Ernest Edward (11) and Christopher (9). As soon as they were old enough (or could say they were) they joined the Navy.

I am not sure if it was Ernest who had the pub or his father Harold (possibly Harry) - but my uncle remembers visiting and staying there in 1949ish. He remembers it to be either a Mitchell and Butler or an Ansells pub and said it was close to a Canal. He remembers visiting Erdington too, so there might be a family connection there?

I really appreciate your time in helping - thanks.
The electoral roll shows the Wrights being at 74/76 Shakespeare rd 1912-1950

Christian names of people listed:
1920 Harry William & Annie Millicent
1922-25 Harry William, Annie Millicent , Edgar Harry & Horace Leslie
1927 Harry William, Annie Millicent & Edgar Harry
1930 Harry William, Annie Millicent & Stanley Herbert
1935-50 Anna Maria (or Marie, differs in directory & electoral roll)
According to Kellys , from at least 1936 it was an off-licence, though it may well have been a pub previously
Thanks again Mike - although this might be a different collection of Wrights as I am looking for a Harry/Harold with a son called Ernest (born 1902). Ernest had a son called Ernest Edward (born 1925) and another son called Christopher (born 1927).

It was either Harold or Ernest who my uncle remembers visiting in the Britannia in 1949 ish. If it was Ernest then his wife at the time was called Alice as his first wife Elsie (nee Lawrence) died in 1936.

It is a mystery indeed! Thanks again for your time.

I didn’t think this was the one, and looking at the 1901 census, where Harry & Annie are still there, but no mention is made of any licensed establishment (Harry is desvribed as a builders clerk), would seem to confirm it.
In the 1949 & 1950 Kellys the only other Wright running licensed premises is:
Mrs Lydia Wright beer retailer, 58 Robert Road, Handsworth, but this doesn’t seem to fit either. The establishments listed under the Brittania name in 1949 are not listed with Wright licensees. There may be others not listed by name, but the listed ones are:
Britannia inn, Cyril Thos. Allen, 13 Pigott st 15
•Britannia inn, Fras. Edwd Bedford, 114 Inkerman st 7
Britannia inn, Harry Howard Freeth, 2 Landor st 8
Britannia, Fredk. Albt. Hatton, 143 Sherbourne rd 12
Britannia inn, Thos. Hatton, 286 Summer la 19
Britannia inn, Wltr.Hy.Hawkins.909 & 911 Warwick rd 11
Britannia, Arth. Geo. Jackson, 287 Lichfield rd 6
•Britannia inn, Horace Allen Livett, 157 NechelJs pi 7
Britannia inn, Rt. Hy. Sherwood, 277 Oldbury ocd 40
Britannia inn, Kenneth Roy Timms, 91 Hampton st 19
Britannia, Wm. Ronald Yates, 21 Proctor st 7
The * means it was a beerhouse, and only sold beer, not spirits,
Thanks for taking the time to investigate and reply - I've taken alot of your time today. It's such a shame it seemed such a good lead. I'm so disappointed to be stuck at this point. I'll just need to be patient - maybe one of your 'older' members may remember something about the family eventually, after all Ernest passed on in 1961 and Alice outlived him.

BTW - Do you know if there are Railway employee records as both sides Banhams and Wrights worked on the Railway?

Thanks again
I've got a little bit more information which is very exciting....

The Death indexes have an entry for Elsie V WRIGHT, died Q2 1939, aged 36, in Birmingham. (so possibly not 1936 as I had previously thought)

The Marriage indexes have an entry for Ernest Wright, married Q1 1941, in Birmingham to Alice M CHATTAWAY. Its very exciting to have a link to this 'Alice' to further look into. My Mum thinks she may have been a barmaid in a social club ??

The Death indexes have an entry for Christopher WRIGHT, died Q3 1948, aged 20, in Birmingham. This could be my grandad's brother?

