Hi Chris
I have sent you my email this morning just moments ago I hope you receive it and I hope you can confirm it to me
By the system of on here there e,mail service just put yes but do not type any think else
But come through firstly on my other one to confirm as its private and confidential between us
On the subject of the photo its an old one and I would say that is the bottom end of the street with the coronation
Party or slightly half way way up Dobbs house was almost at the top and there front of the house
Was slightly diffent only by the front door it was one or two steps up into the front door
And his house was at the top end of the street trying to think back all those years possible about 6 or 10 house from the
Corner of the street , I hope you have received my email please ,et me know one way or another
Best wishes Astonian,,,,,Alan,,,,,,