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Westminster Road Handsworth

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Well Graham - It has been eight years since I have seen the old street - where I used to live - The odd thing about it - doesn't seem to have changed one bit -

One long street runs from Heathfield Rd to Wellington - I lived just above Grosvenor Rd - I will copy the picture if you don't mind

My memory of Handsworth is that of a very quiet suburb - and just hope it has still kept its dignity!
Beryl pic is about 80 years old but at the moment I am having scanner trouble so they are coming out quite dark so this one will go in the bin
I have a few more pics of Cromton Rd and the area......
And of the school in Westminster road (the infants and juniors)
John I ran out off pennies for the meter but knew you would help me out :)
Thank you John now I can see my way home from Westminster Road School!

How well I remember playing with smelly plastercine using all messed up colours other kids had used - I didn't learn damn a thing there - lasted a month before being taken out of that school - and had planned on running away!

Now my end of Westminster Road the front gardens are car parks - How is it I remember those gate front fences at the school end - they must have just painted them over the years LOL
Beryl ..Another pic of Westminster Rd ....says Perry Barr but it the same road viewed from other end
With the frequency of John H's illuminations I'm beginning to wonder if he was a gas lighter in a previous life. ;)

John, I reckon you should change that CCTV camera to a searchlight. :D
Still on Westminster Rd with the School on the left and Church on the right
My wife lived further up from the church, although I often wondered if it was the same place as her Irish mother insists she lived on Westminister Road. :rolleyes:
Graham Now you have my end of Westminster Road where Grosvenor Rd cuts across - goes to Perry Barr - up further on the right is Hutton Rd on the other picture Wesminster Rd school - which i was taken out of - later they held dances there on a Saturday night - no alcohol though!
Westminster Road

Lovely photographs, thank you Cromwell. I lived in Putney Road (the end nearest Church Vale).
My Aunt and Uncle got married at the church in Westminster Road and I was bridesmaid (1950). I went to St. Mary's school in Churchill Road but, after my mom 'bolted' I had to go to Westminster Road School for school dinners. Wasn't a patch on St. Mary's school !!!!
:angel: You know I walked all those roads that feature on the forum when I was a little girl of 12ish.
I would go with my Dad, selling packets containing a; Notepad, Envelopes, Pen and Pencil. All for 2/9d at Christmas there were Christmas cards in too for 3/-s. He was almost blind and we were selling them for 'The Institute For The Blind', for which dad got a small percentage of our earnings.
The percentage was not much out of 2/9d as you can imagine and Mom always took it all anyway. So dad took me to boost it up a bit, people who did not want the package often gave 6d, 1/-, or even 2/- for 'The Little Girl', this was shared between us on the 'QT from mom' at the end of the run.
That may sound a little sad, but it meant that I spent heaps of time with my Dad and he would talk sometimes about the family, so to me it was profitable in more ways than one.
I went to Westminster Road school at first but was pulled out - and like you Charlie I went to went to St Mary's - That school was like an extension of my home life -I was never bored - and they were my happiest days
Hi All

Interesting posts and photos - thanks. I was born and lived in 218 Heathfield Rd (opposite Westminster Road/Churchill Road junction). The house was fronted by "Atkinsons" chemist (if anyone has a photo of the shop, it would be fantastic!).

I fondly remember (apologies for any errors - corrections/additions welcomed) the adjacent row of shops, including:

Mayos (butchers)
Morrisons (bakers)
Botwoods (tobacconists and sweets)
George Masons (grocer)
Izals (grocer)
Irons (ironmongers)
Halgarths (newsagent and tobacconists)

Looking back, it's amazing how many thriving local shops there were at that time, before the advent of supermarkets and shopping malls.

I went to Westminster Road School from 1957, and was baptised at the Congregational Church, opposite Westminster Road School. I went on to Handsworth Grammar School, and now live in Essex.

I have many happy memories........


I lived at 192 Westrninsster Rd, close to Wellington Rd near Handsworth Wood
Re: Westminster Rd/Heathfield Rd, Handsworth

Hi Beryl

My father-in-law lived near you - the Clarks. They had a potato wholesale business before/after the War, which was run from a warehouse in their back garden.

I also have relatives from Calthorpe Road - the Neweys.

Which school did you go to?


