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who do you think you are

I thought it was a good start, Una Stubbs family story very interesting.

I thought she was quite 'luvvy dramatic' but she is after all an actress.
I enjoyed it as well so many unfinished stories for her though...I suppose we all have those.
That's what makes it fun dwilly. I have just found a new family connection in Wrexham, they are undertakers no suprise there..ha ha. It has been a great find as their father has taken me back another three generations and lots of new info.
True but when people start family history they think they are going to find answers but I find you just get more questions which like you say Wendy makes it interesting
True but when people start family history they think they are going to find answers but I find you just get more questions which like you say Wendy makes it interesting

There appears to be something inside us that needs to know, how would you define it:05.18-flustered:?.
I have often wondered about that brumgum and what drives me to seek more. The elation when new info is found does me a power of good.....strange though!
Loved Una Stubbs, she makes a wonderful old lady. There must be parts out there just waiting for her to bring them to life.
Thought so too Di. I'm fascinated by the 'coincidences' in family histories like Una's Rowntrees coincidence. I've stumbled across a few things in my own history. I suppose some people call it fate. But how interesting and exciting when you get that sort of connection. Viv.
Nigel Havers, one of the most interesting episodes I have seen in the history of the programme.
Sorry, it must be me, but I thought the Nigel Havers episode was a bit boring.
Still, I could at least lust after Nige. Ooooh....
Charlie I agree I found it boring especially on the male side, I thought the part about the Miller was more interesting.
I have to agree with Charlie and Carol. I thought the Nigel Haver's programme was a bit boring. The part I loved best was being able to see inside the old mill in Cornwall.
I thought that Nigel was so bothered about where the money and property went that he missed the point of the whole show.
I quite enjoyed it he seemed to have a very genuine affection for his aunt as well. It is difficult for some if they have never done family history. I suppose it wouldn't do for us all to be the same.
Ooooh he was lovely in Corrie though, wasn't he? I love a "baddie" me *, 'specially if he looks like Nige! (swoon)
*Erm .. not in real life though thanks.
I too enjoyed the look into the Mill best, it hardly seemed to have changed.
I've just been reading all the messages regarding Nigel Havers, I to found it boring, but he was on the Steve Wright show & he said that from the time they asked him to appear to the time they started filming in total it was 9 months, so when the show aired I think even he found it a bit boring as all the info was set up for him (which we all know that it is) & in some shots you could see that he just wanted to laugh about the whole thing.
Have finally managed to watch both episodes - really enjoyed watching Una Stubbs, she seems such a lovely person. Such a shame she didn't know her paternal grandparents - and what a coincidence that she was in the adverts for the chocolates made in the factory her grandfather used to work in. Also found it interesting about Welwyn City gardens - I didn't know how or why it was designed in that way.

Also enjoyed Nigel Havers - he seemed to have a quite casual/light hearted interest in the research - also I got the feeling he was determined not to do or say anything just because the programme makers wanted him too - unlike most of the people that take part he seemed to lead all the conversations and it was quite obvious when he had had enough of looking at something or reading something etc. I'm not particularly keen on him (Charlie - how can you lust after him????) but his attitude did make me smile a few times.
I got a little confused with Minnie Driver last night but she managed to find a living relative, it turned out OK in the end!
What a shame her father thought he wasn't worthy of those medals and threw them in the Thames.
Rosie it lost me a bit in the middle, but it turned out okay. I googled her and her mother was a couture model, you could see she was classy in the episode.
i followed minnie drivers story ok last night and so pleased that she has some family photos and found a couple of rellies...really enjoyed it..cant wait for the next one

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I enjoyed the Minnie Driver one as well - although I was disappointed her father wasn't called Lawrence, they could have shortened that to Laurie (Driver):courage::emmersed:
I watched it on iPlayer this evening and really enjoyed it although slight feelings of an unfinished story. I can only feel admiration for her dad and the 18, 19 and 20 year olds who flew for Britain in the RAF and was interested to see he was at RAF Feltwell where I spent some time during National Service.
Just watched it too. Very interesting. Left me feeling sad that so many servicemen never got to resolve their personal issues from the two world wars. Although Minnie's father got help, it obviously didn't quite help him come to terms with the loss of a crew member/best friend, and the issue of why his efforts were recognised and not others. Carrying the 'guilt' must have been a terrible burden for these men. I think my own father carried this guilt too. Seems to be an issue that was never properly aired. Probably in the interests of national morale I suppose. Vi.
I was able to watch it last, and I found she was being directed to certain people in her tree, which I thought was wrong,...so I did a little bit of searching myself just, and found that her father had a sister who died at the age of 4 years, and that his father lived in Preston Road South Yardley for a while, his half brother was Leslie Stancliffe Driver, you can understand why he used Stancliffe as his stage name......,