...Seeing the word Funfair has tweeked a scrap from the back of my memory.
The fair used to come to Ward End park every year when my siblings and I were young.
One year, and I can't remember the year exactly but it could have been around 1960, a girl was murdered in the park.
The first we heard of it was when there was a knock at the front door and a policeman was standing there asking to question my parents.
They were going from door to door down every road around or near the park.
That's all I can think of, but I do know that it gave us the creeps next time we went round to the park. We used to look for sixpences lost in the grass after the fair had packed up and left.
The fair used to come to Ward End park every year when my siblings and I were young.
One year, and I can't remember the year exactly but it could have been around 1960, a girl was murdered in the park.
The first we heard of it was when there was a knock at the front door and a policeman was standing there asking to question my parents.
They were going from door to door down every road around or near the park.
That's all I can think of, but I do know that it gave us the creeps next time we went round to the park. We used to look for sixpences lost in the grass after the fair had packed up and left.