I've still got a long way to go, but am grateful for all help given.
My mother was Ellen Jane Wright born in 1913 at Devon Street, Saltley. Her parents were Ellen Jane Wright nee Hopkins, and CharlesWilliam Wright b1872 B'ham. They married on 25th december 1891. they had 21 children of which 9 died at birth or in early years. These were all born between 1893 and 1913. I know one of my mom's brothers (my uncle) had a pub in the Duddeston area as I remember visitng it when I was a lad. But I don't know the name of the pub or which brother. My mother had a brother Edward b1898 he married Nellie and they had four childeren Doris b1919, Nancy, Edward and Ernie. I have no further record of Ernie or who he married, and I can see that Nellie is not Ellsie, but the Wright name and the area are sure to link us together somewhere. You will have to go further back with your searches as there are so many of them they could have been rabbits.
There was a Wrights news agents and tobaconists shop on Washwood Heath road at the junction with..Wright Road actually. This would be about 40s to 70s or there abouts.
I used to live around the corner from there in the 50's and 60's, but they were no relation my family. I used to work in the fish and chip shop opposite peeling potatoes as a schoolboy.
Hi Alanj111 - thanks for the information about your family. I have found a link within your family to pursue which is quite exciting.....in that your Mum had a brother called Ernest - born in 1902 - he is listed on 1911 census as son of Charles and Ellen and is age 9. The census address is No 9 Back 46 Devon Street. I believe that my Grandad's dad (Ernest) was also born in 1902 - it's possible that it is the same family, although more likely to just be a coincidence, although this could be the uncle you remember having the pub!! I'm in the process of obtaining Ernest Wright and his first wife (Elsie Lawrence)'s marriage certificate (married in 1923), so that might throw some more light on it.

Do you have anyone in your family who may remember Ernest to add any more light on my little mystery?

21 kids in 20 years - blimey!

thanks again for the information!
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The easy way to see if we have a connection is if you have any old photos. I remember my uncle Ernie. And one of the younger lads, Alf and his wife Ivy I have on video film. I also have some old photos. A few of them used to box and were quite well known, one even having his death reported on the front page of the B'ham Mail. So if you have any old photos of them I would immediatly recognise the features.
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Hi Alan - sadly no photos of this generation. The Ernest Wright I'm interested in married Elsie Lawrence in 1923 and had children Ernest Edward and Christopher. Sadly Elsie died in 1939. Ernest remarried Alice Chattaway in 1941. Christopher died in 1948 aged 20. His eldest son Ernest Edward was my Grandad and he married Doreen Banham in 1943 and moved to Weymouth Dorset.

Does any of this tie in with what you remember of Ernie?

thanks again for the correspondence.
The Ernie born 1902 on the 1911 census 46 Devon Street is indeed my uncle Ernie. I know one of my mom's brothers had a wife Alice and although I am not 100% it was was more than likely Ernie as I never met many of them. I have a photo of a wedding and know that Charles and Ellen Wright are on it as are my mom, and some of her brothers and sisters, and one is Ernie I think. If you email me on the address from a previous post I will send you a copy of the picture. That is if your Ernie is the one I knew.
If on reading the above posts you may be interested to know that yes, the photos proved to be my uncle Ernie, and that the Weymouth Wrights are now connected to the Wrights of Devon Street. This forum works.................!!
I wish I could find out some more details of my wright family. My great grandad was Pc Reginald Wright born 1880. He married Muriel yapp in 1909. I would love find out more about him and the name of his parents. Don't seem to be much census info for him, only 1911. I know he lived in lady wood and his pic featured in book lady wood remembered.
Sharpez, to find the name of your grandfather's father's name, get his marriage cert to Muriel Yapp. The Birmingham Library or Register Office may help if you have a date of their marriage. Both fathers will be on there. Then look for the 1901 and 1891 census with them on. Look at the occupation of the father on the marriage cert and the census, usually they are the same. Also get Reginald's birth certificate, that will tell you both parents names, but you will need to know when he was born, and check address's and father's occupation to be sure you have the correct people.

Reginald Wright age 31 born Kidderminster Worcestershire Police constable
Muriel wife age 25
Muriel Launa dau age 11 months
Hannah Yapp mother in law

Reginald Wright born dec quarter 1879 Kidderminster Woprcestershire 6c 240

Muriel Warrington Yapp married Reginald Wright dec quarter 1909 Birmingham Warwickshire 6d 147

