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Virus’s and immunisation in the past


gone but not forgotten
The current vaccination process isn't the first one I've attended. There was a Polio epidemic in the early 1950s and someone I knew who died from it.

I was worried at the time and remember standing with hundreds of people in a long queue outside the Public Health Department in Margaret St for a jab. I don't think they had disposable needles back then and the needle they used on me seemed blunt as if it had been used more than once ... :rolleyes:
The current vaccination process isn't the first one I've attended. There was a Polio epidemic in the early 1950s and someone I knew who died from it.

I was worried at the time and remember standing with hundreds of people in a long queue outside the Public Health Department in Margaret St for a jab. I don't think they had disposable needles back then and the needle they used on me seemed blunt as if it had been used more than once ... :rolleyes:
I seem to remember having a sugar cube for polio immunity?
I am not sure about polio jabs but do remember queuing on a Sunday morning at our doctor's surgery for a jab and I thought that was smallpox in the late 50s. However, it might have been polio but was definitely not a sugar lump.
I am not sure about polio jabs but do remember queuing on a Sunday morning at our doctor's surgery for a jab and I thought that was smallpox in the late 50s. However, it might have been polio but was definitely not a sugar lump.

Hi, I remember a time in my childhood possibly late 50's and we also queued at our Dr's surgery , I too think it was for smallpox vaccinations as there had been an outbreak.
The sugar lump method started in the early 1960s. :)
I had my sugar lump in the 50`s.
Quote Was there ever a polio vaccine available in a sugar cube? When I was in the second grade (1950? 1951) my father, who was principal had everyone in school vaccinated. Sugar cubes were used.
I remember having a Smallpox jab, I think it was in the 60's. I also had the Polio ones, the injections not the sugar lumps.
I had a TB jab at senior school, that was probably not very long before it was eradicated in the UK (now sadly back again).
I associate the name Salk with the sugar lump vaccine for polio. I remember having mine as an apprentice at Wilmot Breeden in early 1960's.
There was a Birmingham City FC player, Jeff Hall who sadly died around this time.
Never had sugar lumps - would definitely have remembered that as a kid ! - so I must have had jabs for polio like ASparks. Viv.
I don't remember the sugar cube but I have heard of it. I don't know what inoculations I had/ We had to outbreas of TB once when I was 6 or 7 so 1963/4 maybe and I went to the hospital. Another when I was 10 or 11 it was a round multi pricked device like a little library booker stamper and we got a jelly baby after. I just had this very conversation with a couple I shop for. They remember having the measles and polio jabs. Nan had to big round indents on her upper arm the size of pennies, where she had hers.
I remember having the polio jab at the doctors surgery opposite Spring Hill Library , my sister was recruited to pick me up from school and take me to the doctors' I kept looking at the classroom door hoping she wouldn't come, but the face at the window appeared on time . Although I was only a nipper I can't remember crying , the needles were definitely not like they used today . They seemed about 1/4" inch thick , to the inexperienced eye .
There was/is a multi prick test given about a week before the TB jab itself. It checks if you have already got immunity.

pretty sure the one that left the scar was the smallpox one jan..if you had the jab you should have a round scar..maybe someone will know

There was/is a multi prick test given about a week before the TB jab itself. It checks if you have already got immunity.
Yes I had that, and they said I didn't need the jab because of it. That was possibly from earlier contact with my form teacher who caught it and we all had to trail off to Portsmouth (I lived about 20 miles away) to have an Xray
I’d forgotten about the TB pre-test. I think if the circle of pricks became raised or inflamed you were immune. Is that right ? Viv.
Yes. Mine did not seem to be very raised , but they thought it was enough for me not to need the inoculation
I think we had the test at school as I vaguely remember comparing the test with other friends. So what I’m saying is I don’t remember going to my doctor for this. Viv.
our tb jab was done at school...strange thing is i cant recall actually
having it so maybe i didnt need it ..if i did i am quite sure mom would have made sure it i had it...
Yes I remember having the test at marsh hill girls school around 72 or 73 when i was 13 or 14 .We all queued up outside the rooms by the staff room we were all scared waiting in the queue but it must of been alright as i did not need the jab after.