Hi Olebluenose I went to Westminster school for only one month - - Dad pulled me out and sent me to St. Mary's on Churchill Rd.at Maxwell Ave - - -I was glad he did as I was not learning much, playing with too much plastercine - - I couldn't stand the smell - nor did I like playing with the mixed up colours other kids had used.

The Clarks they had two daughters Mary and Beryl - I knew them very well - Went to many of Beryl's birthday parties - often wonder what happened to them - They lived next door to the Foukes's and across the road from Marlowes another friend and they all went to Westminster Rd school

Last time I went back to Handsworth their place was all boarded up - Next time you talk to your inlaws ask them if they remember me as Beryl Darlaston

Take care Beryl M
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Hi Beryl

Well, well. I shall get in touch with Aunty Mary and Aunty Beryl and ask if they remember you. I'll post their replies in due course.

Beryl Married Gerry Newey from Calthorpe Road, and now lives in Kingsbridge in Devon. Mary married Bill Lansdale, and now lives in Lichfield. Their brother John married Mary Fellows from Thornbury Road, off Birchfield Road by the old Odeon cinema. John and Mary are presently cruising on the Oriana to celebrate Mary's 80th birthday.


After all these years I am sure your aunts will remember me a little dark haired girl across the street - I remember Beryl had freckles inclined to have reddish hair and not very big for her age - still bigger than I was - I also very much remember her mother. . .

My first day at Sunday school - dad saw Mary and Beryl coming down the street so he walked me across snd asked them to take me -

Ask Beryl about Winnie Marlowe- she was closer in age - Winnie had long hair almost to her waist

Yes I remember the church across from Westminster Rd school when I grew up- it Wesleyan Methodists - my friend Winnie sang in the choir. . .

I can hardly wait to hear back from you - Do they have email
I will send them pictures
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I too went to Westminster road junior school Boys to the right girls to the left I was in the class of miss Box we used to call her pill box I think she knew. I lived in Westminster road at number 69 around about 4 or 5 houses past Putney road It was a detached house, Going back I see that it has been developed into flats now.It has just come to me the headmaster was a Mr Clayton. When I left that school I used to go back on a Saturdy night to the dances My name is Joe Allington Does anyone remember me ???
I used to go to the dances that were held at Westminster Rd School on Saturday nights in the early 1950s,those where the days.
Brian Harding
Please see message at top of forum re re photos.

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This thread needs a little TLC having lost all its images. Here's one showing the Congregational Church built in 1882 on the right. Unfortunately the church has been demolished but the Church Hall (?) remains today. There's a foundation stone on the Hall with the name H.G. Reid Esq inscribed.

Streetview images show some remains of the church - see composite photo below.

If anyone has any old photos of the road, please let me know so that we can repair this thread. Thanks. Viv.

image.jpeg image.jpeg
According to the Library of Birmingham the photograph below of the interior

"was taken sometime after the church opened in 1882. The church fell into disuse and combined with Union Row Congregational Church when the new church in Wilton Road was dedicated in 1969".

As the church fell into disuse, I presume that's why it was ultimately demolished. Viv.

I too went to Westminster road junior school Boys to the right girls to the left I was in the class of miss Box we used to call her pill box I think she knew. I lived in Westminster road at number 69 around about 4 or 5 houses past Putney road It was a detached house, Going back I see that it has been developed into flats now.It has just come to me the headmaster was a Mr Clayton. When I left that school I used to go back on a Saturdy night to the dances My name is Joe Allington Does anyone remember me ???

my mother was born at 59 Westminster Road and my 3 aunts lived at 229 Church Hill Road, known as Westminster Villa, two of the aunts were teachers, I'm checking at which school but I'm talking before WW2.
This thread needs a little TLC having lost all its images. Here's one showing the Congregational Church built in 1882 on the right. Unfortunately the church has been demolished but the Church Hall (?) remains today. There's a foundation stone on the Hall with the name H.G. Reid Esq inscribed.

Streetview images show some remains of the church - see composite photo below.

If anyone has any old photos of the road, please let me know so that we can repair this thread. Thanks. Viv.

View attachment 113016 View attachment 113017

My mum was born 1928 at 59 Westminster Road, where her aunt was a midwife and the house shared with several others. I'm not sure if I have any photos of the house inside or out but will look. Also my 3 great aunts lived at Westminster Villa, 229 Church Hill Road.