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Wartime Christmas Greetings


master brummie
I managed to find this (well, The Boss did) today.

A Christmas "card", from my Father to my Mother.

This would have been when he was in North Africa, probably 1943, at which time he was hit by a DR, at night, and invalided out.

The "paper" is a flimsy, no doubt designed to save weight. I am surprised, and happy, that it has survived in such good order.

An interesting 'card' Steve. I wondered if the three characters represent the allies: British, American and French (?) I'm guessing French as the character at the back has on a helmet that looks it might be French. If so I expect it was purposely sending an optimistic message.

An interesting 'card' Steve. I wondered if the three characters represent the allies: British, American and French (?) I'm guessing French as the character at the back has on a helmet that looks it might be French. If so I expect it was purposely sending an optimistic message.


I am sure that you are correct, Viv.