Cannot see him on other censuses

regards Pam
Down-under, Pam, are you a Wright from Birmingham and if so where abouts did you live. Do you have any connections with the Saltley area? Allan
Hi allan
just been reading your request on the forum regarding your wrights family; well i lived two hundred yards from the wrights of ladywood
and they ran a bagwash come combined dry cleaning bussiness and very succesful indeed they was
and there close neibour was the hopkins family whom almost lived at the rear in a terrace next to there shop along with chapmans
this as at thejunction of st marks street and king dwards rd ladywood which came under birmingham 18;
and your chris was attending steward street school ladywood he was in the same class as mee ; he was a very smart kid and highly intellegigent he wrote a poem in the class about the way of life for a travel ;and it was called the caravan ;
he was top of the class kid and the school head brought it to the school hall and stood in front of the pupils ;
and spoke about him and his talent ; he was a slim fair haired lad every body knew whom he was from the laudry shop and dry cleaners
when mike told you shakespear rd ;the house; there property was at the bottom of that rd ; st markschurch was across the rd from the shop and house and there used to be a horse triugh out side there premises for all the trade people with horse to use ;
so i am very confident that working from that address yo should get some good info;
this is inthe fortys and fiftys ; best wishes astonian ;;;;;
would this be your Reginald?
1881Address:17, Blackwell St, Kidderminster Old BoroughHenry Wright, Head aged 54 born 1827 Great Bridge,Master Glazier
Sarah Wright, Wife aged 29 born 1852 Kidderminster
Harry Wright, Son aged 24 born 1857 West Bromwich,Assistant In Glass Warehouse
John Wright, Son aged 19 born 1862 West Bromwich,Assistant In Glass Warehouse
Ellen Wright, Daughter aged 17 born 1864 Brettele Lane,Staffordshire, Dress Maker
Jane Wright, Daughter aged 14 born 1867 Kidderminster
Alice Wright, Daughter aged 13 born 1868 Kidderminster
Alfred Wright, Son aged 10 born 1871 Kidderminster
Agnes Wright, Daughter aged 6 born 1875 Kidderminster
Riginald Wright, Son aged 1 born 1880 Kidderminster
Fred Wright, Son aged 0 born 1881 Kidderminster

He was probably the son of his father's second marriage?
Births Dec 1879
Reginald Wright Kidderminster 6c 240
Henry's first wife was Eliza.Her death was registered in Kidderminster in December 1878.
Marriages Dec 1878
Sarah HADDOCK Kidderminster 6c 327
Henry WRIGHT Kidderminster 6c 327
Henry's 1871 Address: Blackwell Street, Kidderminster
In 1871, Sarah Haddock aged 19,born 1852,was a servant,living in Old Chester Rd,St Mary,Kidderminster.

In 1891 there is a Regh Wright,lodger aged 11 and a Fred Wright,visitor aged 9, living with the Mitchell family at 2 Court 4, Parker Street, Edgbaston, Birmingham
1901 there’s a Sarah Wright born 1852,a widow,occupation monthly nurse,living with the Pressly family in Rann Street,Birmingham.
10 years later she is a patient in the Birmingham workhouse infirmary.
Hello Allan
I am not a Wright from Birmingham. My grandfather was James Jones was a foreman at the Saltley Gasworks He died about 1941. My maiden name is Oakley I have lived in Western Australia since the end of 1968.
Regards Pam
Yes this my family. Thanku. I ordered the marriage cert. Found all this out and just read your message today. Well atleast we both got the same facts. Wasnt sure whether it was the workhouse infirmary or the all saints mental health institution? Looks like Henry dies and Sarah goes elsewhere leaving reg and Fred to lodge elsewhere. Some of the half bros/sister remain in Blackwell street. Listed in 1901 John and his wife living with sister Jane and bro Alfred. Makes me wonder what happened after Henry passed on and why Sarah leaves.
Sarah probably left for work/financial reasons?
I don't think Parker Street was too far from Rann Street at that time.
Sarah probably had to live in with her job,so the boys would have had to lodge somewhere,I suppose?
The children of Henry's first marriage may have resented Sarah and thrown her and the boys out?
(The marriage did seem rather hasty after Eliza's death!)
Hi Astonian- can I just check with Astonian, please, on the comment you made 13.04.2012 on this thread:

' ....your chris was attending steward street school ladywood he was in the same class as mee ; he was a very smart kid and highly intellegigent he wrote a poem in the class about the way of life for a travel ;and it was called the caravan ; he was top of the class kid and the school head brought it to the school hall and stood in front of the pupils ; and spoke about him and his talent ; he was a slim fair haired lad every body knew whom he was from the laudry shop and dry cleaners'

- that this comment was in relation to CHRISTOPHER WRIGHT, son of Ernest and Elsie Wright - DOB 1928 and deceased 29.09.1948. If so - this is WONDERFUL information - thank you for sharing the memories.

Christopher was my grandads brother and died so young.

Would you by any chance remember my Grandad too - Ernest Edward Wright DOB 13.09.1925- married Doreen Banham in Sept 1943 at St Marks Chrurch, Washwood heath?

Can you remember anything else - is there any chance you might have a photo? When he died aged 20 he was a motor lorry driver. Thank you so much again. How close is ladywood to washwood heath?
From your description of the location of the Brittannia pub I'd say it is the one in Saltley corner of Landor St and Adderley Rd North. Across Adderley Rd North was the Austin Morris Factory, previously the Wolseley. 3 or 400 yards down Landor St from there is the canal bridge.
It was definitely an M&B house, I believe there is a photo of it on Birmingham Forum, so it may come up if you google it.