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Witton Cemetery

  • Thread starter Thread starter KarenM
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I was wondering if anyone had any pictures of the entrance to the cemetery that they would be able to forward me, or send me a link as to where I may find some.

Hi Karen,
I lived opposite Witton Cemetery for years and my parents for nearly 40 years.
I have moved out of the area many years ago.
I have a couple of photos taken around 1975 of the inside of the cemetery if you would like copies I'll e-mail them to you but one snag it may take a little time as I have 100s of photos to look at so keep your chin up and watch your e-mail.

Thanks Alf, that would be great. In doing my research I have learned that my grandfather has a baby brother who was buried there and would just like to know what the place looks like.

I may be passing over the weekend. I will go take a few for you. If you get details to me of the grave, I might be able to find it? In which case you could have piccy's of that too? I cant promise because it took me several attempts to find my uncle's grave, so it might take a couple of visits.
Hi Karen,
Glad things are now moving for you on your quest.
It holds a few secrets Witton Cemeterey I bet.
Still to find those photos but I will. :)
I'm back again Karen.

Have a look at this Web page, it might sound like the wrong title but you will find some 12 photos of Witton Cemetery, nicely done :)

Hi Rod..

This is the what I rec'd from Witton Cemetery. I'm not sure what a common grave looks like, such as just a lump of dirt with grass over it?

Joseph Lawrence Gandley - buried 28/08/1904 aged 8
months. Last address 16 Court Great Russell Street. Again buried in a
'Common' grave - section 174 grave 49642.

Matthew Gandley died on 15.1.1870 , was interred on 23.1.1870 in a public grave numbered 16620 in section 103. His last recorded address was Lord Street, Aston Road, Aston he was aged 62 years.

I would be greatful for anything that you could pass on at your convenience.

Hi Karen,
If for any reason Rod can't do it, as I work very near there I'll take as many photo's as you wish including that of the grave then forward them to you via internet..
Over to you then Rod, you have first try..
Karen..... Weve been and looked in vain for the particular burial plots you mention. Most of the common graves are just a large area of grass. Ive taken pictures of both section you mention and I'll upload them to the server shortly once Ive cut the file sizes down a bit. If Kandor could now get some photos of both entrances that would be the icing on the cake. I will be returning to the Cemetry at some point soon, so I can always take the extra pictures if Les is busy. We searched for a couple of hours, although it seemed plain from the start that either the stones have been removed, or there weren't any to start with. We could of course have missed them? although we were quite thorough.

The search for the graves led to some real emotional moments. I removed the grass cuttings from a little rotting teddy bear. A note in polythene attached described the loss of a little one who fell asleep at only 9 weeks? That absolutely destroyed me..... Looking round on our drive out, there were lots of Marble teddy bears, each one marking the grave of a little one.
Consider it done...
Karen, if you could pm me with your e mail address, you'll have them Wednesday.
NOW where could you get a service like this for 10 pounds a year?

Hmm...I've just discovered a new tagline...
Karen you can get a map of the cemetery I will try and find mine it shows all the plots
as for common graves this is a sad reminder of the poverty that existed in those past dark days, a common grave can some times hold up to six internments so when you finally locate the resting place of your deceased you will be saying prayers over this grave for the other poor souls resting there
my grandfather shares is grave with five other souls may they all rest in peace with all their troubles long since gone and hopefully in a much happier place Amen
from the main entrance office they have the registers of burials also, they helped me when I was looking for my Nan and Granddad as you know it's such a big place to search I think you have to go down there on a week day I will keep looking for my map I know it's in my folders (a needle in a haystack)
If you go to the office out of hours you can view a map of the areas on the window. I suggest if this is the case, take a pencil and paper to draw a rough plan!!
Seeing the motorway so close to the lodge makes your picture very evocative Rod.

I remember strolling down Moore Lane towards Lucas Sports Ground, past the pub. Just a quiet little backwater on my patch in Witton.

I found one of my Gt Granfathrs buried in a common grave in Lodge Hill Cemetary. No stone, no marker to remember him by. I stood and said a prayer for him and gave thanks for a life forgotten.
I personally dont know of anyone buried in Witton Cemetery. I do however visit Handsworth Cemetery a reasonable amount of times a year. I have never really been one to take flowers to a grave - yet hold many memories of loved ones close to my heart - But I do have to say its lovely to see the photograph of the flowers by the graves
Thanks so much for the pictures.

I have 3 little girls, my youngest is 4 months and the joy she and each of them has brought is amazing. I could not imagine the pain you would go through burying a baby. My grandfather and his siblings did not know about this first baby their parents had in Birmingham. Everyone else is buried here in Canada and now that I have found this baby, I don't want him to be forgotten.

10 GBP is alot cheaper than airfair and I would be more than happy to pay, oh sure, one day I hope to have the opportunity to fly across the pond, but till then.

I do have the pictures saved in my file.

Many thanks
Rod....please PLEASE .....can you leave the photos ON ....I have appreciated seeing them..my infant sister was buried there in 1948 and I also believe I am going to find long lost relatives were also buried there.
l feel sure that l am right in stating that Common Graves are listed in the cemetery records if you have the details, but l do beleive that no stone or cross was allowed on a common grave and they were reburied upon after 10 years so original no longer existed.
my grandfather is buried in a common grave at Witton cemetry he shares it with five other bodies as you say there is no markers on the grave but the grave still holds the same burials my grandfather died in 1923 the last time we visited the grave it was or as not been disturbed the records still show him to be in this plot
I believe these were known as paupers graves can any one confirm this
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Yes GER22VAN common graves are recorded, so you can visit the area of the place where your ancester is buried.
After a short break, setting up our latest Hampshire project - www.knightroots.co.uk - click on Hampshire OPC, I am back for a quick check on whats been happening.
I was very interested to read the Witton thread because my great grandparents and two gt Uncles are there as per the cemetery office

"The records at Witton Cemetery show that the Late Arthur and Caroline Nevill are buried together on section 42 grave number 5720.
The records show that there were two earlier interments in this grave and that a headstone and kerbset memorial is in place but it is dated from
1935 with no additional inscriptions after that date."

If anyone is passing by and could take a pic, I'd be really grateful

Sorry John I was posting at the same time as you.

Yes they were called paupers graves. They are now oficially called Public Graves.There is an address to which you can, or certainly could, write enquiring about any grave in a cemetary in Birmignham. You do need to know the aproximate date of death.

City of Birmingham Cemeteries and Crematoria
Auchinlock House
Five Ways
B15 1DS
Michael you are spot on about the staff at Witton Cemetry couldn't be more helpful O0
print off a copy if needed layout of Witton cemetery will reduce in a few days so if you need it get it now
right click on plan save as (your own picture editing software) and then print afterwards
select landscape prior to printing