What I am going to say now is a theory and I can't, at the moment, prove or disporve it. I have run the idea past MWS and Astoness who agreee it is possible but that is all. So I am putting it out as a suggestion - you can accept or reject the idea or research further.
I started from the idea that the marriage record in post 18 had correct info. So that William John's Father was called Stephen and was a bricklayer.
That was tricky as I had no idea of his date or place of birth. Then I came across a 1901 census record.

This interested me for 2 reasons - Stephen was born in Badley Hedge Staffordshire and he was a bricklayer. But ... no son called William.
Out of curiosity I clicked on John (roughly the right age) and was astonished to be led to a WW1 record with him listed as William John.
I thought it must be a mistake but it is a pension record with next of kin named.
A check revealed that Eliza Kimberley was the married name of Eliza Dawson. Elizabeth Kings was the married name of Elizabeth Dawson and Jane was the younger sister - all on the 1901 census.
I wondered why it did not name Stepehn (then discovered he had died earlier in 1914). So why not Stephen's wife Jane - she was his second wife and not John's mother. His first wife died not long after the second son (Stephen) was born.