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Warstone Lane - catacombs


Brummie by marriage
Although I have already posted the following in answer to a particular question on https://forum.birminghamhistory.co.uk/showthread.php?t=29329&p=295051#post295051, I thought it might be useful to start a thread of its own, so that further information can be added about the numbering system as/if it is discovered.

There are two levels to the catacombs.

The lower layer don't have numbers over the arches. But the graves at the lower area that have numbers are in section K. My assumption therefore would be that those vaults are all attached to section K. There are three vaults at the bottom that have names Cutler, Patrick and Guest, so these may help sort the numbering out for the bottom section I took some photos of the catacoombs and will attach to a Warstone Lane thread.

The upper layer is simpler because there are numbers over the arches.
To the left of the largest arch (that is adjoining section I), the arches are numbered as follows: 'blank', 1,2, .....9 (I must admit that I had expected them to be numbered in Roman numerals)

To the right of the largest arch (adjoining section J, the numbers are missing - until the last two, which are numbered 10 and 11. Working backwards towards the largest arch (there are 11 small arches), the following vaults have names:
Above vault 1, plaque to Medlicott
2 Lucas
3 Harrison
4 Harrison (Above this vault there is a plaque to Adams)
Again, it would be worth checking the grave numbers for these to see if they include J in their number.
I guess that it would mean noting the dates on the plaque (silly me, didn't and the photos I took were too general), finding a burial number in the library and then asking Handsworth for some help - or is there a quicker way Wendy?

Attaching a couple of photos, so non-Birmingham readers can get a flavour of the place. [Next time I go, I'll take the 'proper' camera and the wide-angle lens to try to get the whole thing in]

catacoombs1_50pc.jpg catacoombs-2_50pc.jpg
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Called in today - click on thumbnails to enlarge.

28th_March_2010_Sunday_006.jpg 28th_March_2010_Sunday_005.jpg 28th_March_2010_Sunday_002.jpg 28th_March_2010_Sunday_001.jpg 28th_March_2010_Sunday_007.jpg

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Smashing photo's Dave the cemetery runs the length of Pitsford Street to the end which is on Ickneild Street.
Fascinating, I've never heard of this place, let alone seen it! It's like a semi-amphitheatre of the dead!
Few more from my visit last Sunday :)

Click on thumbnails to enlarge.

28th_March_2010_Sunday_018.jpg 28th_March_2010_Sunday_016.jpg 28th_March_2010_Sunday_022.jpg 28th_March_2010_Sunday_021.jpg
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I'm really surprised that Elf and Safety have'nt insisted on a handrail round the catacombs or stopped anyone from gaining access. Or have I spoke too soon.:rolleyes:

This afternoon, Brian and I spent some time searching for a missing 'arch' (no 10) on the first level in the left section (as you face the catacombs). We found it (bit like being in a remake of the Secret Garden'), but additional 'trimming' needs to be undertaken before it if fit for photographs! This now means that we have arched 1 to 10 on the left side. I am attaching an annotated photo to show the relevant section.
In addition, we think that we have probably fathomed out the number of that section of the catacombs; based on the fact that the public graves above and to the left of arch 10 are I section and those graves start at I-11, we think that the first level, left hand section of the catacombs is section I, numbers 1 to 10.

As stated in the first post on the thread, the first level section on the right side only has numbering on the two right hand arches (10 and 11). These arches cannot be section J, as the public graves above start at J-1. I think that it is possible that these arches are section M; with a bit of luck it should be possible to get a burial number by using the two plaques and then using this the burial number to ascertain the grave number.

We also did some investigations on the lower level - again we found the pairs of arches that we were expecting to be behind the screen of ivy. No photos of this yet as I ran out of battery on my camera!

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Leslam and Brian a job well done. Oh how I wish I could have been with you.........I need a lottery win!!
It was a pleasure - who could ask to doing anything other than ripping great clumps of ivy off a hidden catacomb on a sunny afternoon in very pleasant company??

And we believe we confirmed I 7 !

Double success..

I would like to thankyou all those who have helped me find the finale resting place of leah louisa morraal
These guys gave up their free time to help another forum member
they have showed dedication persistence and invaluble knowledge
and without these awsome guys i would never have know where leah was buried

Thankyou you so much guys
your truely amazing
i am indebted to all

i paid a visit to day to warstone lane cem to pay my respects to leah morrall who is buried in the catacombs
it sadend me too see that a lot of the graves are run down but then i had to remind myself its a very old grave yard and those that are forever asleep there possable dont have anybody to look after them anymore
but i found it a very peacefull and moving place full of history and wonderfull memoreals
i did try and take a few pics of the catacombs but for some reason my camera was have a moment and kept shutting down
i thought typical of my william morrall he always been a pain to research lol
but i did manage to take one pic but never mind there are always other days

View attachment 56080
Glad you found it peaceful, but please take a souvenir home with you as a reminder of your visit - There's quite a pile of it behind you that was covering Vault 10 on the upper level !

I agree though - it does have a nice atmosphere of its own in Warstone lane.

See you again soon?

you do make me laugh brian
next time im down there i shall take a souvenir loli shall just have to remember to take my secatars with me
but it is a stunning cematery there are some really wonderfull memorials
On my next visit, I'm taking a cricket bat !
Just been shifting several byuilders bags worth of ivy from the catacombs & vaults to the compost site, and had to fight off a couple of irate wasps from the K Vaults which are overgrown above the catacombs - they obviously disagreed with my uncovering the names there.
It's 3 bites to nil today - but tomorrow..............
i did take my tools with that i use when i go to glascote cem in tamworth when i go and visit my dad
and i did think about doing some tidying up when i got to warston lane
but i didnt know if i could as none of the grave or catacombs belong to me and i didnt wont to get get into trouble for desecrating the graves lol
and im not a member of the friends of key hill and warstone lane
but if you guys dont have a problem with it then im more than happy to help the next time im down there
iT'S NOT COMPULSORY TO HELP OUT, but - IF YOU'RE WILLING..............................

The only stipulation with tidying up is if it is a grave and the owner complains, you have to put the weeds back !

Generally, keeping pathways clear, by trimming ivy, weeds is helping the Cemetery who will not / can not do the mtce. but (Health & safety) - If you cause someone to have an injury, you could be liable, but if you are a member, you are covered by the insurance.

Tidying up private graves is doing a friend, neighbour a favour, so long as you do not hurt yourself, it's their private property.
So far no one has complained that their grave is too tidy!

Most of us who tidy up do so, because we do not like to see it in the state it is in and are aware the Council do not have the resources.
Many people now do 'guerilla gardening' - tidying up and planting areas to improve their neighbourhood, regardless of the Council.
We do not suggest you go that far.

But tidy up graves if you wish, onviously be careful, as you would in your own garden