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Weetman family of Ashted

angela burley

master brummie
Could Craig T please get in touch with Angela Burley or Linda Bailey re Weetman family as we are now back from holliday,thanks.Angela.
my moms sister margaret was married to arthur weetman,and lived at 61 frankfort st,.left about 1954 to erdington.don,t know if thats any help.
Hi Irene Angela here,thanks for your message. I have just spent half an hour writing a reply,it wouldnt send and now i have lost it urrrrrrrr. I dont know of an Arthur Weetman and i will write another message with what i do know. Thanks again,Angela.
Hi Irene,my Weetmans,7 boys,Harold,Horace,Alfred,Joseph,James,William and Frank. 4 girls Elizabeth,Ellen,Ada and the youngest my grandmother Florrie. Children born between 1870 and 1892,the 4 eldest may have a different mother. I know about the girls families but not the boys but i have been doing some research lately prompted by contact with Ann and Craig T re.James Weetman. I have been trying to contact Ann and Craig but failed. I dont know of an Arthur Weetman but he would be the next generation down anyway so its a possibility. Does the surname Chapman mean anything to you or Margaret,thanks again Angela.
i only knew them as uncle arch and auntie magg,and sadly have both now passed away.ann is their daughter,but i think it is a generation later as a think my uncle would have been born around 1914,or near that date.sorry angela,i couldn,t help you.good luck.!!
Hi Irene,i have been on 1911 census and found an Arthur Weetman age 2 so born in 1909,living in Legge St Birmingam with brother James 10 and sister Lizzie 4. Parents are James Weetman 31, so born in1880 the same year as my James and Beatrice Weetman,nee Parker 29 b.1882. Do any of these other names mean anything to you at all. Are you doing your family history,do you have any certificates? James the father could be my James but i would need his birth or marriage certificate to know for sure. regards Angela.
sorry angela i,m not doing my history,but will try to contact ann as she is my cousin and craig her son,then i can ask her to check this site.good luck with your search.
Hi Irene,thanks for your help it is much appreciated. I am sure your cousin Ann and son Craig must be the same people who contacted me and my sister when we were on holliday,since then we have had no contact,i hope we have not upset them in any way. We explained that we were not sure if we had a James Weetman in our tree,there were 11 children, the girls we know but we couldnt remember all the boys names. We told them that Florrie Weetman was our grandmother and that she married Joseph Rollinson and we said we would get in touch when we got back to England but we have not heard from them since. We were very excited to hear from them,the best thing about geneology is finding family so i hope we hear from them soon. Florrie died of Cancer in 1957 at Heartlands hospital(then Little Bromwich)when i was 10 yrs old so i knew her pretty well. She was a lovely lady with lovely children,(our dad,uncles and aunts)we also have some photos of her and Joseph. Hope to hear from them soon,Angela.
Hi Irene,great news as today(Sunday 21st) i had a call from Ann and Craig. All is well,they had been on holliday at Anns other sons down South. We talked for ages and are going to meet up some time soon,thanks again for your help,Angela.
really pleased to hear that ang.had tried to contact them as i knew they would be very interested in your news.its great when we can trace our history isn,t it?i am always on the look out for the wiley or walker surnames,so i was chuffed to find my uncles name and make the connection with you and my cousin.all the best,i will follow this story with interest.thanks again for keeping me up to date.
Hi Irene,Ann mentioned the Wiley Surname but i cant remamber why,i have asked Craig to clarify for me. I also have the Walker surname in my tree ,in 1874 , Duffield Derbyshire, George Walker B.1851 married Elizabeth Rollinson b.1855 . Elizabeth was the daughter of my great great grandad. Do you have any connection with Derbyshire,that said Walker is quite a common surname. I have a link to their descendants who live in Lincolnshire.Angela.
thank you for your interest angela,both mine and anns mother were sisters with the surname wiley.my dad was bert walker,with 3 sisters.lily,lucy,and violet,his parents were lucy and charles.sadly charles deserted his family before my dad was born,so they knew nothing about him.i vaguely remember hearing that he lived with another woman in coventry and lived almost as long as my dad who died at 44 in 1961.i feel their history will always be a mystery,so i am more interested an my moms family,who i know much better.best wishesIrene.
Hi Irene,i have been trying to contact Ann and Craig since well before Christmas but have heard nothing from them. I have phoned and written to Ann,do you know if they are o.k.,thanks Angela
hi angela,had christmas card from ann so i know all is well.i can only think they must be staying with paul,anns eldest son.happy new year to you all.

hi angela,i had christmas card from ann so i know all is well.i can only think they are staying with paul,ann,s eldest son.happy new year to you all.