3 photos here...one showing aldridge road with wellhead lane to the right 1926....the other showing the wellhead tavern franchise st 1930s the 3rd shows the inside of the pub 1958 which i think is the photo jean first posted the pub has been closed for some time now..mainly due i would think to the demo of the university as a lot of students used the pub...as some of you know the uni site will now be developed for use as the commonwealth games athletes village so hopefully the pub may re open...just realised we do have a thread for the wellhead tavern..click on link below
Hare of the Dog Wellhead Tavern
Mark i would think that the area was demolished mainly due to re development although there may have been a bit of bomb damage as well and if it was not for the uni and its students i dare say we would have lost this fine pub...although according to my daughter it is popular with none students...
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